Tabi'in's figure: Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah bin Ali bin Abi Talib
One time there was a dispute and caused mutual alienation between Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and his brother, Hasan bin Ali. Then Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyyah wrote a letter to Hasan as follows:
"Verily Allah gives you wholeness more than me. Your mother was Fatima bin Muhammad bin Abdillah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, while my mother was a woman from the Banu Hanifah. Your grandfather from the mother's path is His chosen Messenger, while my grandfather from the mother's path is Ja'far bin Qais. If my letter reaches you, I hope you are pleased to come here and make peace, so that you stay ahead of me in all things ... "when he arrived, Hasan rushed to his house to establish peace.
Who is this polite, intelligent and wise young man named Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah? "Let us follow the journey of his life from the beginning.
We begin this story from the final seconds of the life of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
One day, Ali bin Abi Talib sat with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said: "O Messenger of Allah, if I have more children after you are gone, may I give the name of my child with your name and I give chew (nickname) with chewing You (ie Abu al-Qasim)? "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," May. "
Time rolled on, until finally the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam died and a few months later followed by his daughter, Fatimah who was the mother of Hasan and Hussein. After that Ali bin Abi Talib remarried a woman from the Banu Hanifa named Khaulah bint Ja'far bin Qais al-Hanafiyyah.
This marriage gave birth to a baby boy who was given the name Muhammad and was given the nickname Abu al-Qasim with the blessing of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam before. However, ordinary people called him by the name of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to distinguish it from his two brothers, Hasan and Hussein. His second mother is Fatima az-Zahra. While her mother was a woman from al-Hanafiyah. Then that is the name that is widely known by history.
Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah was born at the end of the caliph of Abu Bakr al-Shidiq radhiyallahu ‘anhu. He grew up and grew up under the guidance of his father, Ali bin Abi Talib. From his father, he inherited the perseverance of his worship, the nature of zuhud, his courage and strength in addition to the fluency of his tongue.
During the day, he became a hero on the battlefield and became a figure in the ranks of the scholars. At night he is a monk when the human eye sleeps asleep.
His father radikyahuahu ‘anhu had galvanized him in the midst of the battle that he was following. He was burdened with heavy burdens which had never been borne by both his sadists, Hasan and Hussein. Thus he was never lazy or weak in spirit.
He was once asked, "Why are you always deployed in dangerous terrain and bear the burden of more than your two brothers, Hasan and Hussein?" With his laughter, "Because, my two brothers are like the eyes of your father, while my position is like his hands. So dad kept his eyes with both hands. "
When the Shiffin war broke out between Ali Abi Talib's group and the Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan group, Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah held the banner of his father.
When the war broke out, casualties fell from both parties. An event occurred which was then narrated by him. He said the incident:
"While in Shiffin we fought against our own friend, Muawiyah. We killed each other, so we suspected there would be nothing left of us or them. I became sad and anxious because of it.
Suddenly I heard a shout from behind me: "O Muslim brothers ... remember Allah ... Allah ... O Muslim brothers ... Allah ... Allah, leave your people, O Muslim brothers ...!
Immediately I came to my senses and promised that I would not lift and draw weapons again against any Muslim since that day ... "
In turn, Ali was martyred in the hands of the wrongdoers and lawlessness and the Caliphate fell into the hands of Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Even the Mu'awiyah asked Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to visit him frequently. Several times Muhammad visited Damascus to meet Mu'awiyah radhiyallahu ‘anhu.
For example, when one day the Roman Emperor wrote a letter to Mu'awiyah which included:
"Our kings have the habit of doing correspondence and sending each other amazing things that each has. Then we compete with each other the amazing things we have. Do you want to allow us to do the same thing as the custom that applies between us? "
Mu'awiyah agreed to the offer and gave permission. After that the Roman emperor sent two men who looked amazing. One is unusually high and large in stature as if it were a large tree rising in the middle of a forest, or a large building. The other one is amazingly strong and the muscles are strong like wild animals. The arrival of both of them accompanied by a letter read: "Is there anyone who matches the greatness and strength of these two people in your country?"
Mu'awiyah consulted with Amru bin Ash,
Mu'awiyah: "For those who are big, I have found a match, even beyond that, namely Qais bin Sa'ad bin Ubadah. But to match that strong person I ask for your consideration.
