The Mandatory Bathing Method for the Right Woman According to Islam
In Islamic teachings, to carry out worship which is part of the pillars of Islam and its nature habluminnaullah (dealing directly with Allah, in the form of rituals) it is obligatory to be pure and clean. Not just clean and holy when carrying out ritual worship, more than that Islamic teachings do indeed order the people to always keep themselves clean. As in a hadith it is stated that cleanliness is part of faith.
This, as stated in the Koran:
"O ye who believe, if you are going to pray, then wash your face and your hands up to your elbows, and sweep your head and (wash) your feet up to both ankles, and if you junub then take a bath, and if you are sick or deep traveling or returning from a toilet or touching a woman, then you do not get water, then mix with good soil (clean); brush your face and your hand with the land. God does not want to trouble you, but He wants to cleanse you and perfect His blessings for you, so that you will be grateful. "(QS: Al-Maidah: 6)
Prohibition during menstruation is not allowed to fast and pray, because it was unclean or not susceptible to being covered with dirt in his body. To be able to cleanse themselves in Islam one of them is the existence of an order to bathe obligatory, as Islamic teachings and the Prophet convey. Compulsory bathing is a bath that is carried out on someone if he has done it or has a large hadast.
This is also explained in QS-Annisa: 43 concerning the prohibition to pray and is obliged to take a bath before again carrying out worship.
"O ye who believe, do not pray, while you are drunk, so that you understand what you say, (do not approach the mosque) while you are in a state of junub, except just passing, until you take a bath. And if you are sick or are in the way of a traveler or coming from a place where you are defecating or you have touched a woman, then you do not get water, then add your blessings to a good (holy) land; brush your face and your hand. Allah is Forgiving, Forgiving. (QS: An-Nisa: 43)
Things That Make Women Have to Do Bathing Must
The necessity that makes a woman carry out a mandatory shower is because of the uncleanness that comes out in her body continuously until the time is over. Unclean is one of the things that should not be there when going to worship Allah SWT. For this reason, when a woman is released uncleanly before she returns to the sacred condition she is forbidden to carry out certain worship services. The following are things that require women to take mandatory baths.
Menstruation and Postpartum
Menstruation is one of the things that nullifies fasting. During menstruation, women are not allowed to fast. Before actually stopping menstrual blood and taking a mandatory shower, women should not fast first. For this reason, a mandatory bath is required.
"They ask you about menstruation. Say: "Menstruation is a filth". Therefore, you should distance yourself from women during menstruation; and do not approach them before they are holy. when they are holy, then mix them in the place that God commanded you. Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and like those who purify themselves "(QS: Al-Baqarah: 222)
Menstruation is the process of discharge of blood due to the decay of the egg in the uterus which occurs periodically. While childbirth is the process of discharge of blood after giving birth to a mother. Menstrual blood and childbirth are unclean, so that when the process is released, women are forbidden to pray and fast before carrying out the obligatory bath first.
After Doing Junub
"O ye who believe, do not pray, while you are drunk, so that you understand what you say, and (do not approach the mosque) while you are in a state of junub, except just passing, until you take a shower". (QS: An-Nisa: 43)
In a state of junub or after junub, then of course a Muslim is prohibited from entering the mosque or performing prayers before they are in a sacred condition, namely by obligatory bathing or a large bath. The semen or fluid that comes out after the junub for women or men is unclean which must be cleaned before returning to worship.
"It is narrated from Um Salamah that Ummul Sulaim said, 'O Messenger of Allah, Allah is not ashamed about the matter of truth, is a woman obliged to take a bath when she dreams? The Prophet answered, 'Yes, if he sees water.' (Narrated by Bukhori Muslim and others)
Likewise when women are dreaming, then after that they are obliged to take a mandatory bath. This is not only required for men, but also for women.
Contact with Men and Women Gender
For women and men who have genital contact, even if they do not have a jug, it is still mandatory to take a mandatory bath. This is explained in the following hadith:
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said: "If a person sits between four female members of the body, he means; between two hands and two legs then intercourse with him then it is obligatory for him to take a bath, whether the semen is out or not. "(Narrated by Muslim)
In another hadith, it is also explained about the obligation to take a mandatory bath after meeting men and women.
It is reported from Ayesha ra that the Messenger of Allah said: "If the two genitals have met, it is obligatory for him to take a bath. I and the Messenger of Allah did it, so we took a bath. ”(Narrated by Ibn Majah)
Mandatory Bathing Procedures for Women
To carry out the obligatory bath which is an order from Islamic teachings, the basis is to return to the Qur'an and Sunnah. This shows that the function of the Qur'an for mankind is as a guide to life in various aspects. As stated in the Hadiths of Muslim History and Bukhari explained the implementation of the obligatory bathing method for women or how to bathe in Islam, are as follows:
Doing Intentions and Bathing Prayers Must
Recitation of Intention and Mandatory Bathing Prayer is, "I intend to raise up the greatness because of Allah Taala". Intention and Prayer are things that make all our activities as Muslims more sincere and give up everything to Allah SWT. For this reason, the intention and prayer of bathing must be able to add so that the Muslim women who carry it out are more sincere and do not procrastinate. Bathing prayer Menstruation and menstrual bathing intention are the same as intention and obligatory bathing prayer, so that the intention is the same even though menstruation or after junub.
As in Islamic teachings that Innamal A'malul bin intentions, that the practice actually depends on his intention. It is important to always renew intentions that might change in the middle of the road. So it is necessary to maintain clarity and loneliness intention to achieve sincerity. While the characteristics of people who are not sincere in worshiping Allah SWT have less straight intention or not because of Allah alone. For this reason, with intentions and prayers before starting something, make sincerity and is one way to keep the heart calm in Islam.
Wash the whole body
"Umm Salama RA, I asked the Messenger of Allāh cara about the ways to take a bath, he said," Define thee three water to the head. Steer it all over the body. In that way, holy you ”(Muslim)
Wash all the body including the skin or hair with water and even water on the hair to the base. In addition, it is also mandatory to wash with water to the entire body, including hair, hair that is on all the limbs, ears, genitals of the back or front.
Technically we can take a dipper filled with water then pour it from the tip of the hair on the head to past the genitals and to the soles of the feet. In this day and age, you can also use a shower that makes it easier to wash the entire body from end to end.
It would be better if the obligatory bathing process was also preceded by the process of ablution, by means of correct ablution. This is also to purify and wash the body parts that were seen before being washed beforehand.
Unraveling the Hair and Removing the Ties
Before taking a big bath, the woman is obliged to untie her hair and let it loose. This is to ensure that all parts of the body can be washed completely. If it is not decomposed, it is worried that it will not be exposed to water in the part that is still tied. For that to describe hair is a thing that must be done before taking a bath, and at the same time Muslim women can wash it to clean it perfectly.
Doing shampoo during menstruation is not prohibited to clean up and maintain cleanliness. Although permissible, there are also some views that do not allow fiqh. However, even though during menstruation it does not mean that it is compulsory bathing, because the condition is still dirty.
Adding Fragrances in the Body
"Take a little kasturi and clean it with him"
Its nature is not mandatory, but this if done it will add to the fragrance and eliminate unpleasant odors after menstruation for women. Remembering that menstrual blood or childbirth can smell bad and of course interfere with comfort.
As clean and clean as a woman's body, soul and good mind is certainly a priority. The sanctity of heart and soul makes a woman a man's ideal pious woman. For this reason, Muslim women should keep their purity and cleanliness clean. For this reason, the function of religion brings both of them to be properly guarded.
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