Legs that are not Mocked Should They Be Cut?

Urwah bin az-Zubair accompanied by his son named Muhammad came to Walid bin Abdul Malik. He was a very handsome man, one day coming to al-Walid's house wearing nice clothes with two hairstyles. Al-Walid commented, "This is how the Quraysh should dress up." Al-Walid felt jealous of him. Shortly afterwards Muhammad came out of al-Walid's house in a state of sleepiness, suddenly he fell into the animal cage. Then the animal stepped on Muhammad until he died. As for Urwah, his feet were infected.

Then al-Walid called the doctor for him, the doctor said, "If this foot is not cut then the infection will spread throughout the body causing it to die." He agreed to be amputated, then the doctor cut it with a saw. When the saw was put on his leg, the doctor put urwah on the pillow for a while, Urwah fainted.

When he realized that Urwah's face was sweating, while in a veil and in midnight, he took the leg piece and kissed him, saying, "What caused you to be cut like this? Indeed, Allah knows that I have never used it on things that are forbidden, a place of immorality or an act that is not respected by Allah. "

Then he requested that the foot piece be washed and then given perfume and be forgiven with a piece of cloth to be buried in the Muslim cemetery. When Urwah arrived from al-Walid's house to Medina, his friends met and recited by reading the verse,

... لَقَدْ لَقِينَا مِنْ سَفَرِنَا هَذَا نَصَبًا {62}

"Indeed we have felt tired because of our journey." (Al-Kahf: 62).

Urwah did not reply to this greeting but she prayed, "O Allah, I actually have seven sons, one of whom you have forfeited his life, I still have six children. O God, all this time I have four limbs, two hands and two legs, you have taken one of the four members of my body. Now, I still have three limbs. Even though you give temptation, in fact it is the welfare and that you take, in truth you perpetuate it. "(Islamic Date, 6/247.)





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