Life Story of Syaikh al-Albani, Expert of Hadith of the Century

This time, we open a story about a hadith expert. A person who revives the Sunnah of the Prophet, defends him, and gives age to him. He spends days to defend the Sunnah from the followers of the passions and the makers of new teachings. The figure of the hadith cleric in the sense that is actually stuck by him. He is Syaikh al-Imam al-Muhaddits Muhammad Nashiruddin al-Albani rahimahullah. What we are more familiar with is Shaykh Nashiruddin al-Albani.

Nasab Syaikh al-Albani

His name is Muhammad bin Nuh bin Adam bin Najati al-Albani. He was born in 1332 AH / 1914 in the city of Shkodër, the capital of Albania at that time. Allah bestows on him a blessing born in a family that is obedient and familiar with the science of religion. His father, Nuh bin Adam, was an alumni of al-Ma'had asy-Syar'iyah in the capital city of the Ottoman Daula, Istanbul. After completing his education there, the father returned to Albania. Devote to the people by teaching them religion. Until finally he was known as the great Albanian scholar and the reference of the Muslims in the Balkans (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama aih Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim asy-Syaibani, p. 44).

Moved to the Land of Sham

In 1922-1939, Albania was led by a secular king who idolized European-style modernity. His name is Ahmad Mukhtar Zogoli or Zog I or Zogu. In the first two years of his rule, he began to transform Albanian Islam into more secular western scents. He imitated Kemal Ataturk's steps in westernizing Turkey and removing the Ottoman Empire in 1343 H / 1924 M. Zogu compiled secular laws for the Albanian community. He set rules that forced Muslim women to give up their hijab. Require the military to wear European caps and trousers. And everything that smells of Arabic is replaced by western culture.

Interestingly, the steps of secularization in various countries are similar, not even so different that they are easy to read. Everything that smells of Arabic is replaced in the name of nationalism and preserves local culture. Shari'a is considered customary, then prohibited from practicing it.

The secularization carried out by Zogu made Syaikh al-Albani's father take a stand. He was worried that his religion and family members would be damaged because of the secular corosit. He said he wanted to move to an Islamic country that won more hearts. He brought his family members to Sham. Precisely in the Syrian capital, Damascus. At that time al-Alabani was only 9 years old.

Assessing Science

Little Al-Albani just arrived in one of the Arab countries. This European child did not know the language of the desert community at all. He also began to study this language in the Madrasah al-Is'af al-Khoriyah. Then he moved to another school in Sarujah Market, Damascus, because his first school had a fire. In this place, al-Albani completed his elementary school education in 4 years. His love for the language of the Koran is sparkling in the heart. His proficiency is recognized and defeats his friends, native Syrian children.

From here we can take lessons, al-Albani from Albania did not know anything about Arabic. But he can master the language. Even later it became a hadith expert. You who want to learn Arabic don't get discouraged and back down. No less than 1,495 Indonesian words are absorbed from Arabic. That is, we are 'not very blind' Indonesian about Arabic.

Little Al-Albani has grown up as a teenager. He began to find another fondness for him. That is reading. But the taste for reading is still so common. He likes to read Antharah bin Syaddad. Detective story Arsene Lupine. And other detective stories (Ahdats Mutsirah fi Hayati ash-Syaikh al-Alamah al-Albani by Muhammad Shalih al-Munajjid, p. 9). This is the initial journey of al-Albani's life in the world of reading and studying.

Over time, the al-Albani reading content changed. From the reading of the general public, they have deepened their knowledge of religion. It began when the father saw something bad - from the religious side - in a public school. Father al-Albani cut off his son's school. He provided a special time to educate his children with learning the Koran, Tawheed, Sharf, and Jurisprudence of the Hanafi Madhhab (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama ‘Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim Ash-Syaibani, p. 9).

There is only a way that God irkan destined for those whom He wants good. Turning them away from the unwholesome leads to the benefits. And the best kindness is understanding and practicing this religion.

