Law Refuses Sharia Law in Islam
As Muslims, we are obliged to carry out the Islamic Shariah as a whole. Allah SWT said in the letter An Nisa 'verse 65 which means,
"So for the sake of your Rabb, they (in essence) are not believers until they make you a judge of the case they are disputing, then they don't object in their hearts to the verdict that you gave, and they accept it completely." (QS. An Nisa ': 65).
The verse states that for anyone who fully accepts the law brought by the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam in each of their affairs they are said to be believers.
Therefore, Muslims should not neglect, let alone reject the sharia of Islam in every aspect of life.
However, we also cannot deny that there are not a few Muslims who reject the application of sharia law.
The reasons also vary and this also has various legal consequences. The following are reasons for the rejection of sharia law and the accompanying legal consequences.
Refuse sharia law because it has the belief that man-made law is better or equal to Allah's law and therefore to rule other than sharia law is permissible. The scholars agree that those who have views like this are infidels.
Refusing sharia law because it has worldly interests even though deep down he acknowledges that this is a big sin in Islam and is a gross violation. The scholars argue that those who have such a view as true have turned down, a great immorality, and small kufr.
Refuse sharia law because of ignorance of Islam and its sharia. The scholars refer to them as ignorant people. To deal with people like this, the scholars and other Islamic scholars must continue to enlighten Islam in its entirety.
Thus, in general it can be said that we must implement or enforce sharia law in every aspect of life.
And if we don't do it, the law is sinful. But some scholars say that sin because it does not carry out sharia law does not result in apostasy.
Allah SWT says in the letter Al Maidah verse 44 which means,
"Whoever does not decide according to what Allah has revealed, then they are those who disbelieve." (Surah Al Maidah: 44).
The above verse seems to condemn Muslims who do not implement sharia law.
And this led to disagreement among the scholars referring to what was stated by Al-Bhagawi in Tafsir Al-Baghawi. Ibn Abbas and Thawus said,
"Not an infidel out of religion, but if he does it, he is kufr, but it is not like the one who kufr to Allah and the End Times."
Meanwhile, Ikrimah said,
"The meaning of this verse is that anyone who does not use the law of Allah because of disbelief and disbelief, but whoever continues to acknowledge the law of God but does not apply it is called zhalim and fasiq."
Still related to the verse above, Abdul Azis bin Yahya Al-Kinani states that this verse applies if it does not do all that God has revealed not in part.
So everyone who does not punish with all that Allah has sent down will be unbelieving, wrongdoing, and evil.
Whoever uses the law of God such as tawhid and leaves shirk and does not punish with all the Shari'a which Allah has sent down, and is not subject to the law of this verse.
Some scholars argue that the verse Al Maidah verse 44 is actually intended for Jews and not for Muslims.
Because the Jews changed their scriptures and imposed the law of the contents of the changed book.
Al-Baghawi in Tafsir Al-Baghawi stated,
"Some scholars say," The Qur'an shows that this verse is for the Jews because Allah mentioned in the previous verse that they have changed the sentence of Allah.
And they say, "You are given this." Namely, a law that has been changed which is not God's law, so take it. If you are not given this law (which has been changed) but given the law of Allah, then be careful. They ask to be careful of the law of God that they know is true. "
Thus a brief review of the law rejecting sharia law. Other articles that can be read include the sources of Islamic law, the main sources of Islamic teachings, apostasy in Islam, the law insulting the Qur'an, the punishment of insulting the Qur'an, the law insulting Allah in the heart, the law insulting the lafadz of Allah, the law insulting Islam , and law insulting scholars in Islam. May be useful.
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