I Don't Need Your Prayer
One group deviating from Islam is Mu'tazilah. This group is known to promote logic in understanding the text of the Shari'a. When revelation (the Qur'an and sunnah) is contrary to their logic, it will be tampered with, then interpreted according to the weak logic. Or even just rejected. They also believe that Allah ﷻ does not record fate. Goodness and ugliness are human endeavors. Even though Allah irman said it denied Pharaoh who said that evil had come from Moses.
فإذا جاءتهم الحسنة قالوا لنا هذه وإن تصبهم سيئة يطيروا بموسى ومن معه ألا إنما طائرهم عند الله ولكن أكثرهم لا يعلمون
Then when they come to prosperity, they say: "That is because of our (effort)". And if they were afflicted, they threw it because of bad luck to Moses and those who were with him. Know, truly their misfortune is a decree from God, but most of them do not know. (QS: Al-A'raf | Verse: 131).
The Mu'tazilah people claim that humans created their deeds. And Allah ﷻ says,
وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَكُمْ وَمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
"Even though Allah created you and what you did." (QS: Ash-Shaaffat | Verse: 96).
According to them Allah menciptakan does not create evil, and does not prevent humans from doing bad things. It is human beings who act and create their own deeds. This is the form of sanctifying Allah ﷻ. And this is their monotheism. Even though in Ahlussunnah's belief is kesyirikan. Because it implies that there are two creators. Creator of good and bad.
Magi believes there is a God of good and God of evil. If the Lord of good wins, then there are good deeds on the face of the earth. If God is the evil that wins, then there will be immorality, murder, and chaos.
I Don't Need Your Prayer
Hopefully the following story explains about the wrongness of such beliefs.
There is a zuhud and a worship expert who is influenced by the Mu'tazilah thought, his name is Amr bin Ubaid. One day an Arab village (Arab Badui) met Amr bin Ubaid.
The Bedouin said, "Actually my horn was stolen. Pray to God that He will return it to me, "complained the Bedouin.
Amr raised his hand, then said a prayer, "O Allah, indeed you do not want this badui camel to be stolen. O Allah, return the camel to him. "
Hearing the prayer, the Bedouin innocently joked, "I don't need your prayer!"
"Why?" Amr asked in surprise.
"He didn't want my horn to be stolen, but it was still stolen. I was worried, when he wanted my ontaku back, but he didn't come back, "replied the Bedouin innocently.
Reason that fits fitrah is not in line with Mu'tazilah thinking. They intend to purify God from evil, but they fall into error that the evil will of beings overcomes the will of God ﷻ who wants good.
First: God's will ﷻ there are two kinds; the will of kauniyah and the will of syar'iyah.
The will of kauniyah is everything that happens on this earth, good or bad. Allah enci hates Satan and damages him, but He with His wisdom creates Satan. God hates disobedience and kufr, but on His earth this happens. Is He inferior to the will of His creatures? Most holy of God from that. This is called the will of kauniyah. The badness happened with His permission (his will), but He hated it.
The Will of Shar'iyah is acts of obedience and deeds of righteousness of His servants. He wanted it and also blessed him. These two destiny is wisdom from Allah ﷻ.
Second: Mu'tazilah is a group that deviates from the Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah.
Third: Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah believes that Allah has power over the universe. Everything that happens in this nature is at the behest and supervision of Him. When He does not want something, then it will not happen.
Fourth: Islamic teachings are in accordance with logic and straight human fitra.
Fifth: An important principle that must be understood by every Muslim is that it is possible that the Shari'a makes confusion and wonder of reason, but the Shari'a is not something that is impossible. Because human reason is weak. There are things that are confusing and cannot be captured. Weak human reason as weak as their senses. The human eye cannot penetrate the wall, but that does not mean that there is nothing behind the wall. Because the eyes cannot see it. Likewise the quality of human reason.
