Sword Flashlight

Readers, may Allah Subhaanallaahu wa Ta'aala always devote His mercy to all of us, one of the portraits of reality contained in the womb of Islamic history. Monumental events that will never be forgotten in the minds of true Muslims. Events that describe the opposition of two opposite sides. The fight between truth against evil. Civilized humans fight savage humans. Noble humans fight despicable humans. Muslims who love peace clash with unbelievers who like chaos. A heartbreaking tragedy that contained important and valuable lessons for true Muslims on the advice and commands (sunnah-sunnah) of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam. A bloody incident of armed contact between Muslims against the Quraish polytheists that occurred in the third year of Shawwal, the event was known as the Battle of Uhud. The following excerpt summarizes the story:

Battle background

Overcast sadness still covered the city of Mecca. It is undeniable that the Quraysh Mushrikin were unable to hide the profound grief regarding their crushing defeat at the Badr war of the second year of the Hijrah, their hearts grieved innocently. News of the defeat of the Quraysh forces was felt so quickly spread throughout the city of Makkah, like moving clouds covering the gap in the empty sky in the rainy season. The news of the sadness felt that an earthquake shook the skulls of the idolaters. However, it is very unfortunate, the crushing defeat of the Quraysh paganists in the war was unable to change their violent attitude towards the Muslims. The grudge of burning anger was firmly rooted in their hearts, the death of high social strata of Quraysh figures in the unfortunate event increasingly added to the thick hatred of Quraysh towards the Muslims.

Preparation of the Quraysh army

Quraysh figures such as Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal, Shafwan bin Umayah, and Abu Sufyan bin Harb - before they converted to Islam - rose as pioneers who were very keen to ignite the fire of revenge against Islam and its followers. The great orators of the Arabs took precise steps to smooth out the revenge program, at first they forbade the people of Mecca from lamenting the death of the Badr war dead then postponed ransom payments to the Muslims to free the Quraysh prisoners remaining in Medina. They were busy raising funds to meet the revenge action, they came to the owners of the Quraysh trade caravan which was the main trigger for the Badr war, while calling on: "O Quraysh! Indeed Muhammad has persecuted you and killed your characters! Then help us with your possessions to repay! Hopefully we can avenge them. "

The plan received a warm response from the Quraysh community, cash in a very short period of time collected enough war funds in the form of 1000 camels and 50,000 pieces of gold. As Allah Subhaanallaahu wa Ta'aala reports in the thirty-sixth verse of surat Al-Anfal:

Indeed, they disbelieve in their infidels to deter men from the path of Allah ...

Day after day their efforts seemed to get significant results. Why not, in just one year they were able to gather troops three times greater than the number of Quraysh troops in the war a year ago (Badr war) plus adequate weapons facilities consisting of 3000 camels, 200 horses and 700 armor, the total amount troops of no less than 3000 soldiers plus fifteen women were tasked with fanning the spirit of combat and driving the troops back and forth.

Acting as the supreme commander of the Quraysh army was Abu Sufyan bin Harb, while the cavalry under the command of Khalid bin Al Walid and Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal, while the war banners were held by war experts from the Banu Abdud Dar, and a line of women under Hindun bintu 'coordination Utbah Abu Sufyan's wife. It felt complete and adequate preparation of Quraysh during the period of the war round this time, the procession of a large army full of anarchism and angry wrath was now advancing towards Madinah bearing the mission of revenge and venting the desires of evil demons.

News arrived at the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam

He received a secret letter from his uncle Al Abbas bin Abdul Mutthalib who was still living in Makkah. At that time the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa Sallam was in Quba, Ubay bin Ka'ab was asked to read the letter and keep the contents secret. He rushed to Medina to make preparations for the military to welcome the arrival of 'unexpected guests'.

As the wind blows, the news of the movement of the infidel Quraish forces spread throughout the Medina, no doubt the condition of the city is cash tense suddenly, the residents of the city are on standby, each man cannot be separated from his weapon even in the condition of prayer. To the extent that they spend the night at the door of the house in a state of arms.

Military Council Assembly

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam gathered his companions while saying: "By Allah I have seen a good sign, I saw a cow slaughtered, my sword blunted, and I put my hand in armor, I ta'wilkan cattle with the fall of a group of my best friend, my sword blunted with the death of one of my family members while armor with Medina ".

The Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa Sallam argued that he should remain in the city of Medina and serve their challenges in the mouths of the aisles of the city of Medina. This opinion was approved by the hypocritical kingpin Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul, this enemy of Allah chose this opinion not on consideration of military strategy but so that he could easily escape the battle without striking a human view. As for the majority of friends, they tend to choose to welcome the challenges of Quraiys outside Madinah on the grounds that many of them did not have time to take part in the Badar war, this time they did not want to miss 'planting stocks' at the highest peak in Islam. Hamzah bin Abdul Mutthalib strongly supported this opinion while saying: "For the sake of the One Who lowered the Qur'an to you, truly I will not eat until I chop them with my sword outside Medina"

Taking into account the various proposals of the Companions finally the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alaihi wa Sallam decided to answer the challenge of Quraysh in the open field outside the city of Medina. And leave the tastes of Abdullah bin Ubay.

