The Law of Marriage Different from Islam and Non-Muslims

Marriage is something that is recommended in Islam. The law of marriage is sunnah muakkad which is the preferred sunnah. Getting married is a complementary religion and is a form of worship to Allah Ta'ala. Getting married also has many virtues in Islam. In addition to producing offspring, marriage also avoids immoral acts and makes the heart feel more peaceful.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in the Qur'an which means:

"And among His signs of authority is He created for you wives of your own kind, so that you will tend and feel secure to him, and He will make you love and affection. Verily in that there are indeed signs for those who think. "(Surat ar. Ruum: 21).

Because marriage is something sacred, of course it should not be done carelessly. Moreover, for Muslims, marriage must fulfill religious principles and shari'a. In general there are 4 factors that need to be considered in finding a mate. Among them are religion, nasab, wealth and face.

Well, what is the statement about religious interfaith marriage? Approximately may Muslim women marry non-Muslim men, or vice versa? Here's the full review!

Islamic view of different religious marriages
The law of marriage of religious differences in Islam, including the issue of khilafiyah, is debated. However, the majority of scholars and MUI decided that interfaith marriages in Islam were haram (not allowed).

1. Haram
The majority of scholars from the 4 mahzhab, MUI, NU, Muhammadiyah and others have agreed that marrying non-Muslim men or women is illegal. This statement is based on the arguments of the Koran Surat al-Baqarah verse 221 and Al-Mumtahanah verse 10 which explains that believers are prohibited from marrying polytheists. Getting married to an infidel is not permissible in Islam.

"And do not marry polytheists, before they believe. Surely the slave woman Mu'min is better than the polytheist woman, even though she attracts your heart. And do not marry the idolaters [with the women of Minin] before they believe. Surely the servant of Mu'min is better than the polytheist even though he attracts your heart. They invite to hell, while God invites to heaven and forgiveness with His permission. And God explained His verses [His commandments] to people so that they took lessons. " (QS Al-Baqarah: 221)

"O ye who believe, when you come to you believing women who emigrate, then let them test them. Allah knows more about their faith, so if you have known that they are (truly) believers, then do not return them to (their husbands) unbelievers. they are not lawful for the unbelievers, and those who disbelieve are not lawful for them. and give to their husbands, the dowry that they have paid. and there is no sin upon you to marry them if you pay them their dowry. and do not hold on to a rope (marriage) to unbelieving women; and ask for the dowry that you have paid for; and let them ask for the dowry that they have paid. Thus is the law of God which He has established among you, and Allah is All-Knowing, Wise. "(QS. Al-Mumtahanah: 10)

2. Allowed (between makruh and mubah)
Opinions from the second cleric about interfaith marriage law between makruh and mubah. Their statement is based on the letter Al-Maidah verse 5 which explains that marrying an ahlul kitab woman is lawful for a believer. But with conditions,

Ahlul Kitab women have never committed immoral acts, such as adultery and the like
Only Muslim men may marry Ahlul Kitab women, while Muslim women may not marry men of different faiths.
Why is that? Because the position of women in the family is to become a makmum. Not necessarily able to guide her husband. So if her husband is non-Muslim, it can risk damaging the foundation of the faith of the household.

 "Today it's fine for you to be fine. the food of those who are given the Book is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. (and It is permissible to marry) women who guard honor among women who believe and women who guard honor among those who are given the Book before you, if you have paid for their dowry with the intention of marrying, not for the purpose of adultery and not making it concubines. Whoever disbelieves after believing (does not accept Islamic laws) Then erase his deeds and he on the Day of Judgment Including those who are losers ". (QS. Al-Maidah: 5)

It is permissible for Muslim men to marry Ahlul Kitab women because of the opinion that the women of the Ahlul Kitab are different from the Mushrik women. However, in the letter Al-bayyinah Allah Ta'ala explained that the scribes and idolaters included infidels.

"Verily those who disbelieve are the experts of the Book and those who are polytheists (will enter) to hell. they abide therein. they are as bad as creatures. "(Surat al-Bayyinah: 6)

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that interfaith marriages are not recommended in Islam, even forbidden. Even though there are some that allow, we can see that ancient scribes were indeed different from today. Moreover, the holy books besides the Qur'an (such as the gospel or law) have also been modified by humans.

We better marry other Muslims. Because the main requirement in finding a partner is religion and morality. That way the household life will become mawaddah, sakinah and rahmah.




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