Islamic Hero - Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi, Hero of War at Balath Shuhada
An English poet, Southy, wrote about Islamic forces invading mainland Europe after taking control of Russia, he said:
"There are countless numbers of troops, some from the tribes of Barbarian, Roman, Persian, Qibti, Tartar, ... all gathered under one banner, united by the great commander. His strength is strong, his enthusiasm stirs like fire and his brotherhood is amazing, does not discriminate between fellow humans.
In the soul of the Leader and the one who was led, there was a rounded determination to fight. They are optimistic about their invincible strength, and are sure that their forces will not find it difficult. Optimistic, that each step will be followed by victory. They continued to advance and advance until the Western world surrendered to the Eastern world, bowed to honor the name of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
People from the poles that are full of frozen ice mountains come all the way to performing the Hajj. Crossing the Sahara with bare feet with faith, walking in the hot desert in Arabia, standing on the steep rocks of Mecca. "
Indeed, what you say is not far from reality. Your imagination is also not missed. Soldiers led by the Mujahideen did want to free your ancestors from the darkness of ignorance, as you mentioned.
Participating in these forces is the mighty Arabs. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala raised them and guided him to come to you from Sham, Hijaz, Nejd, Yemen and the corners of the Arabian Peninsula, rolling up everything like a storm. They were accompanied by Barbarians who were proud of their Islam, who descended from the Atlas mountains, sweeping like a flood. Also the Persians, who had escaped the shackles of the emperor's paganism and entered into the religion of monotheism, a straight path. Not to forget the Romans, defectors in your opinion, indeed they defected from tyranny and darkness to the bright light of heaven and earth and received guidance towards a holy religion. Then the people of Qibti, who were free from slavery and shackles who strangled their necks, turned to an independent free life under the banner of Islam, returning to the sacred as when their mothers were born.
Exactly, indeed the forces led by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and the elders of Daang to release your ancestors from belenggu jahiliyah. Among them are white, black, Arabic, and Ajam (non-Arabic). But they are united in Islam. The pleasure of God makes them brothers. Their enthusiasm as you mentioned is putting Europeans into the religion of God as people in the Eastern Hemisphere and Africa. So that all humanity is subject to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the creator of the universe.
With the light of Islam will illuminate your plains and valleys, the sun radiates in each of your homes and justice stands between your people and your rulers. They are determined to sacrifice their precious lives to guide you to the path of God and save you from hellfire.
Now, let us follow the end of the journey of the Islamic forces and their great commander, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi.
The news of the death of Uthman bin Abi Nus'ah and the fate of his beautiful daughter, Minin, surprised Duke Octania. He realized that the war drums had been beaten. Sooner or later the Islamic lion, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi will invade at any time, no matter day or night.
Emperor Duke Octania immediately prepared himself to defend every inch of his territory. It's just that bad shadows always haunt him. He was worried that he would become a prisoner of the Muslims like his daughter who was now sent to Sham. He was afraid that his head would be beheaded and then put on the trays and paraded around the city like Loderik, king of Andaluisia.
Allegedly Duke Octania was right, suddenly Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi really came along with an extraordinarily large army, storming from Northern Spain like a tidal wave and descending into the South of France from the Pyrenees mountains like a flood. The soldiers reached 100,000 people and each battalion was accompanied by a large selection of large soldiers.
Islamic warriors entered through the city of Arles located on the banks of the Rhone river. The consideration is because the city is bound by a peace treaty with Muslims and has agreed to the obligation to pay jizyah. But apparently after the governor of as-Samah bin Malik al-Khaulani died in Toulouse and the Muslim forces weakened, they violated the agreement and refused to pay jizyah.
The arrival of Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and his forces on the Azil border, was welcomed by a large force prepared by Duke Octania to hamper the advance of the Islamic forces. Two opposing powers. The big war is inevitable.
The first troops deployed by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi were special forces who loved death more than love
An English poet, Southy, wrote about Islamic forces invading mainland Europe after taking control of Russia, he said:
"There are countless numbers of troops, some from the tribes of Barbarian, Roman, Persian, Qibti, Tartar, ... all gathered under one banner, united by the great commander. His strength is strong, his enthusiasm stirs like fire and his brotherhood is amazing, does not discriminate between fellow humans.