That day Friday the 6th of Syawwal 3H he gave a will to the Companions so that they were full of sincerity and that Allah would give help for their patience. Then they prayed Asr and he went into the house with Abu Bakr and Umar bin Al Khathab, at that time he was wearing armor and preparing weapons.

The friends regretted their attitude which forced the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa Sallam to come out of Medina, when the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam came out they said:" O Messenger of Allah, we do not intend to sneak your opinion, decide as you wish! If you prefer to stay in Medina then do it! "He replied:" It is inappropriate for a prophet to take off the armor that he has worn before Allah gives a decision between him and his enemy. "

General conditions of Islamic forces

The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam divided the Islamic forces into three battalions: Battalion of the Muhajirin under the command of Mush'ab bin Umair, Aus Battalion commanded by Usaid bin Hudhair and Khazraj Battalion led by Khabbab bin Al Mundzir. The total number of Islamic forces is only 1000 people, with minimal facilities in the form of 100 armor and 50 horses (told in a history: without any horses at all) in this war. Wallahu A'lam

Arriving at the Islamic forces in a place known as Asy Syaikhan, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam selected a number of friends who were very early in their age including Abdullah bin Umar bin Al Khathab, Usamah bin Zaid, Zaid bin Tsabit, Abu Said Al Khudry and some friends other young people, did not fail to appear sadness on their faces forced them to return to Medina.

The hypocrites make defections

Quibble because his opinion was rejected by the Messenger of Allaah S alaihi wa Sallam, the hypocritical figure Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul took action in the body of Islamic forces. This enemy of Allah succeeded in provoking nearly one third of the total number of troops, no less than 300 people fled leaving the front of the jihad fisabilillah. This 'two-faced man' is intentionally carrying out a gossiping action in the midst of a trip to create concern in the hearts of the Islamic forces while simultaneously absorbing as much Muslim power as possible.

Military strategy of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam and the task of the army

The Messenger of Allaah aih alaihi wa Sallam the military strategist arranged a line of troops and divided their duties and mission. He placed 50 archers on the hill of Ainan serving as snipers under the command of Abdullah bin Jubair bin Nu'man Al Anshary, he gave military instructions while saying: "Fight them with your arrows! Don't leave your position under any circumstances! Protect our backs with your arrows! Don't help us even though we're killed! And don't join us even though we get booty! In Bukhari's history: do not leave your position even though you see the birds grabbing us until my messenger comes to you!

Arriving at Uhud the two forces approached each other, the infidel commander of Quraysh Abu Sufyan tried to break the unity of the Islamic forces, he said to the Ansar: "Let our affairs with our uncle's children (Rasulullah Shallahu‘ alaihi wa Sallam and the Muhajirin)! Then we will not disturb you, we have no interest in fighting you! "

However, Abu Sufyan's efforts did not reap the rewards due to the solid faith of the Ansar. On the contrary, they reciprocated with a very spicy greeting that made the ears of those who heard it heat up.

The beginning of the battle

Thalhah bin Abi Talhah Al-Abdary, the leader of the Quraish infidel war, a man who was known to be very advanced and courageous advanced to challenge mubarazah (duel), as fast as lightning Zubair Ibnul Awwam pounced and slammed him then slit his throat, Thalhah helplessly released his last breath. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bertakbir and bertakbirlah the Muslims. Revived Abu Syaibah Uthman ibn Abi Talhah raised the banner again, with pride in challenging the duel, as fast as lightning also Hamzah bin Abdul Mutthalib hit his shoulder with a very strong sword to penetrate his belly button no doubt his hands and shoulders were released, Uthman fell helplessly dying. Next Abu Sa'ad bin Abi Talhah took the banner but along with that arrow Sa'ad bin Abi Waqash pierced his throat, inevitably he fell to the ground while sticking out his tongue into a pile of corpses. Musafi 'bin Abi Talhah ventured to revive the banner of Quraysh but he was suddenly struck by the sharp arrow of Ashim bin Tsabit ibn Abul Aflah. Next Kilab bin Thalah bin Abi Talhah Musafi 'brother raised the banner again but he soon collapsed to the ground ending his life after the sword Zubair bin Al Awwam grabbed his body. Al Jallas bin Abi Talhah immediately supported the banner, but the sword of Thalhah ibn Ubaidillah immediately fired lives from his body. The six brave came from one family of the Bani Abdi Dar tribe. Then Arthah bin Syurahbil advanced but Ali bin Abi Talib did not allow him to live long to carry a banner and immediately bulldoze it, a strange but real reality, not one of the polytheists took the banner but took his life to ten even met his death around the idolatry banner. After that none of them dared to take the banner lying on earth Uhud.

Wallähu Ta’älä A’lamu bish Shawäb.





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