5 Women's Obligations in Islam

Every creature created by Allah SWT is certainly not created in vain. Including the process of human creation. Humans created by God on this earth are not without purpose and nature to be achieved. For that there are duties and missions that must be carried out by humans, both men and women as the goal of human creation and the purpose of life according to Islam.

Men and women are indeed different, but according to the purpose and nature of humans according to Islam and the human concept in Islam remains the same. Men and women are the same creatures of God, must obey and serve God and carry out life in this world based on the rules that God has made. If it violates, both men and women have the same consequences. There is nothing lower or higher.

The difference between men and women is only in their roles and functions. The rest, both men and women between their functions and roles are mutually supportive, cover each other's weaknesses, and balance each other. Of course it is wrong, if there are those who argue that men are superior or women are superior between the two. For this reason, in order to be more balanced, it is necessary to know their respective obligations.

Obligations of Women in Islamic Views
In Islam women also have functions and roles. This function and role is of course different from the functions and roles of men. In this case the function of religion has regulated it. This difference does not mean that there is discrimination carried out by Islam or intends to demean women. These functions and roles are certainly the same as the goals of human life and are considered in accordance with the potential of women. The following are women's obligations in Islam, as well as their functions and roles in Islamic view.

Obligations as Servants of God
The main obligation of women as humans is to serve and worship only to Allah SWT. No one has the right to be followed by words, orders other than what God has commanded. The love and devotion of a woman to her husband, to her mother, to her family, certainly must not be exceeded against God. In fact, even if they follow the words of their husband, parents, or family, they are all within the framework of following the commands of Allah SWT.

Obligations as servants of God naturally start from believing in all that God has revealed, like what is in the Koran, pillars of faith, pillars of Islam. In addition, carrying out all of Allah's commands both social, life, or technical rules of performing worship in prayer, fasting, etc. Pillars of Faith and Pillars of Islam also become a handle in their lives. Do not forget to carry out the function of the Qur'an for mankind which contains a collection of commands, instructions, and all kinds of guidelines for human life.

This is as stated in the Koran that human beings must always follow and obey Allah SWT. "We actually sent to you the Book (Quran) with (carrying) the truth. Then worship God by purifying obedience to Him ". (QS Az Zumar: 2)

This manifestation as a servant of God is like humans want to pray, "Verily I am Allah, there is no God (the right) besides Me, then worship Me and establish prayer to remember Me." (QS Thaha: 14)

In QS An-Nahl verse 36 Allah reminded again that there were messengers of Allah to invite worship of Allah. That is, worship of God is something that cannot be contested by humans.

"And indeed We have sent messengers to each people (to call):" Worship Allah (only), and stay away from Thaghut ", then among the people there are people who are guided by Allah and some of them are those who have definitely lost their minds ... Then walk on the face of the earth and pay attention to the end of those who reject (the apostles). "

Obligations as Khalifah fil Ard
"Remember when your Lord said to the Angels:" Surely I want to make a caliph on the earth. "They said:" Why would you want to make (caliph) on earth a person who would make damage to him and shed blood, even though we always celebrate praise you and purify you? "God said:" I know what you do not know "(QS Al Baqarah: 30)

In the verse, it is explained that the duty of man is as the philosopher caliph ard. For this reason, all women's tasks must all lead to carrying out this role. As a mother, worker or wife, he must carry it out in order to carry out the obligations of the caliph fil ard. The Khalifah Filard is essentially giving the benefit of mankind on earth, providing prosperity, preserving a better life starting from himself, family, society, and all humanity on the face of the earth. The Nature of Creation of Humans according to the Islamic View is what ultimately becomes an obligation also for humans.

Obligations as a wife for a husband
In the family of its essence, women are wives for their husbands. As a wife, women have an obligation to be able to work together and run a household well with their husbands. Likewise actually with husband. A good wife, she must be able to provide happiness and also help her husband in running the household. The main task of a husband is to make a living while his wife is the manager at home and maintain the mandate from her husband.

The wife's obligations include various things ranging from fulfilling the sexual needs of the husband, managing household assets, maintaining the trustworthiness of the husband, building children's education, and supporting each other with the husband to be able to meet household needs.

For that, surely a good husband will look for criteria for a good wife according to Islam and the characteristics of a shaleh wife who is in accordance with Islam. The virtue of Ayesha as the wife of the Prophet could be a good example of women and fulfill her obligations as the mother of the Muslim community at that time.

Obligations as a Mother for Children
The obligation of a woman can also be a mother to her children. Aside from being a child of his parents, a woman also has the duty to educate her children well. In essence, children are entrusted from God who must be educated and someday they must continue the mission of the caliph fil ard on this earth, continuing what the parents have given and left.

For this reason, in this case a woman who has children has an obligation to be able to provide the best education for children. A mother is basically the person who is closest to her child, because it starts from the womb, breastfeeding, until the mother's role is very large in it. For this reason, this is an obligation of a woman.

Environmental Responsibility - Society
Women's responsibility also towards the environment and society. Women who have more potential, then they can help the environment or the community to be able to advance together. Women who have strengths and abilities can give or spread it to the surrounding environment. In essence the duty of women is not only to themselves and their families, but to all elements that include their functions and roles, as God has given that potential to women.

Career Women in Islamic Views are certainly not prohibited while being able to provide meaningful benefits to their community but still have to consider other tasks in the family. The Law of Women Working in Islam is certainly permissible as long as it does not reverse or contradict the Role of Women in other Islam.




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