In the soul of the Leader and the one who was led, there was a rounded determination to fight. They are optimistic about their invincible strength, and are sure that their forces will not find it difficult. Optimistic, that each step will be followed by victory. They continued to advance and advance until the Western world surrendered to the Eastern world, bowed to honor the name of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
People from the poles that are full of frozen ice mountains come all the way to performing the Hajj. Crossing the Sahara with bare feet with faith, walking in the hot desert in Arabia, standing on the steep rocks of Mecca. "
Indeed, what you say is not far from reality. Your imagination is also not missed. Soldiers led by the Mujahideen did want to free your ancestors from the darkness of ignorance, as you mentioned.
Participating in these forces is the mighty Arabs. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala raised them and guided him to come to you from Sham, Hijaz, Nejd, Yemen and the corners of the Arabian Peninsula, rolling up everything like a storm. They were accompanied by Barbarians who were proud of their Islam, who descended from the Atlas mountains, sweeping like a flood. Also the Persians, who had escaped the shackles of the emperor's paganism and entered into the religion of monotheism, a straight path. Not to forget the Romans, defectors in your opinion, indeed they defected from tyranny and darkness to the bright light of heaven and earth and received guidance towards a holy religion. Then the people of Qibti, who were free from slavery and shackles who strangled their necks, turned to an independent free life under the banner of Islam, returning to the sacred as when their mothers were born.
Exactly, indeed the forces led by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and the elders of Daang to release your ancestors from belenggu jahiliyah. Among them are white, black, Arabic, and Ajam (non-Arabic). But they are united in Islam. The pleasure of God makes them brothers. Their enthusiasm as you mentioned is putting Europeans into the religion of God as people in the Eastern Hemisphere and Africa. So that all humanity is subject to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the creator of the universe.
With the light of Islam will illuminate your plains and valleys, the sun radiates in each of your homes and justice stands between your people and your rulers. They are determined to sacrifice their precious lives to guide you to the path of God and save you from hellfire.
Now, let us follow the end of the journey of the Islamic forces and their great commander, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi.
The news of the death of Uthman bin Abi Nus'ah and the fate of his beautiful daughter, Minin, surprised Duke Octania. He realized that the war drums had been beaten. Sooner or later the Islamic lion, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi will invade at any time, no matter day or night.
Emperor Duke Octania immediately prepared himself to defend every inch of his territory. It's just that bad shadows always haunt him. He was worried that he would become a prisoner of the Muslims like his daughter who was now sent to Sham. He was afraid that his head would be beheaded and then put on the trays and paraded around the city like Loderik, king of Andaluisia.
Allegedly Duke Octania was right, suddenly Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi really came along with an extraordinarily large army, storming from Northern Spain like a tidal wave and descending into the South of France from the Pyrenees mountains like a flood. The soldiers reached 100,000 people and each battalion was accompanied by a large selection of large soldiers.
Islamic warriors entered through the city of Arles located on the banks of the Rhone river. The consideration is because the city is bound by a peace treaty with Muslims and has agreed to the obligation to pay jizyah. But apparently after the governor of as-Samah bin Malik al-Khaulani died in Toulouse and the Muslim forces weakened, they violated the agreement and refused to pay jizyah.
The arrival of Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and his forces on the Azil border, was welcomed by a large force prepared by Duke Octania to hamper the advance of the Islamic forces. Two opposing powers. The big war is inevitable.
The first troops deployed by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi were special forces who loved death more than the love of the enemy for life. They succeeded in destabilizing and finally destroying the enemy ranks. The battle continued to spread into the city. Swords flashed to the left and right. Islamic forces get the ghanimah results out of calculation.
But unfortunately, Duke Octania managed to escape from the field along with the remnants of his troops. So he still has the potential to get ready for the next battle, because he is aware that the battle in Arles was just the beginning of a long war.
Together with his troops, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi crossed the Garonne river. They won victory for victory. One by one, the cities of Octania can be captured through their cavalry forces, such as leaves bearing the wind. Ghanimah has piled up to an amount that has never been encountered before.
