How To Jima' Or Intimate Relation Can Be Long Lasting

Islam regulates all things in our lives, including jima 'or intimate relationships that are arranged in Islam.

In a marriage, jima 'is one of the routines of husband and wife worship. Not infrequently, because of intimate relationships that are not optimal a husband and wife decide to separate (divorce).

So, having good quality in five 'is a must. One of the indicators of jima 'is said to be of high quality when each party (husband and wife) gets the peak of pleasure.

Generally, husbands often "go out" first. As a result the husband was weak and unable to continue intimate activities, which led to his wife's disappointment.

Scholars teach a number of tips and tricks that can be done by husbands to be able to last long and give satisfaction to the wife first.

1. Position of Husband Above
Before exploring with various possible variants of position, you should multiply the flight hours to be able to strengthen (when holding ejaculation) in a normal relationship position, namely the husband above and wife below.

2. In Prime Condition
The husband is not in a condition that runs out of energy due to hard work all day. Will do the maximum jima before or after the morning prayer. Which is where the husband has slept with sufficient duration at night.

3. Drink Vitamin C
Husbands and wives are encouraged to consume foods and drinks that contain vitamin C. You can also directly take vitamin C supplements which can be easily obtained at the nearest pharmacy or minimarket.

Vitamin C is one of the energy sources that can strengthen stamina. Actually, no special ingredients or drugs are needed to last long when they are in a row. 'God willing, with vitamin C alone is enough.

4. Increase flight hours
To be able to control the ejaculation process, it takes flight hours so that you can know the patterns and ways. Communicate this with your wife, that it takes a lot of practice to really master it well.




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