The Law of Learning to Read Quran Alone and Proposition
Reading the Qur'an is one of the worship that must be performed by every devout Muslim. This is because the Qur'an and Sunnah are the handles of life for a Muslim so he must learn them.
But reading the Qur'an that uses Arabic for Indonesians is not an easy matter. We must really study each letter in the Qur'an to be able to read well.
Some people learn how to read the Qur'an with the help of the teacher of the Koran. With the help of the Koran teacher, we can learn the Koran easily and the recitation is correct.
But what about the law if you recite or read the Qur'an without the help of a self-taught Koran teacher?
Basically, it is legitimate to learn to recite on their own without being accompanied by a Koran teacher. However, it is far more advisable to recite the recitation by being assisted and assisted by the Koran teacher.
The uniqueness of the Qur'an is when we learn to read the Koran, whether we can or cannot, then we will get a reward.
Aisha said a hadith that the Prophet said:
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: الذي يقرأ القرآن و هو ماهر به مع السفرة الكرام البررة, والذي يقرؤه وهو شديد عليه فله أجران. رواه الترمذي
"People who read the Qur'an and he is clever (fluent in reading it), then he will be with the angels. Whereas people who read the Qur'an but still stutter (not yet fluent), then he will get two rewards ". (Mr. Turmudzi: 2829)
Learning to recite with the help of a teacher is highly recommended. This is due to the existence of recitation, which should be studied with the help of a teacher who is an expert in recitation.
Many postulates show that learning recitation in reading the Qur'an is highly recommended. And this tajweed can only be perfect if studied with people who can correct the reading.
From Anas bin Malik when asked:
"How was the Prophet's reading, so he replied that his reading was lengthy and then he read" Bismillahirrahman arrahiim "lengthening (bismillah) and lengthening (ar rahmaan) and lengthening ar rahiim". (Mr. Bukhari)
Ibn Masud also reported a story when guiding someone to read the Qur'an. So the person said: "Innamash shadaqatu lil fuqara-i wal masakin."
By leaving a long reading, Ibn Masud admonished him, "This is not the way the Messenger of Allah recited this verse to me."
"Then how did the Messenger of Allah recite this verse to you O Abu Abdirrahman?" So he said: "Innamash shadaqaatu lil fuqaraa-i wal masaakiin". (Mr. Said bin Mansur).
Therefore, learning to recite on their own is not recommended, but it is also not prohibited because there are many ways to read the Qur'an that need to be considered with the help of experts.
We all start learning to read the Qur'an because it has various virtues as explained by Allah SWT.
"Indeed, those who always read the book of Allah and establish prayers and spend part of the sustenance that We bestow upon them in secret and openly, they expect commerce that will not suffer losses".
"For God to perfect them their merit and add to them from His gift. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Most Grateful. "(Surah Fathir: 29-30).
Abdullah bin Mas'ud radhiyallahu 'anhu said: "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said:" Whoever reads one letter from the Qur'an, for him one goodness with that reading, one goodness is entered into 10 good things and I do not say الم one letter will but one letter Alif, one letter Laam and one letter Miim. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi and dishahihkan in the book Shahih Al Jami ', no. 6469)
Tamim Ad Dary radhiyalahu 'anhu said: "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said:" Whoever reads 100 verses on a night is written for him the reward of prayer all night. "(Narrated by Ahmad and dishahihkan in the book Shahih Al Jami ', no. 6468 )
Thus this short article. Hopefully this article is useful and adds to our faith in Allah SWT. Aamiin.
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