Duke Octania tried to stem the Islamic forces for the second time by preparing for a major battle. But even this time the Muslims are able to overcome it. They beat and destroyed his army. Duke Octania again escaped leaving the soldiers in turmoil. Many were killed, not a few were captured and some were running away from the battlefield.
The next target of the attack was Bordeaux, the largest city in France at that time as well as the capital of Octania. The war to fight for Bordeaux is no less exciting than the wars that have been past. The defense system is certainly more robust. But with a tireless struggle, this big city can be captured by Muslim forces like other cities. The commanders of the enemy fall as friends who have overtaken them.
There are many treasures ghanimah obtained in this war. But more important is the fall of Bordeaux which is the key to opening other important French cities, such as Lyon, Besancon and Sens, so that the position of Islamic forces at that time was only a hundred miles away from Paris.
The European world was shocked to find that the South of France had surrendered to Abdurrahman. al-Ghafiqi in just a few months. The eyes of the Western world are open to the great danger facing them.
Suggestions for participation echoed throughout Europe. Everyone, capable or not, is expected to participate in stemming the heavy East flow. If you are unable to stem with a sword, you should hold it with your chest. If the weapon runs out, the road should be closed with their bodies. Europe rose to welcome the call. People came from all directions carrying everything that could be used, stones, wood, thorns and swords. They united under the command of Karel Martel.
At the same time Islamic warriors arrived in Tours, a French city that was densely populated and kept beautiful old buildings. The city is proud of its magnificent churches that are the most beautiful in all of Europe and contain full of priceless wealth.
Islamic warriors surrounded the circle like a horse's bridle wrapped around the horse's neck. They are ready to sacrifice their lives to take this city. And indeed, Tours fell before the eyes and hearing of Karel Martel.
End of the month Sya'ban 104 H Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi along with his mighty troops entered the city of Poitiers. They were welcomed by a large European force led by Karel Martel. The great war between the two forces was not only recorded in the history of Islam and the West, but also in the history of mankind. The battle was known by the name, "Balath Shuhada," because of the many Islamic soldiers who were martyred.
At that time the Islamic forces were truly in the glorious peak of glory. But unfortunately, their backs are too heavy to bear the abundant results of the ghanimah. Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi witnessed it with a sad and worried heart. He worried about the condition of the troops. How can you calm down while the hearts and minds of the soldiers begin to switch to those possessions? In decisive moments their souls are divided, one eye looks at the enemy and the other one glances at the treasures of Ghanimah.
Abdurrahman was eager to encourage his troops to break away from the ghanimah which was piled up. But he doubted whether they could accept the decision happily. So there was no other way except that he had to collect all the ghanimah in the tents which were functioned as warehouses. Then it was put behind the base before the war broke out.
Two forces of equal size take the opposite position. Some days the atmosphere feels tense. Silent and full of inquiry, like two big mountains. Each measures the strength of your opponent and thinks a thousand times to choose the right time to attack.
Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi began to break through the Western defenses with his army like a lion that struck ferociously. The West survives like a strong fortress. A battle raged all day and there were no signs of victory on either side. Had it not been blocked by the darkness of the night, surely they would not have stopped fighting.
Entering the second day, the battle flared up again. Islamic soldiers attacked bravely and strong determination, but the Western defense was not yet deterred.
The war lasted for seven consecutive days violently. On the eighth day, little by little the enemy ranks began to tear apart. Winning hopes began to appear. Like a dawn of light in the morning. But at the same time, a group of Western warriors attacked the storage area of the Ghanimah treasure and controlled it almost entirely easily. Seeing this, the Islamic forces began to falter. Most of them retreated backwards to save the treasure of the ghanimah to damage the front row defense.
The Commander-in-Chief Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi persistently tried to prevent his soldiers from receding backwards, while continuing to hold back the flow of attacks from the front and cover the weak gaps. He moves quickly here and there with his mighty horse. At that moment an arrow hit his body so he fell from a horse like an eagle that fell from the top of a mountain. Then the martyrdom was manifested in the coveted battlefield.