مَنْ يُرِدِ اللهُ بِهِ خَيْـرًا يُـفَـقِـهْهُ فِي الدِّيْنِ.

"Whoever desires his goodness by Allah, He will make him understand about his (business) religion." (Sahih Hadith, narrated by Bukhari (no. 71, 3116, 7312), Muslim (no. 1037), Ahmad (IV / 92, 95, 96), etc.).

In addition to studying with his father, al-Albani also learned from many teachers and scholars who were his father's colleagues. Such as: reviewing the Hanafi fiqh book, Muraqi al-Falah Syarh Nur al-Idhah with Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Burhani. Studying Arabic rules, especially with Syaikh Izuddin at-Tanukhi (Shafahat Baidha min Hayati al-Albani by Athiyah Audah, Hal: 22, 71-72).

Ulema Pun Works to Make a living

While busy with the science of religion, al-Albani spent some of his time supporting himself. Of course this is a wise step. So that later on, when he plunged into the world of da'wah, he did not make da'wah the source of his livelihood.


The first job carried out by al-Albani was to become a carpenter. He worked with his uncle and a Syrian citizen known as Abu Muhammad. He worked for two years. Then because it felt tiring, spent a lot of time and energy, al-Albani left this job.

Clock Repair

In summer, carpenters don't get jobs. At that time, al-Albani passed in front of his father's shop. The father is repairing the clock. His father advised him to take advantage of time by repairing the clock. He also accepted his father's advice. He took the new profession seriously, until he was known as a reliable clock repairman.

This new profession does not take a lot of energy and time. So that his time can be busy with studying religion (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama ‘Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim asy-Syaibani, p. 48).

Studying the Science of Hadith

At the age of 20 years, al-Albani began to like the science of hadith. He was inspired by the study of hadith in al-Manar Magazine, which was raised by Syaikh Muhammad Rasyid Ridha rahimahullah.

Syaikh al-Albani said that he was interested in reading historical histories. One day, he saw in a pile of books a book trader, one speaker from al-Manar Magazine. He read the comments of Shaykh Rashid Ridha on the book Ihya Ulmuddin written by Imam al-Ghazali rahimahullah. In the discussion Syaikh Rasyid Ridha quoted al-Hafizh al-Iraqi's comments on Ihya Ulumuddin. Al-Iraqi commented on and sort out which hadiths are authentic and which ones are devoted. Then collect it in al-Mughni ‘an Hamli al-Asfar fi al-Asfar fi Takhrij ma Fi al-Ihya mi al-Akhbar.

Al-Iraqi's work attracted the attention of al-Albani. He also conducted a hadith study of the book. A study that gave him a way to deepen other sciences. Such as: linguistics, balaghah, gharib al-hadith, etc. That is the first scientific study in the field of hadith. This study is like opium which keeps al-Albani enthusiastic in researching other hadiths.

For al-Albani, the science of hadith became a way to open other scientific branches. And he continued to remember Syaikh Rashid Ridha as his wasilah in studying the science of hadith.

In the Azh-Zhahirah Library

Az-Zhahirah library witnessed the love of Syaikh al-Albani to read and tweet the hadith. The library, which is one of the centers of knowledge of the city of Damascus, stores thousands of archives, writings, and classic books. For Syaikh al-Albani, this library is a paradise of the world, his fondness to read can he spill out there in the midst of his inability to buy books.

Syaikh Al-Albani continued to concern himself with the knowledge of the hadith that he loved. Busyness that makes him have no other activities. For someone who is in love, there is no boredom sitting all day with his girlfriend. The rising and setting of the sun are seconds that don't feel. The party is the state of Syaikh al-Albani with the science of hadith. He sat 18 hours a day in the Az-Zhahirah library studying, researching, commenting, and tahqiq (scientific research on a) hadith narrations. The rest time is only the hours of prayer. Because of his seriousness and seriousness, the library employee gave him a special room. In order for him to be more concentrated in his scientific activities (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama ‘Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim ash-Syaibani, Hal: 51-52).

