People Who Are Not Afraid of Death
He is Sa'id bin Jubair, heir to the science of Abdullah bin Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhu and Abdullah bin Umar radhiyallahu‘ anhu. One of the most pious in tabi'in circles. He was accompanied by Abdurrahman bin al-Ash'ats when fighting the government of the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan because he was arbitrary and outrageous in committing murder. When Ibnul Asyats was defeated in the war of Dairul Jamajim and was killed, Sa'id was captured in Mecca. The Governor of Mecca who was then held by Khalid bin Abdullah al-Qasri who arrested him.
He was taken before Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi.
Then Hajjaj asked him, "What's your name?"
He replied, "Sa'id bin Jubair."
Hajjaj said, "No, you are Shaykh bin Kusair."
He responded, "My mother knows my name better than you."
Hajjaj added, "Woe to your mother and you too."
He replied, "Who knows the unseen thing is not you."
Hajjaj said, "Really, I will replace your world with a blazing fire."
He said, "If I knew that, surely I would make you God."
Hajjaj said, "What do you think about Muhammad?"
He replied, "He is a Prophet who brings compassion and leads him to those who receive guidance."
Hajjaj continued, "What do you think about Ali? Is he in heaven or in hell? "
He replied, "If you have entered hell and you know who is in it, you must know the inhabitants of hell." Hajjaj asked again, "What do you think about the caliphs?"
He replied, "I am not the person responsible for them." Hajjaj continued, "Which of them do you like the most?"
He replied, "The person most loved by my Creator."
Hajjaj asked, "Who is the person most loved by the Creator?"
He replied, "Knowledge about this is on the side of the One who knows the secrets and whispers of them."
Hajjaj said, "I want you to be honest with me."
He replied, "If I don't answer your question, then I'm not lying to you. '
Hajjaj said, "Why aren't you laughing?"
He replied, "How can you laugh a creature created from the ground while the ground can be engulfed in fire."
Hajjaj said, "What about us who can laugh?"
He replied, "Because the human heart is not the same."
Hajjaj wants to persuade Sa'id with the beauty and play of the world. Then he ordered that pearls, emeralds and gems be brought. All these objects were collected before him.
Sa'id said to Hajjaj, "If you gather all this so that you are protected from fear on the Day of Judgment, then it is good. If this is not the case, then this will become a terror where all women who breastfeed their children will be negligent towards their breastfed children. There is not the slightest good in something that is gathered only for the world except good treasures and zakah. "
Then Hajjaj told him to take a stringed instrument and a flute. When the harp was played and the flute was blown, Said cried, then Hajjaj asked, "What makes you cry? Is this music game? "
Said replied, "What makes me cry is sadness. The blow reminded me of a great day, namely the day the trumpet was blown. While the harp comes from a tree cut down without rights, the string of strings comes from goat skin which will be raised with him on the Day of Judgment. "
Then Hajjaj said, "Woe to you, Sa'id!"
He said, "There is no harm to people who are kept away from hell and put into heaven."
Then Hajjaj said, "Choose Sa'id!" (Meaning, choose what way I kill you).
He replied, "It's up to you, O Hajjaj! For God's sake, You will not kill me but Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will surely kill you in the same way in the hereafter. "
Hajjaj said, "Do you want me to forgive?"
He replied, "Surely forgiveness is from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, while you have no right to free and forgive."
Hajjaj said to his soldiers, "Bring him away, then kill him." When Said was taken out, he laughed. Then Hajjaj was told about this, then Sa'id was brought back again.
Hajjaj asked, "What makes you laugh?"
He replied, "I am amazed at your impudence towards Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His patience with you."
Hajjaj said, "Kill him!"
Then you've said:
"Indeed, I confront myself with Rabb who created the heavens and the earth, by tending to the true religion, and I am not among the idolaters." (QS. Al-An'am: 79)
Hajjaj said, "Face his face in addition to the Qibla direction." Then Sa'id said:
"From that earth (the land) We made you and to him We will return you and from it We will expel you to another time." (QS. Thaahaa: 55)
Hajjaj said, "Slaughter him!"