As for the Islamic forces, seeing the commander's death, they are increasingly in disarray, while the enemy is increasingly eager to push forward. Nobody was able to stop their ferocity other than the night that began to creep.
In the morning Karel Martel found that Islamic forces had withdrawn from the battlefield of Pioitiers. But he did not dare to pursue. Even if he pursued him, he would surely succeed in destroying the Muslims. He thought that the retreat of the Islamic forces was intentional to lure them out of the open field. He thought it was a new Muslim strategy planned the night before. So Karel Martel chose to stay in place and feel enough to stem the forces that endanger it, then enjoy the victory he achieved.
Balath Shuhada has become a monumental event in history. On that day the Muslims had wasted a golden opportunity that was wide open, and even lost a great leader and formidable hero named Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi. The event was like a heartbreaking tragedy of Uhud.
Thus, everything has become the sunnatullah of His servants, no one has the power to change or replace it.
The news of the defeat at Balath Shuhada was a slap that shook the Muslims in all corners. Grief and sorrow struck every village and city, entering every Islamic house. The wound is still painful, and will still be remembered while there is still a Muslim on the surface of this earth. But, don't you think the tragedy is just sad for the Muslims. Westerners who have common sense also feel that way. For them, the victory of their ancestors over the Muslims in Poititers was a big disaster for humankind, especially harming Europe in achieving progress.
As proof of this group's opinion, let us consider the commentary on the defeat of the Muslims at Balath Shuhada, by the editor in chief of the "Parliamentary Review" magazine Henry de Syambon, "If not for Karel Martel's victory over the Islamic forces in France, of course our country no need to sink into the darkness of ignorance in medieval times. It won't be that bad. And we also do not need to experience a massive massacre based on the fanaticism of religious sects. True, had it not been for the Western victory at that time, Spain would have been able to live in pure Islamic wisdom, survive the cruelty of intelligence agencies and not be late in receiving the flow of progress for eight centuries. Although there are differences in taste and views about the victory, what is clear is that we are truly indebted to the Muslims for the progress of the noble science, art and culture that they carry. We must recognize that Muslims are perfect examples of humanity when we were still ferocious Barbarian humans. "
"There are countless numbers of troops, some from the tribes of Barbarian, Roman, Persian, Qibti, Tartar, ... all gathered under one banner, united by the great commander. His strength is strong, his enthusiasm stirs like fire and his brotherhood is amazing, does not discriminate between fellow humans.
In the soul of the Leader and the one who was led, there was a rounded determination to fight. They are optimistic about their invincible strength, and are sure that their forces will not find it difficult. Optimistic, that each step will be followed by victory. They continued to advance and advance until the Western world surrendered to the Eastern world, bowed to honor the name of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
People from the poles that are full of frozen ice mountains come all the way to performing the Hajj. Crossing the Sahara with bare feet with faith, walking in the hot desert in Arabia, standing on the steep rocks of Mecca. "
Indeed, what you say is not far from reality. Your imagination is also not missed. Soldiers led by the Mujahideen did want to free your ancestors from the darkness of ignorance, as you mentioned.
Participating in these forces is the mighty Arabs. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala raised them and guided him to come to you from Sham, Hijaz, Nejd, Yemen and the corners of the Arabian Peninsula, rolling up everything like a storm. They were accompanied by Barbarians who were proud of their Islam, who descended from the Atlas mountains, sweeping like a flood. Also the Persians, who had escaped the shackles of the emperor's paganism and entered into the religion of monotheism, a straight path. Not to forget the Romans, defectors in your opinion, indeed they defected from tyranny and darkness to the bright light of heaven and earth and received guidance towards a holy religion. Then the people of Qibti, who were free from slavery and shackles who strangled their necks, turned to an independent free life under the banner of Islam, returning to the sacred as when their mothers were born.
Exactly, indeed the forces led by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and the elders of Daang to release your ancestors from belenggu jahiliyah. Among them are white, black, Arabic, and Ajam (non-Arabic). But they are united in Islam. The pleasure of God makes them brothers. Their enthusiasm as you mentioned is putting Europeans into the religion of God as people in the Eastern Hemisphere and Africa. So that all humanity is subject to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the creator of the universe.
