Islamic figures: Abu Muslim al-Khaulani, Abdullah bin Tsuwab
News spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula that the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam got sick after he returned from Hajj Wada. Satan also provoked Aswad al-Ansi to return to disbelief after his faith. And so he said about God with lies. He claimed to his people as a prophet sent by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
He is a strong human body, big ambition, hard soul and familiar with his crime. He is also an expert in matters of jahiliyah shamanism, likes to use magic to harm people. In addition to him, he is also fluent in oral, good argument, intelligent brain, clever to mislead people with ignorance. He sought support by distributing gifts and gifts. When appearing in public he always wore a black mask to impress haunted and felt strong prowess.
Quickly the propaganda of Aswad al-Ansi spread across Yemen like a fire that burned weeds. He was assisted by the Bani Madhaj tribe, the largest group in Yemen in terms of numbers and power. It is also supported by the ability to manipulate false stories, falsehoods and manipulate clever followers to strengthen their tactics.
He claimed that angels descended from the heavens to bring revelation and tell him things unseen, then he made various engineering so that people believed in his confession.
He put spies in various places to listen to the problems the people complained about, uncover their secrets, and provoke the ideals and hopes that were stored in their minds. At the same time he tried to get people to help him.
When people come, he serves them well, fulfills all their needs and overcomes all their difficulties. He shows as if he knows all the secrets stored in their hearts. He exhibited miraculous and amazing things so they could conjure up their minds and confuse their minds.
In a short time the name became big, the greatness became more famous, more followers. Shan'a is now under his control, from here it continues to spread to other places to encompass all of Yemen, between Hadramaut, Tha'if, Bahrain and Aden.
When he feels great strength, and many countries and powers, he acts in pursuit of those who oppose him, people who are blessed with faith in God sincerely and in a straight religion.
Against these people Aswad al-Ansi acted violently, not even hesitate to commit sadistic torture. Among the opponents, there was a figure named Abdullah bin Tsuwab known as the Abu Muslim al-Khaulani.
Abu Muslim al-Khaulani is a person whose faith is strong, never compromises with ignorance and always calls for truth. He gave his life to Allah alone, Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. He steered clear of worldly pleasures and jewelry, bernadzar that his life would be used to obey Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and preach his religion. The sale of cheap-cheap pleasures while in the world to be exchanged for eternal enjoyment. No wonder people greet him well, seeing him as a person who is pure in his soul and must pray on the side of his Lord.
Aswad al-Ansi was itching to arrest Abu Muslim and punish him as hard as possible. So that other people who will oppose it tremble and can be subdued.
So, he ordered his soldiers to collect firewood in the Shan'a field, then set it on fire. People were called to witness how a fiqh expert in Yemen and his worship expert Abu Muslim al-Khaulani wanted to "repent" to Aswad and believe in his prophethood.
Until the planned time, Aswad al-Ansi entered a field that had been filled with humans. He walked in tight control, then sat on an oversized chair in front of a blazing fire.
A moment later, Abu Muslim al-Khaulani was dragged into the middle of the arena. The cruel liar looked at Abu Muslim proudly, and turned towards the flaming fire and licked while asking,
Aswad: "Do you testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?"
Abu Muslim: "Yes, I testify that he is a servant of Allah and His messenger. He is the sayyidul mursalin and the closing of the Prophets. "
Aswad al-Ansi's forehead muttered. His eyebrows intertwined with angry signs.
Aswad: "Do you testify that I am an apostle of God?"
Abu Muslim: "My ears are clogged, can't hear your words."
Aswad: "Then, I will throw you into the fire."
Abu Muslim: "If you burn me with fire from wood, you will be rewarded with fire with the fuel of men and stones, under the guarding of mighty angels, who are not against Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and always obey the commandments given to them.
Aswad: "I'm not in a hurry, I give you a chance to use your brain. Do you still acknowledge that Muhammad is an apostle of Allah? "
Abu Muslim: "Right. I testify that Muhammad is a servant of Allah and His messenger. God sent him with the right religion and instructions. God closed all of his treatises with the treatises brought by Muhammad. "
Aswad al-Ansi raised his voice.
Aswad: "You testify that I am a messenger of God?"
Abu Muslim: "I told you, my ears were blocked so I couldn't hear your words."