Said said, "In fact, I testify that there is no true God but the One God. There is no ally for him. And I testify that Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was His servant and His apostle. Take it from me until you meet me on the day of Kimat. "
Then Sa'id prayed, "O Allah! Thou shalt not give him the opportunity to kill anyone after me. "
Sa'id was killed in the month of Sya'ban in 96 H. After that Hajjaj died in the month of Ramadan that same year. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did not give him the opportunity to kill anyone after Sa'id until he died.
When Sa'id was slaughtered, it turned out that his blood flowed very much. Then Hajjaj called the doctors. He asked them about Said and the people he had killed before. Indeed, people who were killed before Sa'id, their blood flowing was only a little. Then the doctors replied, "When Sa'id was killed, his breath was still with him. The blood follows the breath. Whereas aside from Sa'id, it turns out that his breath has disappeared due to fear. That's why there is only a little blood flowing. "
When Hasan al-Basri learned that Hajjaj had killed Sa'id bin Jubair by slaughtering, he prayed, "O Allah! Destroy the wicked who are outrageous. For God's sake, if all that is between heaven and earth work together to kill Sa'id. Surely Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will throw them all into hell. "
When Hajjaj approached his death, he experienced fainting and then regained consciousness and said, "What happened to me and Sa'id bin Jubair?" When he was sick, he had dreamed of seeing Sa'id holding the end of his clothes and said to him, " O enemy of God! In what order did you kill me? "Then he woke up in a state of fear. He said, "What happened to me and Sa'id bin Jubair?" After Hajjaj died he was dreamed of in sleep, then asked him, "What did Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala do to you?" He replied, "He kill me for every person I kill. And He killed me as much as 70 times because I killed Sa'id bin Jubair. "
Sa'id bin Jubair was one of the most memorized Al-Karim Qur'an and was very familiar with interpretations as he was the one who knew the most hadith, halal, and haram. Wafa 'bin Iyas said, "Once upon a time Sa'id said to me during the month of Ramadan,‘ Keep on reading the Koran.' Therefore, he did not move from his place before reciting the Koran. Said said about himself, "I read the Qur'an in its entirety in two recitations of the sunnah prayer in the glorious Baitullah."
May God bless him and give him a reward.
He was taken before Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi.
Then Hajjaj asked him, "What's your name?"
He replied, "Sa'id bin Jubair."
Hajjaj said, "No, you are Shaykh bin Kusair."
He responded, "My mother knows my name better than you."
Hajjaj added, "Woe to your mother and you too."
He replied, "Who knows the unseen thing is not you."
Hajjaj said, "Really, I will replace your world with a blazing fire."
He said, "If I knew that, surely I would make you God."
Hajjaj said, "What do you think about Muhammad?"
He replied, "He is a Prophet who brings compassion and leads him to those who receive guidance."
Hajjaj continued, "What do you think about Ali? Is he in heaven or in hell? "
He replied, "If you have entered hell and you know who is in it, you must know the inhabitants of hell." Hajjaj asked again, "What do you think about the caliphs?"
He replied, "I am not the person responsible for them." Hajjaj continued, "Which of them do you like the most?"
He replied, "The person most loved by my Creator."
Hajjaj asked, "Who is the person most loved by the Creator?"
He replied, "Knowledge about this is on the side of the One who knows the secrets and whispers of them."
Hajjaj said, "I want you to be honest with me."
He replied, "If I don't answer your question, then I'm not lying to you. '
Hajjaj said, "Why aren't you laughing?"
He replied, "How can you laugh a creature created from the ground while the ground can be engulfed in fire."
Hajjaj said, "What about us who can laugh?"
He replied, "Because the human heart is not the same."
Hajjaj wants to persuade Sa'id with the beauty and play of the world. Then he ordered that pearls, emeralds and gems be brought. All these objects were collected before him.