With the light of Islam will illuminate your plains and valleys, the sun radiates in each of your homes and justice stands between your people and your rulers. They are determined to sacrifice their precious lives to guide you to the path of God and save you from hellfire.
Now, let us follow the end of the journey of the Islamic forces and their great commander, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi.
The news of the death of Uthman bin Abi Nus'ah and the fate of his beautiful daughter, Minin, surprised Duke Octania. He realized that the war drums had been beaten. Sooner or later the Islamic lion, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi will invade at any time, no matter day or night.
Emperor Duke Octania immediately prepared himself to defend every inch of his territory. It's just that bad shadows always haunt him. He was worried that he would become a prisoner of the Muslims like his daughter who was now sent to Sham. He was afraid that his head would be beheaded and then put on the trays and paraded around the city like Loderik, king of Andaluisia.
Allegedly Duke Octania was right, suddenly Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi really came along with an extraordinarily large army, storming from Northern Spain like a tidal wave and descending into the South of France from the Pyrenees mountains like a flood. The soldiers reached 100,000 people and each battalion was accompanied by a large selection of large soldiers.
Islamic warriors entered through the city of Arles located on the banks of the Rhone river. The consideration is because the city is bound by a peace treaty with Muslims and has agreed to the obligation to pay jizyah. But apparently after the governor of as-Samah bin Malik al-Khaulani died in Toulouse and the Muslim forces weakened, they violated the agreement and refused to pay jizyah.
The arrival of Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and his forces on the Azil border, was welcomed by a large force prepared by Duke Octania to hamper the advance of the Islamic forces. Two opposing powers. The big war is inevitable.
The first troops deployed by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi were special forces who loved death more than love
An English poet, Southy, wrote about Islamic forces invading mainland Europe after taking control of Russia, he said:
"There are countless numbers of troops, some from the tribes of Barbarian, Roman, Persian, Qibti, Tartar, ... all gathered under one banner, united by the great commander. His strength is strong, his enthusiasm stirs like fire and his brotherhood is amazing, does not discriminate between fellow humans.
In the soul of the Leader and the one who was led, there was a rounded determination to fight. They are optimistic about their invincible strength, and are sure that their forces will not find it difficult. Optimistic, that each step will be followed by victory. They continued to advance and advance until the Western world surrendered to the Eastern world, bowed to honor the name of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
People from the poles that are full of frozen ice mountains come all the way to performing the Hajj. Crossing the Sahara with bare feet with faith, walking in the hot desert in Arabia, standing on the steep rocks of Mecca. "
Indeed, what you say is not far from reality. Your imagination is also not missed. Soldiers led by the Mujahideen did want to free your ancestors from the darkness of ignorance, as you mentioned.
Participating in these forces is the mighty Arabs. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala raised them and guided him to come to you from Sham, Hijaz, Nejd, Yemen and the corners of the Arabian Peninsula, rolling up everything like a storm. They were accompanied by Barbarians who were proud of their Islam, who descended from the Atlas mountains, sweeping like a flood. Also the Persians, who had escaped the shackles of the emperor's paganism and entered into the religion of monotheism, a straight path. Not to forget the Romans, defectors in your opinion, indeed they defected from tyranny and darkness to the bright light of heaven and earth and received guidance towards a holy religion. Then the people of Qibti, who were free from slavery and shackles who strangled their necks, turned to an independent free life under the banner of Islam, returning to the sacred as when their mothers were born.
Exactly, indeed the forces led by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and the elders of Daang to release your ancestors from belenggu jahiliyah. Among them are white, black, Arabic, and Ajam (non-Arabic). But they are united in Islam. The pleasure of God makes them brothers. Their enthusiasm as you mentioned is putting Europeans into the religion of God as people in the Eastern Hemisphere and Africa. So that all humanity is subject to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the creator of the universe.
With the light of Islam will illuminate your plains and valleys, the sun radiates in each of your homes and justice stands between your people and your rulers. They are determined to sacrifice their precious lives to guide you to the path of God and save you from hellfire.
Now, let us follow the end of the journey of the Islamic forces and their great commander, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi.
