Learn from Saladin Al Ayyubi

HISTORY doesn't come with anything new. He will only continue to repeat with different roles, places and times. He gave anyone the opportunity to walk with the time provided by God. History is so expensive and grand. It is not only a record of the past, nor is it a memory of mere memories. History is a lesson, ibrah for those who want to think. He is a living sheet full of stories to take as a walking guide. Ibn Khaldun called it the armies of God.

The Qur'an implies many historical points to be inspired by reasoning minds. From the stories of the prophets, apostles, and kings who were arrogant and wise. The Qur'an also tells ordinary people with faith as hard as steel. Women with all their characters and positions were also not spared the Al-Qur'an to be emulated and lessons learned. History takes a large portion of individuals who are determined to be better in the future.

Dr. Muhammad as-Shalabi explained, that in fact the essential fruit of studying history is taking lessons and mastering the sunnah of Allah. Among these lessons are: (1) The importance of initiatives in the awakening movement; (2) The importance of religious encouragement in encouraging people; and (3) The importance of unity in the face of dangers that come from inside and outside.

In 532 H / 1137 AD, in an area called Tikrit, a baby boy from a family of ethnic Kurdish was born. In the wafayat al a'yan, it was stated that at first the father felt bad luck in the presence of the baby for a reason. However, one of his followers tried to comfort him and give advice. He also prayed that someday this child would become a great king, possessed of dignity and a high position. Later, Muslims know the child as the liberating commander of Baitul Maqdis: Saladin Al Ayubi.

Read: "Hunting for Baitul Maqdis Blessings"

Damascus and Aleppo became Saladin's first steps to master the science of religion. Not only religion, fighting skills, hunting, archery and all forms of training like a hero he got from here. And from Nuruddin Mahmud Zanki, the teacher and the rightful sultan of Aleppo, he learned a lot and revived his great vision to liberate and restore Baitul Maqdis al Mubarak to the lap of Muslims.

Fall of Baitul Maqdis

At the end of 488 H / 1095 AD, Pope Urban II called for a Crusade to seize Baitul Maqdis from the hands of Muslims. To the troops who participated in the crusade mission, the Pope promised to remove the punishment from the sins they had committed in the past and protect the families left behind. With its huge number and strength, the Crusaders are a frightening specter, making the power of Muslims look very fragile.

The fragility of the power of Muslims is nothing but the divisions that occur in the body of the Muslims themselves. Between Muslim rulers on Earth Sham lurked and dropped each other. Not to mention the flow and political disputes between the Fathimiyah Daula and the Saljuk Dynasty which peaked when the crusaders began to approach and move in the territories of the Muslims.

Both the rulers of the Saljuk dynasty and Daula Fathimiyah, each saw and hoped the arrival of a group of crusaders would help them to crush and reduce their rival power among the Muslims themselves. As a result, a group of European crusaders easily moved and freely entered the Sham region, until finally they succeeded in occupying Baitul Maqdis and the entire Syam Coast region.

The negligence that plagued the Muslims at that time made the crusaders easily control many areas of the Muslim community which finally succeeded in seizing Baitul Maqdis. Ibnul Jauzi recounts the heartbreaking events as follows:

"If it wasn't for the massive massacre of Muslims in Baitul Maqdis and the information was spreading, then surely they (Muslims) were still asleep in their sleep. Not many Muslim countries are aware of their sleep so they have to pay dearly for their mistakes when enemy forces come to attack. Make them part of a story from the past (because it was destroyed). There are no more thrilling titles left like the Mustarsyid Billah, Muqtafi Billah, Mustanjid Billah, and Nashir Lidinillah, and so on. If only assumptions do not give truth, what is the case with real lies? If Muslims do not trust God, there is nothing to blame but themselves. "

Baitul Maqdis continued to detach from the hands of Muslims until the day when Saladin was at the forefront of the Muslims. Leading them to reveal the izzah of Islam which had been humiliated for years by enemy forces. He confronted each battle bravely until they succeeded in freeing Baitul Maqdis. Saladin collapsed in his prostration, thanking Allah aaa wa jalla for His blessings. There was no massacre when he and his army entered the Baitul Maqdis, instead the enemies and prisoners were treated fairly. On that day, the noble Baitul Maqdis returned to the lap of the Muslims through the figure of the great and righteous commander, Saladin al-Ayyubi

Great Commander in Chief

No doubt devotion is the main thing to form great individuals. Taqwa is a shield and shield for every situation. All of that appears on sincerity Saladin to instill strong aqidah in him. Not only for him, also for his descendants.

Saladin al-Ayyubi always offered congregational prayers, recitations and evening prayers even though he was lying down due to illness. A great and great personal leader will always obey the Rabb in every prayer. It was from there that Saladin got calm and complained about every problem and complaint he faced to Allah. Someone who glorifies his God, surely becomes a great and great person.

This student Nuruddin Zanki is also known as a person who likes to hear Al-Qur'an reading until he himself chooses the prayer priests. Saladin was also a very gentle figure so that he always dripped his tears when he heard the recitation of the verses of the Qur'an. Once, he heard the sound of a small child who sang the Koran well. This amazed him and gave a gift to the child the special food he usually ate. Not only that, he also presented one farm for the father of the child.

As his passion for listening to the recitation of the Qur'an, Saladin was also very happy to hear the Hadiths of the Prophet. If he hears that there is a shaykh who has a history of a hadith, he will come to him or ask to be brought to him. He will invite the rulers and the people around him to listen to him together. He also ordered his people to listen to the hadith of the Prophet. At his own time, Saladin will ask to bring hadith books for him to read.

All piety traits gather in Saladin. Form it into a strong person. With him he revived the jihad in him before he rode his horse, held the sword and ran towards the battlefield.

"If you are patient and cautious, their guile will not bring harm to you at all. Allah knows all that they do. "(QS: Al-Imran: 120)

The devotion that is in Saladin gives birth to goodness and other noble qualities that accompany it. Among them is the just nature that is absolutely mandatory for a leader. Courageous nature also flows with blood in Saladin's body. Courage moves the steps to stay strong in the rain, stays upright in the hot sun and does not falter facing the enemy.

Taking ibrah from Saladin and the release of Baitul Maqdis is a necessity for Muslims to uphold the glory of the religion we have always dreamed of. The desire to liberate and restore the Baitul Maqdis is a noble goal that Muslims want to achieve, as did Saladin and his teacher Nuruddin Zanki. What is important to note, the generation of Saladin was not just born on the battlefield without any accompanying factors. They are born because of the causes and processes that are lived. From family, environment and righteous and strong religious community, Saladin was born.

From Saladin we learn that the most important jihad that must be done before advancing on the battlefield is to first destroy the enemy within each of them. Because there is a fortress that must be destroyed before destroying the enemy fortress.

Today, Palestine and Baitul Maqdis continue to call on Muslims for the difficulties they have experienced. History always revolves, and now he returns to them with a state of anguish. Various events that occur today in the body of Muslims illustrate that their situation is not much different from the previous 10 centuries, in the days before the Crusaders came to attack. The fall of the Baitul Maqdis during the Crusades also taught us that division was weakening and would only end in regret. He taught that the desire to overthrow each other would only distance God's grace to give us victory. It is fitting for us to open the old sheet again. Read it carefully while noting what we can take as ibrah and lessons.

"And obey Allah and His Messenger and do not argue, which causes you to be trembled and lost in your strength and be patient. Surely Allah is with those who are patient. "(Q. Al-Anfal: 46)

May Allah return Baitul Maqdis and Palestine to the bosom of Muslims. Wallahu's bus shawab.





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