Increasingly furious, Aswad al-Ansi heard the firmness of answers, calmness and determination. He wanted to order the Muslim Abu al-Khaulani to be thrown into the fire, but his right hand tried to prevent it while whispering in his ear: "You know that this person is pure in spirit, his prayer is perfect, while Allah never allows His servants who believe in times critical. If you throw him into the fire then it turns out that God saved him, then everything you build with great difficulty will be destroyed in an instant, because people will deny your prophethood right then and there. If you burn it and he dies, people will admire him, even flattering him as a martyr. Therefore, you better let him go, just leave him out of this country. Avoid him, you will be more calm and relaxed. "
The false prophet accepted the suggestion. He arrested Abu Muslim and drove him out of Yemen.
Abu Muslim al-Khaulani left for Madinah and sincerely hoped to meet the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. He had believed before meeting the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and longing to accompany him as a friend.
But unfortunately, yet to enter Medina, he heard the news that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam had died and Abu Bakr ash-Siddiq radhiyallahu‘ anhu was chosen as the caliph of the Muslims. It was immeasurable how disappointed he was to hear it.
Arriving in Medina, he went straight to the Prophet's Mosque. He tethered his camel beside the mosque, then entered the Nabawi Mosque after saying the prayer and greetings to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
He approached one of the pillars of the mosque and prayed there. After the prayer, Umar bin Khathab radhiyallahu ‘anhu approached him while asking,
Umar: "Where are you from?"
Abu Muslim: "I am from Yemen."
Umar: "How's our brother who was about to be burned alive by the enemy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala then God saved him?"
Abu Muslim: "Thank God he is in good condition."
Umar: "For God's sake, aren't you the person?"
Abu Muslim: "Right,"
So Umar bin Khathab kissed between the eyes of Abu Muslim.
Umar: "Didn't you hear the news about what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did to His enemy and your enemy?"
Abu Muslim: "No. Since leaving Yemen, I no longer hear the news. "
Umar: "Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has killed al-Ansi through the hands of believers who were there and ended his power and returned his followers to the path of Allah."
Abu Muslim: "All praise for Allah has not killed me until I hear of the death of the villain and the return of the Yemeni population to the bosom of Islam."
Umar: "All praise for Allah gave me the opportunity to meet the people of Muhammad sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam who were to be treated like khalilullah (beloved of Allah) Ibrahim aih alaihissalam. "
After that Umar bin Khathab invited Abu Muslim to face the caliph Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radhiyallahu ‘anhu. Then he blessed the Muslim caliph.
Upon arrival of Abu Muslim, Abu Bakr invited him to sit between himself and Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhu. After the two main friends talked and listened to the story of Abu Muslim regarding Aswad al-Ansi.
For a long time Abu Muslim al-Khaulani lived in Medina. He diligently came to the Nabawi Mosque, prayed at the holy Raudhah and studied with prominent figures such as Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Abu Dhar al-Ghifari, Ubaidah bin Shamit, Muadz bin Jabal, and Auf bin Malik al-Asyja. After that he headed to Sham and settled there. He chose to stay at the border so he could join the Muslims in fighting the Romans and gain the reward of the mujahid fi sabilillah.
When the khilafah was held by Amir al-mu'minin Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan, Abu Muslim often attended his assembly. Many famous events that show the majesty of these two people along with the degree and adab applied by them.
Ever Abu Muslim came to Mu'awiyah who was sitting in the middle of a meeting. He was surrounded by officials, warlords, and clan figures. He saw how people respect and flatter Mu'awiyah excessively. He was worried that this would damage the faith of Amir al-mu'minin, so that he would greet him first: "Assalamu'alaika ya ajiral (servant) of believers." Spontaneously people rebuked him, "Say,‘ Amirul Mukminin (leader) of believers. "
He did not care about their response and even repeated his greeting, "Assalamu'alaika is the apostle of the believers." People say, "Amir al-mu'minin, O Abu Muslim." He remained in his position saying, "Assalamu'alaika ya ajiral mukminin."
When people began to criticize him, he said, "You are the one who was appointed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala as an official for the people, like the people hired to take care of their livestock. He will be given a big wage, if he manages the farm properly and diligently takes care so that the small ones become big, the thin ones get fat and the sick become healthy. But if careless, do not take care of it properly, so that the livestock are emaciated and die, the yield of fur and milk shrinks, then he will not be rewarded, he will even receive wrath and punishment. Therefore you, O Mu’awiyah, may choose which one is good for you and forget which one you want. "
The Caliph sat listening and then raised his head and said, "May Allah reward you better for your attention to us and the people. We know you who always give advice because of God and His apostles and for the good of the Muslims. "
Another case, when Abu Muslim al-Khaulani attended Friday prayers in Damascus. Amirul Mu'minin Mu'awiyah delivered a sermon containing an appeal for people to clean and dredge the Barada river so that the water is clean.