The news of the death of Uthman bin Abi Nus'ah and the fate of his beautiful daughter, Minin, surprised Duke Octania. He realized that the war drums had been beaten. Sooner or later the Islamic lion, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi will invade at any time, no matter day or night.
Emperor Duke Octania immediately prepared himself to defend every inch of his territory. It's just that bad shadows always haunt him. He was worried that he would become a prisoner of the Muslims like his daughter who was now sent to Sham. He was afraid that his head would be beheaded and then put on the trays and paraded around the city like Loderik, king of Andaluisia.
Allegedly Duke Octania was right, suddenly Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi really came along with an extraordinarily large army, storming from Northern Spain like a tidal wave and descending into the South of France from the Pyrenees mountains like a flood. The soldiers reached 100,000 people and each battalion was accompanied by a large selection of large soldiers.
Islamic warriors entered through the city of Arles located on the banks of the Rhone river. The consideration is because the city is bound by a peace treaty with Muslims and has agreed to the obligation to pay jizyah. But apparently after the governor of as-Samah bin Malik al-Khaulani died in Toulouse and the Muslim forces weakened, they violated the agreement and refused to pay jizyah.
The arrival of Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi and his forces on the Azil border, was welcomed by a large force prepared by Duke Octania to hamper the advance of the Islamic forces. Two opposing powers. The big war is inevitable.
The first troops deployed by Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi were special forces who loved death more than the love of the enemy for life. They succeeded in destabilizing and finally destroying the enemy ranks. The battle continued to spread into the city. Swords flashed to the left and right. Islamic forces get the ghanimah results out of calculation.
But unfortunately, Duke Octania managed to escape from the field along with the remnants of his troops. So he still has the potential to get ready for the next battle, because he is aware that the battle in Arles was just the beginning of a long war.
Together with his troops, Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi crossed the Garonne river. They won victory for victory. One by one, the cities of Octania can be captured through their cavalry forces, such as leaves bearing the wind. Ghanimah has piled up to an amount that has never been encountered before.
Duke Octania tried to stem the Islamic forces for the second time by preparing for a major battle. But even this time the Muslims are able to overcome it. They beat and destroyed his army. Duke Octania again escaped leaving the soldiers in turmoil. Many were killed, not a few were captured and some were running away from the battlefield.
The next target of the attack was Bordeaux, the largest city in France at that time as well as the capital of Octania. The war to fight for Bordeaux is no less exciting than the wars that have been past. The defense system is certainly more robust. But with a tireless struggle, this big city can be captured by Muslim forces like other cities. The commanders of the enemy fall as friends who have overtaken them.
There are many treasures ghanimah obtained in this war. But more important is the fall of Bordeaux which is the key to opening other important French cities, such as Lyon, Besancon and Sens, so that the position of Islamic forces at that time was only a hundred miles away from Paris.
The European world was shocked to find that the South of France had surrendered to Abdurrahman. al-Ghafiqi in just a few months. The eyes of the Western world are open to the great danger facing them.
Suggestions for participation echoed throughout Europe. Everyone, capable or not, is expected to participate in stemming the heavy East flow. If you are unable to stem with a sword, you should hold it with your chest. If the weapon runs out, the road should be closed with their bodies. Europe rose to welcome the call. People came from all directions carrying everything that could be used, stones, wood, thorns and swords. They united under the command of Karel Martel.
At the same time Islamic warriors arrived in Tours, a French city that was densely populated and kept beautiful old buildings. The city is proud of its magnificent churches that are the most beautiful in all of Europe and contain full of priceless wealth.
Islamic warriors surrounded the circle like a horse's bridle wrapped around the horse's neck. They are ready to sacrifice their lives to take this city. And indeed, Tours fell before the eyes and hearing of Karel Martel.
End of the month Sya'ban 104 H Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi along with his mighty troops entered the city of Poitiers. They were welcomed by a large European force led by Karel Martel. The great war between the two forces was not only recorded in the history of Islam and the West, but also in the history of mankind. The battle was known by the name, "Balath Shuhada," because of the many Islamic soldiers who were martyred.