Amru bin Ash: "There are two people who are suitable, it's just that both of them are far from you, they are Muhammadiyah al-Hanafiyyah and Abdullah bin Zubair."
Mu'awiyah: "Isn't Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah not far from us?"
Amru: "But do you think that with his noble position, is he willing to be pitted against the Roman in front of the public?"
Mu'awiyah: "He must have been willing, even more than that while he saw there was good in it and Islam seemed more authoritative."
Then Mu'awiyah called Qais bin Sa'id bin Sa'ad and Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah.
The arena was opened, to find out who was taller, Qias bin Sa'ad opened his outer pants and threw them at the Romans, telling him to wear them. When used it turns out to close to his chest so that people also laugh amused to see it.
It was the turn of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah, he said to the translator: "Tell this Roman, he may choose, he sits and I stand, then he must be able to make me sit or I make him stand up. It is also possible if he chooses to stand up and I sit down ... "The Romans preferred to sit.
Then Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah held the Roman hand until it almost broke off his shoulder and finally he sat on the ground.
Finally, the two people from across the country returned to their country with defeat and humiliation.
Day after day changed, until Mu'awiyah and his son, Yazid and Marwan bin Hakam died. The Khilafah fell to Abdul Malik bin Marwan from the hands of the Umayyad. This new Caliph was guided by Muslim residents of Sham. However, the residents of the Hijaz and Iraq preferred to give allegiance to Abdullah bin Zubair.
Both of them called on the people to share with him. Each claimed he was the one who deserved to be a caliph rather than his opponent. So that the Muslims broke into two groups.
At that time, Abdullah bin Zubair asked Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to do the Bai'at and the entire population of Hijaz. But Muhammad knew that bai'at would make him bound to the dibai'at. He must always help him, including drawing a sword against anyone who opposes it. Even though those who oppose it are fellow Muslims who choose to share with others.
Still ringing in Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah's memory during the Shiffin event. Years have passed, but he can't shake that loud and touching voice. His call was echoed: "O Muslims ... O Muslim brothers ... remember Allah ... Allah ... O Muslim brothers ...! Who are our women and children for? Who will defend our religion and honor from the Romans and the Dailam people? "He was truly unable to forget that. He said to Abdullah bin Zubair: "You know very well that I do not want to do that. My position is only as a Muslim. If all Muslims agree on one of you, then I have no objection to blessing to you or him. For the time being I don't want to say good to you or to him. "
But Abdullah bin Zubair kept trying to persuade him. Sometimes smooth and briefly rough. In the not too distant future many people who joined Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah agreed with him. They gave leadership to Muhammad, their number reached seven thousand. They prefer to stay away from slander and want to distance themselves from hellfire. Increasingly increasing followers of Ibn al-Hanafiyyah, increasingly angry Abdullah bin Zubair and increasingly forced to berbai'at to him.
After feeling unsuccessful in subjugating Banu Hashim and his followers, Ibn Zubair forbade them to come out of Mecca and he ordered his supervisor to look after them.
Ibn Zubair said to them: "By Allah, you must bless or we will burn you" He locked the Muslims in their homes and arranged firewood around him to the same height as the walls of the house. If only a piece of wood were ignited it would burn.
In such conditions, some people from followers of Ibn al-Hanafiyyah said, "Allow us to kill Ibn Zubair and free people from the pressure."
But Muhammad bin Ali Al-Hanfiyyah forbade them while saying, "Are we going to light the fire of slander even though we distance ourselves from it, then kill one of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and his sons ?! Not. For the sake of Allah we will do something that God and His apostles will scold if so. "
News of Abdullah bin Zubair's pressure on Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and his friends reached the ears of Abdul Malik bin Marwan. This condition is considered as a good opportunity to attract their sympathy to want to join on his side.