If you see successful people or experts in a particular field, don't just be amazed by their achievements. Look at how their business gets it. They get it with sincerity and effort. Syaikh al-Albani sat reading 18 hours a day even more. So that he reaches his current position. How long do you spend reading in a day? Or practice doing a field that you pursue?

Al-Mutanabbi said,

لَوْلا المَشَقّةُ سَادَ النّاسُ كُلُّهُمُ ؛ ألجُودُ يُفْقِرُ وَالإقدامُ قَتّالُ

If it wasn't for obstacles, everyone would be a successful figure.
Generosity can cause poverty. And advancing to the battlefield invites death.

The same prison as Ibn Taimiyah

On the sidelines of his busy reviewing books and writing, Syaikh al-Albani rahimahullah also took the time to preach. In one of his da'wah trips, there was dialogue and discussion between himself and the clerics and the imam of the mosque. Until finally he was labeled a perverted Wahabi. Mosque priests voiced denial of al-Albani in mosque pulpits. Until he was boycotted from delivering lessons in Damascus mosques, Aleppo, Latakia, and other Syrian cities.

Rumors about Syaikh al-Albani getting wilder, until he was accused of treason against the government. Kontan, the Syrian government that is very sensitive to this issue immediately detained him. Al-Albani was in Damascus prison in 1967. The same prison as Ibn Taimiyah rahimahullah. While in prison, he re-established prayers in congregation and Friday which had been lost there. Some say, no longer enforced congregational prayers and Friday after the time of Ibn Taymiyyah until al-Albani entered prison (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama 'Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim ash-Syaibani, p. 51-52) .

The Ulama's Da'wah Trip

Syaikh al-Albani almost visited all the cities in Syria in the context of da'wah visits. Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, etc. have come to him. He also came to areas in Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Egypt, Morocco, Spain, etc.

During each visit Syaikh al-Albani always gave lectures, answered questions, and gave fatwas. Usually these activities are documented in the form of tapes. In addition to lectures on a non-formal basis, Syaikh al-Albani also has formal teaching experience. Like being a teaching staff of the Islamic University of Medina from the beginning of 1381 H / 1961 AD until the end of 1383 H / 1964 AD

His preaching method is not only done face to face, he also often answers questions by mail and telephone.

He had prayed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. And visiting Granada attended the Al-Muslimin Congress.

There are a number of sunnah which in his lifetime felt so foreign, but he re-popularized those sunnah. Like working on two Id prayers (Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr) in the field. He popularized it in Damascus and Beirut. Then the aqiqah sunnah, tarawih prayers on the night of Ramadan with 11 rak'ahs, reading hajah sermons on Friday sermons, syar'i headscarves, reminded the people not to build mosques above the graves and pray in such mosques. In the 60s, of course the sunnah were not known as they are now. Even now, some of the sunnah still feels strange.

He also motivated the youth to give great attention to the study of the Sunnah. Then creating modern means to make it easier for people to study the hadiths of the Prophet ﷺ (Islam ad-Da'wah Muhammad Nashiruddin al-Albani Muhaddits al-'Ashr Nashir as-Sunnah by Abdullah al-Aqil, p. 1063-1064) .

The principle we can learn is that even though the Sunnah of the Prophet asing is considered foreign, start doing it first. Over time, people will know him.

Making Relationships Near Fellow Ulama

Syaikh al-Albani met with many scholars and claimants of knowledge. He learned from them and vice versa. Al-Albani met and gave the certificate of sanad to the historian and muhadits of Aleppo, Shaykh Raghib ath-Thabbakh (Islam ad-Da'wah Muhammad Nashiruddin al-Albani Muhaddits al-'Ashr Nashir as-Sunnah by Abdullah al-Aqil, Hal: 1062).

