Ansar Man with Three Arrows

Narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari, he said, "In a war we went out with the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam to one of the idolaters. We succeeded in capturing the wife of one of them, then the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam returned.

Not long after, the woman's husband came, then told him about the situation that had happened. Her husband swore, that he would not go home so that he could injure the companions of the Prophet.

When the Messenger of Allah was on a journey, he stopped in a village and asked, 'Who are the two of you who are willing to keep us from the attack of the night tonight?' guard you, O Messenger of Allah. '

The two men left for the village alley's mouth without any guards.

Ansar's man asked the Muhajirin's men, "Who will guard you first or me or me then?"

Men Muhajir replied, ‘You just go. I'm late. '

Then the Muhajirin man slept, while the Ansar man began to stand up to qiyamullail, he read the verses of the Koran.

In the midst of reading the Qur'anic verses in the qiyamullail, the husband of the polytheist came. When he saw a man standing (not sleeping), he thought he must be their leader. Then, he quickly took the arrow and let go towards the man who was praying until he hit him. The Ansar man revoked it and he did not shift in the slightest, because he did not want to break the Koran reading.

Then the polytheist husband took another arrow and aimed it at the Anhsar man, but he again pulled it out without breaking his prayer and reciting the Koran. The polytheist husband repeated, for the third time, released an arrow towards the man who was standing carrying out the qiyamullail. He again pulled out the arrow, put it down and continued with bowing and prostration. After the prayer, the Ansar man woke up the sleeping Muhajirin man while saying, "Wake up! Now it's your turn." Then the Muhajirin men got up and sat down.

When the polytheist husband saw two people on guard, one helped his friend, he learned that his mark had been fulfilled.

Apparently, from the Ansar man's body blood flowed because of being hit by the arrow of the polytheist husband.

Man Muhajirin said to his friend, "May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala forgive your sins, why did you not tell me when the first arrow hit your body?"

Ansar's man answered, itu At that time, I was reading one of the Al-Quran letters in my qiyamullail. I'm reluctant to stop my reading. And for the sake of Allah, if I shifted, trying to leave the fortress that the Prophet ordered to be guarded, surely I would perish before I stopped reading the Qur'an. '' (Shifatush Shofwah, 1/773)




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