He sent a letter through an envoy who, if he sent a letter to one of his sons, would certainly not be softer and smoother than that. Among the contents of the letter are as follows:
"News has come to us that Ibn Zubair has pressured you and your followers and no longer respects your rights. Therefore, the land of Sham is open to all of you. We welcome your arrival with your chest and open arms. You may live in any part of your choice as a respectable family and neighbor. And all of you will find us as people who know to maintain rights, not forget wisdom, and connect well with friendship, God willing ... "
Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and his followers left for Sham. They then settled in the city of Ailah. Residents in the city warmly welcomed them and became good neighbors. They love and respect Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah after seeing his diligence in worship and his adultery with the world. He always conveyed amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. Upholding syi'ar Islam, reconciling all conflicts between them and not allowing anyone to wrong others.
News of his situation reached the ears of Caliph Abdul Malik. He was confused in determining his attitude. He gathered his officials to deliberate, then they said, "You don't deserve to allow him to be in your power while he is as you know. You should offer him to share with you or return to his place of origin. "
The decision was taken, Abdul Malik wrote a letter to Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah as follows: "You settled in our area, while the dispute was still going on between me and Abdullah bin Zubair. You are a prominent person among the Muslims. Therefore, I see the need for you to speak to me, if you want to live in my domain. If you pay, it happens that there are one hundred ships that just arrived from Kulzam, all of which I leave to you. Then there is an additional one hundred million dirhams and all of your needs and relatives will always be sufficient. But if you refuse, you better get out of the territory immediately. "
After receiving and reading the letter, Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah replied:
"From Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to Abdul Malik bin Marwan."
Salvation may be poured out upon you after being blessed to Allah who has no God but Him. I thought you were afraid and worried about me, whereas you already knew my attitude and position in this matter. For God's sake, if all of these people gather except for one group from just one village, I still accept it and not fight it. I had come to Mecca then Abdullah bin Zubair asked me to pay him a favor. When I refused, he persecuted me. Then you wrote me a letter and offered to stay in the Sham area. I choose to live in a city on the edge of your area because the cost of living is cheaper, and far from your territory. Now you write to me with threats, so we choose to leave you, God willing. "
Finally, Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and his entire family and followers left Sham. But every time they want to stay somewhere, they are always harassed and driven away.
Not enough suffering, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is still testing it with other difficulties that are harder and harder. Among his followers, appeared people who were disabled and lost their common sense, saying that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam left himself Ali and his descendants the secrets of science, religious order and shari'a heirlooms. It was all devoted to the family of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah which was unknown to others.
This knowledgeable and intelligent man understands what is behind these perverse words, which might drag Islam and Muslims into great danger. He gathered people then spoke to clarify the problem. After saying the Throne to Allah and praying for the Prophet Muhammad sallalla ‘alaihi wa sallam, he said," There are some people who consider us as a family to have the knowledge given by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam specifically for us, which is unknown to others. So We affirm, for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam is not inherited except those that are between two lauh (board / cover) ..." while pointing to the manuscript. "Whoever thinks we are reading other than the Book of Allah, he lies."
When some of his followers give greetings, "Assalamu'alaika, O Mahdi (giving clue)", then he answers, "True, I am the giver of guidance for goodness and you inshallah get guidance and become human beings who receive guidance. But if you greet me, just mention my name and say, "Assalamu'alaika, O Muhammad. '
Not long after the confusion overtook the mind of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and some of his followers in their place of residence, on the behalf of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, Hajjaj bin Yusuf succeeded in killing Abdullah bin Zubair, then all people hung on to Abdul Malik bin Marwan.
So there was no other choice for Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah except to write to Abdul Malik:
"To Allah's servant Abdul Malik bin Marwan, Amir al-mu'minin, from Muhammad bin Ali. After following developments, I saw that power had returned to your hands. People have blessed you through your guardian in the Hijaz. I send this written statement to you. Greetings. '
When the letter arrived, Abdul Malik read to his friends, they said, "If he wanted to disturb and cause confusion among Muslims, he was able to do it and you could do nothing. Therefore, write the answer for him so that he promised and swore to keep peace in the name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger so that there would not be chaos because of the strength and the many followers. "
So, Abdul Malik bin Marwan also wrote an answer letter to Ibn al-Hanafiyyah and ordered his guardian, Hajjaj bin Yusuf, to always respect, maintain his position, and do good to Muhammad.
But unfortunately, the age of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah is not so long. Because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has chosen him to return to His side with pleasure and full of pleasure.