He also met Shaykh Hamid al-Faqi the chairman of Jam'iyah Ansar as-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyah in Egypt and al-Muadditsh al-Muhaqqiq Ahmad Syakir.

Syaikh al-Albani has a special relationship with Syaikh Ibn Baz rahimahullah. Both of them sometimes discuss and write to each other.

And many other scholars have met and had close relations with him. Not only from the Arabian Peninsula, but also from India, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, etc. (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama 'Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim asy-Syaibani, p. 64 -73).

Expertise in the Field of Hadith

Someone is said to be an expert, expert or maestro in a field seen from his work in the field he is engaged in. Syaikh al-Albani rahimahullah has many scientific works and research in the field of hadith. His works are spread all over the world and have been translated into various languages. Many da'i and religious students take the principles from their works. He also became the main reference, especially in the field of hadith.

His expertise is recognized by various groups. Among them:

First: The Faculty of Sharia University of Damascus chose him as the person who checked the status of a hadith in Mausu'ah al-Fiqh al-Islami (Encyclopedia of Islamic Law), specifically the trading chapter. The University made the results of its research as a standardization of the status of a hadith in 1955.

Second: As-Salafiyah University in the City of Varnasi, India, asked him to be a university shaykh mentor in the field of hadith. But Syaikh al-Albani did not agree to the request.

Third: In 1395 H / 1975 M to 1398 H / 1978 M, through the request of King Khalid bin Abdul Aziz (King of Saudi Arabia at the time) asked Syaikh al-Albani to become a member of the council of professors (senate council) Islamic University of Medina.

Fifth: The Fatwa Council in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, assigns them to Egypt, Morocco and the United Kingdom to hold lectures on the belief in the monotheism and the correct method of Muslim religion.

And there are many more scientific activities of Syaikh al-Albani. All of them are recognition of their expertise from major Islamic institutions to the international level (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama ‘Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim ash-Syaibani, Hal: 75-76).

Scientific work

Syaikh al-Albani is a productive scholar. Many of his works were born in order to develop the struggle for the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. The works we can still enjoy today. He produced more than 100 scientific works. There are purely writings, some of which are tahqiq (careful scientific research on the status of a hadith: saheeh, hasan, dhaif, or maudhu), ta'liq (commentary), and takhrij (attribute the hadith at the source).

Among his works are:

Adabu az-Zifaf fi Sunnati al-Mutahharah.
Ahadith al-Isra wa al-Mi'raj.
Ahkam al-Jana-iz.
Irwa-u al-Ghalil fi Takhrij Ahadits Manar as-Sabil.
Al-As-ilatu wa al-Ajwibah.
Shifatu Shalat the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam min at-Takbir ila at-Taslim Ka-annaka Taraha.
Shahih wa Dha'if al-Jami 'ash-Shaghir wa Ziyadatuhu.
Shahih as-Sirah an-Nabawiyah.
Shahih wa Dha'if at-Targhib wa at-Tarhib.
Hijab al-Mar-ah al-Muslimah.
Silsilatu al-Ahadits ash-Shahihah wa Syaiun min Fiqhiha wa Fawa-iduha.
Silsilatu al-Ahadits adh-Dha'ifah wa al-Maudhu'ah wa Atsaruha as-Sayyi 'fi al-Ummah.
Manzilatu as-Sunnah fi al-Islam.

Here are some scientific works. For those of you who have read one of them, you will find a methodology that is different from other writers. Because we will enjoy the study of the hadith narrators in his footnotes. That's where the writing style of a hadith expert feels.

Praise of the cleric against him

Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz said, "Al-Albani is a reformist of this century in the science of hadith."

Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen praised him by saying, "Indeed al-Albani has extensive knowledge in the field of hadith, narrated and his history. He is the expert of the hadith of this century. "

Al-Muhaqqiq Muhibuddin al-Khatib said, "Indeed al-Albani is a person who calls on the Sunnah. He donated his life to charity and reviving the sunnah (hadith of the Prophet ﷺ).