When he was in the midst of the sermon, from the midst of the congregation Abu Muslim raised his voice: "O Mu'awiyah, do you realize that today or tomorrow you will die and be homeless? When you bring lunch, that's what you are told. If you come empty-handed then you will find your place in the form of a flat lahat. I hope that you don't expect Mu'awiyah to believe that power is merely an order to dig a river and collect wealth. Khiafah demands a right practice and just action that calls on people to the things Allah blessed Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
O Mu’awiyah, you don't need to worry about the murky river if the source is clean. In fact you are our source, so try to keep yourself clean. O Mu'awiyah, if you menzhalimi someone, then the tyranny can be removed with your justice. Beware of tyranny, because it is darkness in the hereafter. "
When Abu Muslim finished his words, Mu'awiyah descended from the pulpit, approached him and said, "May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala bless you and may Allah repay your kindness."
Another example, when Mu'awiyah returned to appear in the pulpit to preach, he postponed the distribution of property to the community in the next two months. Abu Muslim admonished him: "O Mu’awiyah this property is not your property or your father's property. Why did you keep him for so long from people? "
A sign of anger seems implied on Mu’awiyah's face. People are waiting for what they want to do. He motioned for the people to remain in their respective places, while he himself descended from the pulpit, performed ablution then poured over his body and then went up again to the pulpit.
Then he recited the tahmid and tasbih and said, "Tadi Abu Muslim warned that this treasure was not my property or my father's property. There really isn't anything wrong with those words. I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Angry comes from Satan and Satan comes from fire, so if one of you is angry, please take a bath immediately." O brothers and sisters, you take your rights with the blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta 'ala. "
May Allah repay the kindness of Abu Muslim al-Khaulani who is able to be a good example in conveying the truth. May Allah bestow His mercy and pleasure on Amir al-mu'minin Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan because he gave an example to the rulers of how to accept the truth and submit to the right sentence.
He is a strong human body, big ambition, hard soul and familiar with his crime. He is also an expert in matters of jahiliyah shamanism, likes to use magic to harm people. In addition to him, he is also fluent in oral, good argument, intelligent brain, clever to mislead people with ignorance. He sought support by distributing gifts and gifts. When appearing in public he always wore a black mask to impress haunted and felt strong prowess.
Quickly the propaganda of Aswad al-Ansi spread across Yemen like a fire that burned weeds. He was assisted by the Bani Madhaj tribe, the largest group in Yemen in terms of numbers and power. It is also supported by the ability to manipulate false stories, falsehoods and manipulate clever followers to strengthen their tactics.
He claimed that angels descended from the heavens to bring revelation and tell him things unseen, then he made various engineering so that people believed in his confession.
He put spies in various places to listen to the problems the people complained about, uncover their secrets, and provoke the ideals and hopes that were stored in their minds. At the same time he tried to get people to help him.
When people come, he serves them well, fulfills all their needs and overcomes all their difficulties. He shows as if he knows all the secrets stored in their hearts. He exhibited miraculous and amazing things so they could conjure up their minds and confuse their minds.
In a short time the name became big, the greatness became more famous, more followers. Shan'a is now under his control, from here it continues to spread to other places to encompass all of Yemen, between Hadramaut, Tha'if, Bahrain and Aden.
When he feels great strength, and many countries and powers, he acts in pursuit of those who oppose him, people who are blessed with faith in God sincerely and in a straight religion.
Against these people Aswad al-Ansi acted violently, not even hesitate to commit sadistic torture. Among the opponents, there was a figure named Abdullah bin Tsuwab known as the Abu Muslim al-Khaulani.
Abu Muslim al-Khaulani is a person whose faith is strong, never compromises with ignorance and always calls for truth. He gave his life to Allah alone, Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. He steered clear of worldly pleasures and jewelry, bernadzar that his life would be used to obey Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and preach his religion. The sale of cheap-cheap pleasures while in the world to be exchanged for eternal enjoyment. No wonder people greet him well, seeing him as a person who is pure in his soul and must pray on the side of his Lord.