Hopefully Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala blessed Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah who did not want the people's division to occur on the face of the earth and also not insane position and honor.
"Verily Allah gives you wholeness more than me. Your mother was Fatima bin Muhammad bin Abdillah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, while my mother was a woman from the Banu Hanifah. Your grandfather from the mother's path is His chosen Messenger, while my grandfather from the mother's path is Ja'far bin Qais. If my letter reaches you, I hope you are pleased to come here and make peace, so that you stay ahead of me in all things ... "when he arrived, Hasan rushed to his house to establish peace.
Who is this polite, intelligent and wise young man named Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah? "Let us follow the journey of his life from the beginning.
We begin this story from the final seconds of the life of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
One day, Ali bin Abi Talib sat with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said: "O Messenger of Allah, if I have more children after you are gone, may I give the name of my child with your name and I give chew (nickname) with chewing You (ie Abu al-Qasim)? "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," May. "
Time rolled on, until finally the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam died and a few months later followed by his daughter, Fatimah who was the mother of Hasan and Hussein. After that Ali bin Abi Talib remarried a woman from the Banu Hanifa named Khaulah bint Ja'far bin Qais al-Hanafiyyah.
This marriage gave birth to a baby boy who was given the name Muhammad and was given the nickname Abu al-Qasim with the blessing of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam before. However, ordinary people called him by the name of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to distinguish it from his two brothers, Hasan and Hussein. His second mother is Fatima az-Zahra. While her mother was a woman from al-Hanafiyah. Then that is the name that is widely known by history.
Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah was born at the end of the caliph of Abu Bakr al-Shidiq radhiyallahu ‘anhu. He grew up and grew up under the guidance of his father, Ali bin Abi Talib. From his father, he inherited the perseverance of his worship, the nature of zuhud, his courage and strength in addition to the fluency of his tongue.
During the day, he became a hero on the battlefield and became a figure in the ranks of the scholars. At night he is a monk when the human eye sleeps asleep.
His father radikyahuahu ‘anhu had galvanized him in the midst of the battle that he was following. He was burdened with heavy burdens which had never been borne by both his sadists, Hasan and Hussein. Thus he was never lazy or weak in spirit.
He was once asked, "Why are you always deployed in dangerous terrain and bear the burden of more than your two brothers, Hasan and Hussein?" With his laughter, "Because, my two brothers are like the eyes of your father, while my position is like his hands. So dad kept his eyes with both hands. "
When the Shiffin war broke out between Ali Abi Talib's group and the Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan group, Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah held the banner of his father.
When the war broke out, casualties fell from both parties. An event occurred which was then narrated by him. He said the incident:
"While in Shiffin we fought against our own friend, Muawiyah. We killed each other, so we suspected there would be nothing left of us or them. I became sad and anxious because of it.
Suddenly I heard a shout from behind me: "O Muslim brothers ... remember Allah ... Allah ... O Muslim brothers ... Allah ... Allah, leave your people, O Muslim brothers ...!
Immediately I came to my senses and promised that I would not lift and draw weapons again against any Muslim since that day ... "
In turn, Ali was martyred in the hands of the wrongdoers and lawlessness and the Caliphate fell into the hands of Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Even the Mu'awiyah asked Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to visit him frequently. Several times Muhammad visited Damascus to meet Mu'awiyah radhiyallahu ‘anhu.
For example, when one day the Roman Emperor wrote a letter to Mu'awiyah which included:
"Our kings have the habit of doing correspondence and sending each other amazing things that each has. Then we compete with each other the amazing things we have. Do you want to allow us to do the same thing as the custom that applies between us? "
Mu'awiyah agreed to the offer and gave permission. After that the Roman emperor sent two men who looked amazing. One is unusually high and large in stature as if it were a large tree rising in the middle of a forest, or a large building. The other one is amazingly strong and the muscles are strong like wild animals. The arrival of both of them accompanied by a letter read: "Is there anyone who matches the greatness and strength of these two people in your country?"
Mu'awiyah consulted with Amru bin Ash,
Mu'awiyah: "For those who are big, I have found a match, even beyond that, namely Qais bin Sa'ad bin Ubadah. But to match that strong person I ask for your consideration.