Syaikh Ali ath-Thanthawi said, "Syaikh Nashiruddin al-Albani is more knowledgeable than me in the matter of hadith. I respect him because of his sincerity, enthusiasm, and the amount of writing written by my brother and my parents (greeting) Zuhair ash-Syawisy. I refer to Shaykh Nashir in the matter of hadith and I do not question him because he knows his virtues (in the matter of hadith) (Islam ad-Da'wah Muhammad Nashiruddin al-Albani Muhaddits al-'Ashr Nashir as-Sunnah by Abdullah al-Aqil, Hal : 1068).

Combining Science and Charity

Syaikh al-Albani is a person who is very eager to harmonize the practice of worship with the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. Both in the procedure of worship, the amount, and the time. Shaykh Muhammad bin Shaleh al-Uthaymeen said, "What I know from Syaikh al-Albani from my encounter with him, he is a very passionate person in harmonizing charity with the sunnah and criticizing bid'ah. Whether in terms of aqidah or deeds ".

Not infrequently when hearing the recitation of the Qur'an or the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ about the promises and threats of Allah, Syaikh al-Albani cried. The Qur'an and hadith are so easy to touch his heart.

Among Syaikh al-Albani's habits is routinely fasting Monday and Thursday. During winter and in summer. Unless he is sick or is on a safari. When he entered Friday, he always prayed two rak'ahs, two rak'ahs, until the sermon rose to the pulpit. He pilgrims and recites every year, if nothing hinders him. Sometimes he gives out twice a year. He had a pilgrimage of 30 times (al-Imam al-Albani Durus wa Mawaqif wa ‘Ibar by Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad as-Sadhan, p. 88).

Of course pilgrimage when it's not like now. So it is more possible to do it repeatedly.

His students

Syaikh al-Albani's students are widespread in the Islamic world. Some of the famous ones among them are:

Syaikh Muqbin bin Hadi al-Wadi'i,
Syaikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zainu,
Shaykh Husein al-Awaisyah,
Syaikh Ali Hasan al-Halaby,
Syaikh Masyhur Hasan Salman,
Shaykh Salim ibn Id al-Hilay,
Syaikh Muhammad Ibrahim ash-Syaibani,
Shaykh Hamdi bin Abdul Majid as-Salafy, etc. (Hayatu al-Albani wa Atsaruhu wa Tsana-u al-Ulama ‘Alaihi by Muhammad Ibrahim ash-Syaibani, p. 94-106).
The death of the Mujaddid

At the end of his life, Syaikh al-Albani suffered from several diseases. With that condition, he remained patient and hoped for reward from Allah ﷻ. Among the illnesses that he suffered were Anemia, liver and kidney disorders. This condition does not make him rest. He continued to research and study the hadith. To the extent that when he sleeps, people hear him delirious, "Give me the book al-Jarh wa at-Ta'dil, so many juz and pages" and he mentions the names of other books.

That is because of his enthusiasm in reading and researching. Until in the books it was carried into dreams (Shafahat Baidha min Hayati al-Albani by Athiyah Audah, p. 93-94).

After filling his life with knowledge, charity and da'wah, he also suffered from several diseases, Syaikh al-Albani died. He died on Saturday 22 Jumadil Akhir 1420 H / 2 October 1999 M. On that day the procession of his body was completed. This is his will to hasten his funeral. Because that is the best according to the guidance (sunnah) of the Prophet ﷺ. His student, Muhammad bin Ibrahim Syaqrah became a priest in his prayer. He was buried after the evening prayer (al-Imam al-Albani Durus wa Mawaqif wa ‘Ibar by Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad as-Sadhan, p. 292).

May Allah bless Syaikh al-Albani with extensive grace. Place it in His highest heaven. Replying to his services with devotion to the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.




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