Aswad al-Ansi was itching to arrest Abu Muslim and punish him as hard as possible. So that other people who will oppose it tremble and can be subdued.
So, he ordered his soldiers to collect firewood in the Shan'a field, then set it on fire. People were called to witness how a fiqh expert in Yemen and his worship expert Abu Muslim al-Khaulani wanted to "repent" to Aswad and believe in his prophethood.
Until the planned time, Aswad al-Ansi entered a field that had been filled with humans. He walked in tight control, then sat on an oversized chair in front of a blazing fire.
A moment later, Abu Muslim al-Khaulani was dragged into the middle of the arena. The cruel liar looked at Abu Muslim proudly, and turned towards the flaming fire and licked while asking,
Aswad: "Do you testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?"
Abu Muslim: "Yes, I testify that he is a servant of Allah and His messenger. He is the sayyidul mursalin and the closing of the Prophets. "
Aswad al-Ansi's forehead muttered. His eyebrows intertwined with angry signs.
Aswad: "Do you testify that I am an apostle of God?"
Abu Muslim: "My ears are clogged, can't hear your words."
Aswad: "Then, I will throw you into the fire."
Abu Muslim: "If you burn me with fire from wood, you will be rewarded with fire with the fuel of men and stones, under the guarding of mighty angels, who are not against Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and always obey the commandments given to them.
Aswad: "I'm not in a hurry, I give you a chance to use your brain. Do you still acknowledge that Muhammad is an apostle of Allah? "
Abu Muslim: "Right. I testify that Muhammad is a servant of Allah and His messenger. God sent him with the right religion and instructions. God closed all of his treatises with the treatises brought by Muhammad. "
Aswad al-Ansi raised his voice.
Aswad: "You testify that I am a messenger of God?"
Abu Muslim: "I told you, my ears were blocked so I couldn't hear your words."
Increasingly furious, Aswad al-Ansi heard the firmness of answers, calmness and determination. He wanted to order the Muslim Abu al-Khaulani to be thrown into the fire, but his right hand tried to prevent it while whispering in his ear: "You know that this person is pure in spirit, his prayer is perfect, while Allah never allows His servants who believe in times critical. If you throw him into the fire then it turns out that God saved him, then everything you build with great difficulty will be destroyed in an instant, because people will deny your prophethood right then and there. If you burn it and he dies, people will admire him, even flattering him as a martyr. Therefore, you better let him go, just leave him out of this country. Avoid him, you will be more calm and relaxed. "
The false prophet accepted the suggestion. He arrested Abu Muslim and drove him out of Yemen.
Abu Muslim al-Khaulani left for Madinah and sincerely hoped to meet the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. He had believed before meeting the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and longing to accompany him as a friend.
But unfortunately, yet to enter Medina, he heard the news that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam had died and Abu Bakr ash-Siddiq radhiyallahu‘ anhu was chosen as the caliph of the Muslims. It was immeasurable how disappointed he was to hear it.
Arriving in Medina, he went straight to the Prophet's Mosque. He tethered his camel beside the mosque, then entered the Nabawi Mosque after saying the prayer and greetings to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
He approached one of the pillars of the mosque and prayed there. After the prayer, Umar bin Khathab radhiyallahu ‘anhu approached him while asking,
Umar: "Where are you from?"
Abu Muslim: "I am from Yemen."
Umar: "How's our brother who was about to be burned alive by the enemy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala then God saved him?"
Abu Muslim: "Thank God he is in good condition."
Umar: "For God's sake, aren't you the person?"
Abu Muslim: "Right,"
So Umar bin Khathab kissed between the eyes of Abu Muslim.
Umar: "Didn't you hear the news about what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did to His enemy and your enemy?"
Abu Muslim: "No. Since leaving Yemen, I no longer hear the news. "
Umar: "Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has killed al-Ansi through the hands of believers who were there and ended his power and returned his followers to the path of Allah."
Abu Muslim: "All praise for Allah has not killed me until I hear of the death of the villain and the return of the Yemeni population to the bosom of Islam."
Umar: "All praise for Allah gave me the opportunity to meet the people of Muhammad sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam who were to be treated like khalilullah (beloved of Allah) Ibrahim aih alaihissalam. "
After that Umar bin Khathab invited Abu Muslim to face the caliph Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radhiyallahu ‘anhu. Then he blessed the Muslim caliph.