Amru bin Ash: "There are two people who are suitable, it's just that both of them are far from you, they are Muhammadiyah al-Hanafiyyah and Abdullah bin Zubair."
Mu'awiyah: "Isn't Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah not far from us?"
Amru: "But do you think that with his noble position, is he willing to be pitted against the Roman in front of the public?"
Mu'awiyah: "He must have been willing, even more than that while he saw there was good in it and Islam seemed more authoritative."
Then Mu'awiyah called Qais bin Sa'id bin Sa'ad and Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah.
The arena was opened, to find out who was taller, Qias bin Sa'ad opened his outer pants and threw them at the Romans, telling him to wear them. When used it turns out to close to his chest so that people also laugh amused to see it.
It was the turn of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah, he said to the translator: "Tell this Roman, he may choose, he sits and I stand, then he must be able to make me sit or I make him stand up. It is also possible if he chooses to stand up and I sit down ... "The Romans preferred to sit.
Then Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah held the Roman hand until it almost broke off his shoulder and finally he sat on the ground.
Finally, the two people from across the country returned to their country with defeat and humiliation.
Day after day changed, until Mu'awiyah and his son, Yazid and Marwan bin Hakam died. The Khilafah fell to Abdul Malik bin Marwan from the hands of the Umayyad. This new Caliph was guided by Muslim residents of Sham. However, the residents of the Hijaz and Iraq preferred to give allegiance to Abdullah bin Zubair.
Both of them called on the people to share with him. Each claimed he was the one who deserved to be a caliph rather than his opponent. So that the Muslims broke into two groups.
At that time, Abdullah bin Zubair asked Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to do the Bai'at and the entire population of Hijaz. But Muhammad knew that bai'at would make him bound to the dibai'at. He must always help him, including drawing a sword against anyone who opposes it. Even though those who oppose it are fellow Muslims who choose to share with others.
Still ringing in Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah's memory during the Shiffin event. Years have passed, but he can't shake that loud and touching voice. His call was echoed: "O Muslims ... O Muslim brothers ... remember Allah ... Allah ... O Muslim brothers ...! Who are our women and children for? Who will defend our religion and honor from the Romans and the Dailam people? "He was truly unable to forget that. He said to Abdullah bin Zubair: "You know very well that I do not want to do that. My position is only as a Muslim. If all Muslims agree on one of you, then I have no objection to blessing to you or him. For the time being I don't want to say good to you or to him. "
But Abdullah bin Zubair kept trying to persuade him. Sometimes smooth and briefly rough. In the not too distant future many people who joined Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah agreed with him. They gave leadership to Muhammad, their number reached seven thousand. They prefer to stay away from slander and want to distance themselves from hellfire. Increasingly increasing followers of Ibn al-Hanafiyyah, increasingly angry Abdullah bin Zubair and increasingly forced to berbai'at to him.
After feeling unsuccessful in subjugating Banu Hashim and his followers, Ibn Zubair forbade them to come out of Mecca and he ordered his supervisor to look after them.
Ibn Zubair said to them: "By Allah, you must bless or we will burn you" He locked the Muslims in their homes and arranged firewood around him to the same height as the walls of the house. If only a piece of wood were ignited it would burn.
In such conditions, some people from followers of Ibn al-Hanafiyyah said, "Allow us to kill Ibn Zubair and free people from the pressure."
But Muhammad bin Ali Al-Hanfiyyah forbade them while saying, "Are we going to light the fire of slander even though we distance ourselves from it, then kill one of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and his sons ?! Not. For the sake of Allah we will do something that God and His apostles will scold if so. "
News of Abdullah bin Zubair's pressure on Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and his friends reached the ears of Abdul Malik bin Marwan. This condition is considered as a good opportunity to attract their sympathy to want to join on his side.
He sent a letter through an envoy who, if he sent a letter to one of his sons, would certainly not be softer and smoother than that. Among the contents of the letter are as follows:
"News has come to us that Ibn Zubair has pressured you and your followers and no longer respects your rights. Therefore, the land of Sham is open to all of you. We welcome your arrival with your chest and open arms. You may live in any part of your choice as a respectable family and neighbor. And all of you will find us as people who know to maintain rights, not forget wisdom, and connect well with friendship, God willing ... "
Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and his followers left for Sham. They then settled in the city of Ailah. Residents in the city warmly welcomed them and became good neighbors. They love and respect Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah after seeing his diligence in worship and his adultery with the world. He always conveyed amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. Upholding syi'ar Islam, reconciling all conflicts between them and not allowing anyone to wrong others.