At that time the Islamic forces were truly in the glorious peak of glory. But unfortunately, their backs are too heavy to bear the abundant results of the ghanimah. Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi witnessed it with a sad and worried heart. He worried about the condition of the troops. How can you calm down while the hearts and minds of the soldiers begin to switch to those possessions? In decisive moments their souls are divided, one eye looks at the enemy and the other one glances at the treasures of Ghanimah.
Abdurrahman was eager to encourage his troops to break away from the ghanimah which was piled up. But he doubted whether they could accept the decision happily. So there was no other way except that he had to collect all the ghanimah in the tents which were functioned as warehouses. Then it was put behind the base before the war broke out.
Two forces of equal size take the opposite position. Some days the atmosphere feels tense. Silent and full of inquiry, like two big mountains. Each measures the strength of your opponent and thinks a thousand times to choose the right time to attack.
Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi began to break through the Western defenses with his army like a lion that struck ferociously. The West survives like a strong fortress. A battle raged all day and there were no signs of victory on either side. Had it not been blocked by the darkness of the night, surely they would not have stopped fighting.
Entering the second day, the battle flared up again. Islamic soldiers attacked bravely and strong determination, but the Western defense was not yet deterred.
The war lasted for seven consecutive days violently. On the eighth day, little by little the enemy ranks began to tear apart. Winning hopes began to appear. Like a dawn of light in the morning. But at the same time, a group of Western warriors attacked the storage area of the Ghanimah treasure and controlled it almost entirely easily. Seeing this, the Islamic forces began to falter. Most of them retreated backwards to save the treasure of the ghanimah to damage the front row defense.
The Commander-in-Chief Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi persistently tried to prevent his soldiers from receding backwards, while continuing to hold back the flow of attacks from the front and cover the weak gaps. He moves quickly here and there with his mighty horse. At that moment an arrow hit his body so he fell from a horse like an eagle that fell from the top of a mountain. Then the martyrdom was manifested in the coveted battlefield.
As for the Islamic forces, seeing the commander's death, they are increasingly in disarray, while the enemy is increasingly eager to push forward. Nobody was able to stop their ferocity other than the night that began to creep.
In the morning Karel Martel found that Islamic forces had withdrawn from the battlefield of Pioitiers. But he did not dare to pursue. Even if he pursued him, he would surely succeed in destroying the Muslims. He thought that the retreat of the Islamic forces was intentional to lure them out of the open field. He thought it was a new Muslim strategy planned the night before. So Karel Martel chose to stay in place and feel enough to stem the forces that endanger it, then enjoy the victory he achieved.
Balath Shuhada has become a monumental event in history. On that day the Muslims had wasted a golden opportunity that was wide open, and even lost a great leader and formidable hero named Abdurrahman al-Ghafiqi. The event was like a heartbreaking tragedy of Uhud.
Thus, everything has become the sunnatullah of His servants, no one has the power to change or replace it.
The news of the defeat at Balath Shuhada was a slap that shook the Muslims in all corners. Grief and sorrow struck every village and city, entering every Islamic house. The wound is still painful, and will still be remembered while there is still a Muslim on the surface of this earth. But, don't you think the tragedy is just sad for the Muslims. Westerners who have common sense also feel that way. For them, the victory of their ancestors over the Muslims in Poititers was a big disaster for humankind, especially harming Europe in achieving progress.
As proof of this group's opinion, let us consider the commentary on the defeat of the Muslims at Balath Shuhada, by the editor in chief of the "Parliamentary Review" magazine Henry de Syambon, "If not for Karel Martel's victory over the Islamic forces in France, of course our country no need to sink into the darkness of ignorance in medieval times. It won't be that bad. And we also do not need to experience a massive massacre based on the fanaticism of religious sects. True, had it not been for the Western victory at that time, Spain would have been able to live in pure Islamic wisdom, survive the cruelty of intelligence agencies and not be late in receiving the flow of progress for eight centuries. Although there are differences in taste and views about the victory, what is clear is that we are truly indebted to the Muslims for the progress of the noble science, art and culture that they carry. We must recognize that Muslims are perfect examples of humanity when we were still ferocious Barbarian humans. "
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