Sixth: Allah ﷻ Wise in all His provisions. He is the Knower, while man does not know. It is inappropriate for humans to ask about God's actions ﷻ. Allah ﷻ says,
لَا يُسْأَلُ عَمَّا يَفْعَلُ وَهُمْ يُسْأَلُونَ
"He was not asked about what He did and they would be questioned." (QS: Al-Anbiyaa | Verse: 23).
فإذا جاءتهم الحسنة قالوا لنا هذه وإن تصبهم سيئة يطيروا بموسى ومن معه ألا إنما طائرهم عند الله ولكن أكثرهم لا يعلمون
Then when they come to prosperity, they say: "That is because of our (effort)". And if they were afflicted, they threw it because of bad luck to Moses and those who were with him. Know, truly their misfortune is a decree from God, but most of them do not know. (QS: Al-A'raf | Verse: 131).
The Mu'tazilah people claim that humans created their deeds. And Allah ﷻ says,
وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَكُمْ وَمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
"Even though Allah created you and what you did." (QS: Ash-Shaaffat | Verse: 96).
According to them Allah menciptakan does not create evil, and does not prevent humans from doing bad things. It is human beings who act and create their own deeds. This is the form of sanctifying Allah ﷻ. And this is their monotheism. Even though in Ahlussunnah's belief is kesyirikan. Because it implies that there are two creators. Creator of good and bad.
Magi believes there is a God of good and God of evil. If the Lord of good wins, then there are good deeds on the face of the earth. If God is the evil that wins, then there will be immorality, murder, and chaos.
I Don't Need Your Prayer
Hopefully the following story explains about the wrongness of such beliefs.
There is a zuhud and a worship expert who is influenced by the Mu'tazilah thought, his name is Amr bin Ubaid. One day an Arab village (Arab Badui) met Amr bin Ubaid.
The Bedouin said, "Actually my horn was stolen. Pray to God that He will return it to me, "complained the Bedouin.
Amr raised his hand, then said a prayer, "O Allah, indeed you do not want this badui camel to be stolen. O Allah, return the camel to him. "
Hearing the prayer, the Bedouin innocently joked, "I don't need your prayer!"
"Why?" Amr asked in surprise.
"He didn't want my horn to be stolen, but it was still stolen. I was worried, when he wanted my ontaku back, but he didn't come back, "replied the Bedouin innocently.
Reason that fits fitrah is not in line with Mu'tazilah thinking. They intend to purify God from evil, but they fall into error that the evil will of beings overcomes the will of God ﷻ who wants good.
First: God's will ﷻ there are two kinds; the will of kauniyah and the will of syar'iyah.
The will of kauniyah is everything that happens on this earth, good or bad. Allah enci hates Satan and damages him, but He with His wisdom creates Satan. God hates disobedience and kufr, but on His earth this happens. Is He inferior to the will of His creatures? Most holy of God from that. This is called the will of kauniyah. The badness happened with His permission (his will), but He hated it.
The Will of Shar'iyah is acts of obedience and deeds of righteousness of His servants. He wanted it and also blessed him. These two destiny is wisdom from Allah ﷻ.
Second: Mu'tazilah is a group that deviates from the Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah.
Third: Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah believes that Allah has power over the universe. Everything that happens in this nature is at the behest and supervision of Him. When He does not want something, then it will not happen.
Fourth: Islamic teachings are in accordance with logic and straight human fitra.
Fifth: An important principle that must be understood by every Muslim is that it is possible that the Shari'a makes confusion and wonder of reason, but the Shari'a is not something that is impossible. Because human reason is weak. There are things that are confusing and cannot be captured. Weak human reason as weak as their senses. The human eye cannot penetrate the wall, but that does not mean that there is nothing behind the wall. Because the eyes cannot see it. Likewise the quality of human reason.
Sixth: Allah ﷻ Wise in all His provisions. He is the Knower, while man does not know. It is inappropriate for humans to ask about God's actions ﷻ. Allah ﷻ says,
لَا يُسْأَلُ عَمَّا يَفْعَلُ وَهُمْ يُسْأَلُونَ
"He was not asked about what He did and they would be questioned." (QS: Al-Anbiyaa | Verse: 23).
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