Abu Lahab, He Has Everything But Not Helpful For Him

Uncle of the Prophet ﷺ who lived in the apostolic era there were four people. Two believers in the message of Islam and two other kufr even opposed. The two believers were Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib and al-Abbas bin Abdul Muthalib radallahu h anhuma. One person helped and looked after him, did not oppose his da'wah, but he did not accept the Islam he brought. Di is Abu Talib bin Abdul Muthalib. And the fourth is Abdul Uzza bin Abdul Muthalib. He opposed and confronted his nephew. Even became a figure of the idolaters who fought him ﷺ.

This last name we are familiar with Abu Lahab. And the Koran enshrines it with that name.

Physical properties

Through films and pictures, Abu Lahab was introduced to an ugly (not handsome) and black stature. So that the villain's fierce impression fits his appearance. However, historians related that Abu Lahab was a very white figure of skin. A handsome man and very bright face. Thus the ignorant people know him.

The lesson for us, Abu Lahab has a noble word. A Quraysh. Uncle of the best man and the most important apostle, Muhammad ﷺ. Has a position in the middle of his people. Having a beautiful face. But everything is meaningless without faith. Allah akan insulted him by recording him as a wretched person. And read by humans until the Day of Judgment in Surat al-Masad.

While Bilal bin Rabah. A slave, black, not handsome, and far from position and establishment. But Allah glorifies faith. Therefore, don't be fooled by the situation.

Rasulullah ﷺ said,

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى صُوَرِكُمْ وَأَمْوَالِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ وَأَعْمَالِكُمْ

"Verily, Allah does not see your form and wealth. However, Allah is only looking at your heart and your deeds. "(Narrated by Muslim no. 2564).

Why Is He Called Abu Lahab?

Kun-yah from Abdul Uzza bin Abdul Muthalib is Abu Lahab. Lahab means fire. Because Abdul Uzza when angry, the color of his face turned red like fire. With this kun-yah, the Koran calls it, not by its real name. The reason:

First: Because the Qur'an does not mention names with elements of servitude to other than Allah. His name is Abdul Uzza which means his servant Uzza. Uzza is the idolatrous idol of Mecca.

Second: People know him better than his name.

Third: Imam al-Qurthubi rahimahullah stated in his interpretation that the real name was more noble than kun-yah. Therefore, God calls His prophets their names as glorification. And call Abu Lahab with his kun-yah. Because kun-yah is under the name. This is according to the Qurthubi rahimahullah.

The people of his time also knew Abu Lahab with Abu Utbah (Utbah's father). But because of disbelief, Allah alkan left the name Abu Lahab for him. Actually he was a smart figure in Mecca. Unfortunately intelligence and intelligence are not useful at all on the part of God, because he does not use to reflect on the truth of straight Islamic law.

Her children

Abu Lahab has three sons. They are Utbah, Mut'ib, and Utaibah. The first two names embraced Islam when Fathu Mecca. While Utaibah remained in kufr.

Among the customs of the Arabs is marrying people in close family circles. Before becoming an apostle, Rasulullah ahkan married his son Umm Kulthum with Utaibah and Ruqayyah with Utbah. When Al-Masad's letter came down, Abu Lahab mengumimatum his two sons, "My head from your head is unclean, before you divorce the daughters of Muhammad !!", said Abu Lahab. He threatened that his two sons would not meet and speak to them before divorcing the Prophet's daughter.

When Utaibah was about to pray with his father towards Sham, he said, "I will meet Muhammad. I will hurt him and disturb his religion. When I told him before him, Muhammad O Muhammad, I am kufr with stars when he sets and when he is close and gets closer again ... 'Then Utaibah spat in the face of the prophet then divorced his son, Umm Kulthum.

The Prophet akan prayed for his ugliness, "O Allah, destroy him with the dogs of your dogs." (Expected by al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari, 4/39). Utaibah was killed by a lion.

While Abu Lahab died 7 days after the Battle of Badr. He suffered boils all over his body. 3 days the body was abandoned. No one wants to approach the infidel's carcass. Embarrassed, his family dug a hole then pushed Abu Lahab's body with long wood into the hole. Then they throw their graves with stones until their bodies are buried. No one wants to carry it, for fear of contracting the disease. He died as badly as death.

Couples in Evil

Abu Lahab's wife is Ummu Jamil Aura. A name that is not as beautiful as the original character. He was enshrined in Surat al-Masad as a woman carrying firewood. His treatment was very bad for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He put wood and thorny plants on the road that the Prophet used to pass ﷺ at night so that the Prophet was hurt. He is no less bad with her husband.

Ummu Jamil is a woman who likes to fight and ignite the fire of hostility in the community. He had an expensive necklace of gems, "For the sake of al-Lat and al-Uzza, I will make this necklace hostile to Muhammad", he said. Allah antikan replace the beautiful necklace with a rope from Jahannam fire to tie his neck in hell.

When Allah ﷻ took down the letter al-Masad who condemned him and the husband, this wretched woman immediately sought the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. While carrying sharp pieces of stone, he entered the Masjid al-Haram. Rasulullah ﷺ with Abu Bakr was there. When it is close, Allah nya needs his view from seeing the Prophet ﷺ. He only saw Abu Bakr. There is no Muhammad ﷺ beside him.

"O Abu Bakr, I heard that your friend mocked me and my husband! For God's sake, if I meet him, I will hit his face with this stone !! ”His jokes were full of emotion.

Then he poems,

مُذمماً عصينا ، وأمره أبينا ، ودينه قلينا

Our despicable person about
Our business ignored it
And our religion doesn't like it

He changed the name of Muhammad (which is commendable) with Mudzammam (which is blameworthy). Then he left.

Abu Bakr asked in surprise, "O Messenger of Allah, do you not think he saw you?"

"He didn't see me. Allah has covered his view from me ", replied the Prophet ﷺ.


First: Abu Lahab has everything. He bears a noble nasab, a nobleman from among the Hashimites. Respected and has a position in the middle of his people. The best human uncle of all time. Handsome face. A smart and good at deciding problems. His profession is a businessman, taking goods from Syam to be supplied in Mecca or vice versa. But not at all useful for him. Therefore, someone should not be deceived by the world he has. Especially those who don't have the world.

Second: Physical appearance, position, wealth, not someone's reference is worthy of being followed and listened to. Because we often witness today, rich people are more heard and followed than scholars. When business motivators, those who hold high academic degrees, talk about religion, ordinary people immediately judge a truth.

Third: A person's partner depends on his quality. He is like a mirror of personality.

Fourth: The wisdom of Islam and faith is expensive and valuable. A pleasure that God did not give to the families of the prophets. The son of Noah, wife of Prophet Lut, father of Prophet Ibrahim, and uncle of Rasulullah Muhammad ﷺ, Abu Talib and Abu Lahab, did not get this pleasure. therefore, we deserve to be grateful. God chose us to be Muslim while some of the families of the prophets did not. We deserve this blessing by studying Islam, practicing it, and preaching it.





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