Upon arrival of Abu Muslim, Abu Bakr invited him to sit between himself and Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhu. After the two main friends talked and listened to the story of Abu Muslim regarding Aswad al-Ansi.
For a long time Abu Muslim al-Khaulani lived in Medina. He diligently came to the Nabawi Mosque, prayed at the holy Raudhah and studied with prominent figures such as Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Abu Dhar al-Ghifari, Ubaidah bin Shamit, Muadz bin Jabal, and Auf bin Malik al-Asyja. After that he headed to Sham and settled there. He chose to stay at the border so he could join the Muslims in fighting the Romans and gain the reward of the mujahid fi sabilillah.
When the khilafah was held by Amir al-mu'minin Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan, Abu Muslim often attended his assembly. Many famous events that show the majesty of these two people along with the degree and adab applied by them.
Ever Abu Muslim came to Mu'awiyah who was sitting in the middle of a meeting. He was surrounded by officials, warlords, and clan figures. He saw how people respect and flatter Mu'awiyah excessively. He was worried that this would damage the faith of Amir al-mu'minin, so that he would greet him first: "Assalamu'alaika ya ajiral (servant) of believers." Spontaneously people rebuked him, "Say,‘ Amirul Mukminin (leader) of believers. "
He did not care about their response and even repeated his greeting, "Assalamu'alaika is the apostle of the believers." People say, "Amir al-mu'minin, O Abu Muslim." He remained in his position saying, "Assalamu'alaika ya ajiral mukminin."
When people began to criticize him, he said, "You are the one who was appointed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala as an official for the people, like the people hired to take care of their livestock. He will be given a big wage, if he manages the farm properly and diligently takes care so that the small ones become big, the thin ones get fat and the sick become healthy. But if careless, do not take care of it properly, so that the livestock are emaciated and die, the yield of fur and milk shrinks, then he will not be rewarded, he will even receive wrath and punishment. Therefore you, O Mu’awiyah, may choose which one is good for you and forget which one you want. "
The Caliph sat listening and then raised his head and said, "May Allah reward you better for your attention to us and the people. We know you who always give advice because of God and His apostles and for the good of the Muslims. "
Another case, when Abu Muslim al-Khaulani attended Friday prayers in Damascus. Amirul Mu'minin Mu'awiyah delivered a sermon containing an appeal for people to clean and dredge the Barada river so that the water is clean.
When he was in the midst of the sermon, from the midst of the congregation Abu Muslim raised his voice: "O Mu'awiyah, do you realize that today or tomorrow you will die and be homeless? When you bring lunch, that's what you are told. If you come empty-handed then you will find your place in the form of a flat lahat. I hope that you don't expect Mu'awiyah to believe that power is merely an order to dig a river and collect wealth. Khiafah demands a right practice and just action that calls on people to the things Allah blessed Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
O Mu’awiyah, you don't need to worry about the murky river if the source is clean. In fact you are our source, so try to keep yourself clean. O Mu'awiyah, if you menzhalimi someone, then the tyranny can be removed with your justice. Beware of tyranny, because it is darkness in the hereafter. "
When Abu Muslim finished his words, Mu'awiyah descended from the pulpit, approached him and said, "May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala bless you and may Allah repay your kindness."
Another example, when Mu'awiyah returned to appear in the pulpit to preach, he postponed the distribution of property to the community in the next two months. Abu Muslim admonished him: "O Mu’awiyah this property is not your property or your father's property. Why did you keep him for so long from people? "
A sign of anger seems implied on Mu’awiyah's face. People are waiting for what they want to do. He motioned for the people to remain in their respective places, while he himself descended from the pulpit, performed ablution then poured over his body and then went up again to the pulpit.
Then he recited the tahmid and tasbih and said, "Tadi Abu Muslim warned that this treasure was not my property or my father's property. There really isn't anything wrong with those words. I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Angry comes from Satan and Satan comes from fire, so if one of you is angry, please take a bath immediately." O brothers and sisters, you take your rights with the blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta 'ala. "
May Allah repay the kindness of Abu Muslim al-Khaulani who is able to be a good example in conveying the truth. May Allah bestow His mercy and pleasure on Amir al-mu'minin Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan because he gave an example to the rulers of how to accept the truth and submit to the right sentence.
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