Sa'id said to Hajjaj, "If you gather all this so that you are protected from fear on the Day of Judgment, then it is good. If this is not the case, then this will become a terror where all women who breastfeed their children will be negligent towards their breastfed children. There is not the slightest good in something that is gathered only for the world except good treasures and zakah. "
Then Hajjaj told him to take a stringed instrument and a flute. When the harp was played and the flute was blown, Said cried, then Hajjaj asked, "What makes you cry? Is this music game? "
Said replied, "What makes me cry is sadness. The blow reminded me of a great day, namely the day the trumpet was blown. While the harp comes from a tree cut down without rights, the string of strings comes from goat skin which will be raised with him on the Day of Judgment. "
Then Hajjaj said, "Woe to you, Sa'id!"
He said, "There is no harm to people who are kept away from hell and put into heaven."
Then Hajjaj said, "Choose Sa'id!" (Meaning, choose what way I kill you).
He replied, "It's up to you, O Hajjaj! For God's sake, You will not kill me but Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will surely kill you in the same way in the hereafter. "
Hajjaj said, "Do you want me to forgive?"
He replied, "Surely forgiveness is from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, while you have no right to free and forgive."
Hajjaj said to his soldiers, "Bring him away, then kill him." When Said was taken out, he laughed. Then Hajjaj was told about this, then Sa'id was brought back again.
Hajjaj asked, "What makes you laugh?"
He replied, "I am amazed at your impudence towards Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His patience with you."
Hajjaj said, "Kill him!"
Then you've said:
"Indeed, I confront myself with Rabb who created the heavens and the earth, by tending to the true religion, and I am not among the idolaters." (QS. Al-An'am: 79)
Hajjaj said, "Face his face in addition to the Qibla direction." Then Sa'id said:
"From that earth (the land) We made you and to him We will return you and from it We will expel you to another time." (QS. Thaahaa: 55)
Hajjaj said, "Slaughter him!"
Said said, "In fact, I testify that there is no true God but the One God. There is no ally for him. And I testify that Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was His servant and His apostle. Take it from me until you meet me on the day of Kimat. "
Then Sa'id prayed, "O Allah! Thou shalt not give him the opportunity to kill anyone after me. "
Sa'id was killed in the month of Sya'ban in 96 H. After that Hajjaj died in the month of Ramadan that same year. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did not give him the opportunity to kill anyone after Sa'id until he died.
When Sa'id was slaughtered, it turned out that his blood flowed very much. Then Hajjaj called the doctors. He asked them about Said and the people he had killed before. Indeed, people who were killed before Sa'id, their blood flowing was only a little. Then the doctors replied, "When Sa'id was killed, his breath was still with him. The blood follows the breath. Whereas aside from Sa'id, it turns out that his breath has disappeared due to fear. That's why there is only a little blood flowing. "
When Hasan al-Basri learned that Hajjaj had killed Sa'id bin Jubair by slaughtering, he prayed, "O Allah! Destroy the wicked who are outrageous. For God's sake, if all that is between heaven and earth work together to kill Sa'id. Surely Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will throw them all into hell. "
When Hajjaj approached his death, he experienced fainting and then regained consciousness and said, "What happened to me and Sa'id bin Jubair?" When he was sick, he had dreamed of seeing Sa'id holding the end of his clothes and said to him, " O enemy of God! In what order did you kill me? "Then he woke up in a state of fear. He said, "What happened to me and Sa'id bin Jubair?" After Hajjaj died he was dreamed of in sleep, then asked him, "What did Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala do to you?" He replied, "He kill me for every person I kill. And He killed me as much as 70 times because I killed Sa'id bin Jubair. "
Sa'id bin Jubair was one of the most memorized Al-Karim Qur'an and was very familiar with interpretations as he was the one who knew the most hadith, halal, and haram. Wafa 'bin Iyas said, "Once upon a time Sa'id said to me during the month of Ramadan,‘ Keep on reading the Koran.' Therefore, he did not move from his place before reciting the Koran. Said said about himself, "I read the Qur'an in its entirety in two recitations of the sunnah prayer in the glorious Baitullah."
May God bless him and give him a reward.
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