News of his situation reached the ears of Caliph Abdul Malik. He was confused in determining his attitude. He gathered his officials to deliberate, then they said, "You don't deserve to allow him to be in your power while he is as you know. You should offer him to share with you or return to his place of origin. "
The decision was taken, Abdul Malik wrote a letter to Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah as follows: "You settled in our area, while the dispute was still going on between me and Abdullah bin Zubair. You are a prominent person among the Muslims. Therefore, I see the need for you to speak to me, if you want to live in my domain. If you pay, it happens that there are one hundred ships that just arrived from Kulzam, all of which I leave to you. Then there is an additional one hundred million dirhams and all of your needs and relatives will always be sufficient. But if you refuse, you better get out of the territory immediately. "
After receiving and reading the letter, Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah replied:
"From Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah to Abdul Malik bin Marwan."
Salvation may be poured out upon you after being blessed to Allah who has no God but Him. I thought you were afraid and worried about me, whereas you already knew my attitude and position in this matter. For God's sake, if all of these people gather except for one group from just one village, I still accept it and not fight it. I had come to Mecca then Abdullah bin Zubair asked me to pay him a favor. When I refused, he persecuted me. Then you wrote me a letter and offered to stay in the Sham area. I choose to live in a city on the edge of your area because the cost of living is cheaper, and far from your territory. Now you write to me with threats, so we choose to leave you, God willing. "
Finally, Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and his entire family and followers left Sham. But every time they want to stay somewhere, they are always harassed and driven away.
Not enough suffering, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is still testing it with other difficulties that are harder and harder. Among his followers, appeared people who were disabled and lost their common sense, saying that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam left himself Ali and his descendants the secrets of science, religious order and shari'a heirlooms. It was all devoted to the family of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah which was unknown to others.
This knowledgeable and intelligent man understands what is behind these perverse words, which might drag Islam and Muslims into great danger. He gathered people then spoke to clarify the problem. After saying the Throne to Allah and praying for the Prophet Muhammad sallalla ‘alaihi wa sallam, he said," There are some people who consider us as a family to have the knowledge given by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam specifically for us, which is unknown to others. So We affirm, for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam is not inherited except those that are between two lauh (board / cover) ..." while pointing to the manuscript. "Whoever thinks we are reading other than the Book of Allah, he lies."
When some of his followers give greetings, "Assalamu'alaika, O Mahdi (giving clue)", then he answers, "True, I am the giver of guidance for goodness and you inshallah get guidance and become human beings who receive guidance. But if you greet me, just mention my name and say, "Assalamu'alaika, O Muhammad. '
Not long after the confusion overtook the mind of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah and some of his followers in their place of residence, on the behalf of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, Hajjaj bin Yusuf succeeded in killing Abdullah bin Zubair, then all people hung on to Abdul Malik bin Marwan.
So there was no other choice for Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah except to write to Abdul Malik:
"To Allah's servant Abdul Malik bin Marwan, Amir al-mu'minin, from Muhammad bin Ali. After following developments, I saw that power had returned to your hands. People have blessed you through your guardian in the Hijaz. I send this written statement to you. Greetings. '
When the letter arrived, Abdul Malik read to his friends, they said, "If he wanted to disturb and cause confusion among Muslims, he was able to do it and you could do nothing. Therefore, write the answer for him so that he promised and swore to keep peace in the name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger so that there would not be chaos because of the strength and the many followers. "
So, Abdul Malik bin Marwan also wrote an answer letter to Ibn al-Hanafiyyah and ordered his guardian, Hajjaj bin Yusuf, to always respect, maintain his position, and do good to Muhammad.
But unfortunately, the age of Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah is not so long. Because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has chosen him to return to His side with pleasure and full of pleasure.
Hopefully Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala blessed Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah who did not want the people's division to occur on the face of the earth and also not insane position and honor.
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