The Prophets Are Ordered To Say Inshallah
The prophets and apostles are trustees of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala on this earth. They are people whom Allah loves, they carry out the heavenly message to claim humans to worship Allah alone and not associate anything with anything. Even though Allah loves them, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala does not have to realize what they expect. They are still encouraged to say God willing (by Allah's will) when aspiring to something.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala once rebuked His Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam because there was someone who asked him about a matter, then he tomorrow I answer - with the conviction of revelation from Allah will come down. It turned out that the revelations regarding the related answers did not go down and when the revelation came in the form of a rebuke to him to say God willing. Likewise the events experienced by Prophet Sulayman aih Peace be upon him.
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said," Sulayman bin Daud aih alaihissalam once said, ungguh Really, I will rotate my hundred wives tonight. Everyone will give birth to a horse riding expert who will fight in the way of God. 'Then his friend said to him, lah Say' God willing, 'but Prophet Solomon did not say' God willing '. It turned out that all of his wives who were pregnant only a wife, and even then only gave birth to half a child. For the sake of the Essence that controls my soul, if Prophet Solomon said ‘Insya Allah’, surely they would all fight in the way of Allah as a cavalry. ”(Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
In another narration in the ash-Shahihain also that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said," Prophet Sulayman aih alaihissalam said, ‘Really, I will rotate my seventy wives tonight. Each will give birth to a cavalry that fights in the way of God. 'But he did not say' God willing '. Then he rotated them. It turned out that the pregnant woman was only a wife who gave birth to half a child, then the child was taken to the seat of Prophet Solomon aih alaihissalam, then put on his lap. For the sake of the Essence that controls my soul, if Prophet Sulayman aih alaihissalam said ‘Insya Allah’, surely they would all fight in the way of Allah as cavalry. "This is as the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And truly, We have tested Solomon." (QS. Shad: 34)
The prophets and apostles who are trustees of Allah are still taught civilized to Allah to say God willing when aspiring to something, let alone we who are ordinary human beings.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala once rebuked His Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam because there was someone who asked him about a matter, then he tomorrow I answer - with the conviction of revelation from Allah will come down. It turned out that the revelations regarding the related answers did not go down and when the revelation came in the form of a rebuke to him to say God willing. Likewise the events experienced by Prophet Sulayman aih Peace be upon him.
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said," Sulayman bin Daud aih alaihissalam once said, ungguh Really, I will rotate my hundred wives tonight. Everyone will give birth to a horse riding expert who will fight in the way of God. 'Then his friend said to him, lah Say' God willing, 'but Prophet Solomon did not say' God willing '. It turned out that all of his wives who were pregnant only a wife, and even then only gave birth to half a child. For the sake of the Essence that controls my soul, if Prophet Solomon said ‘Insya Allah’, surely they would all fight in the way of Allah as a cavalry. ”(Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
In another narration in the ash-Shahihain also that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said," Prophet Sulayman aih alaihissalam said, ‘Really, I will rotate my seventy wives tonight. Each will give birth to a cavalry that fights in the way of God. 'But he did not say' God willing '. Then he rotated them. It turned out that the pregnant woman was only a wife who gave birth to half a child, then the child was taken to the seat of Prophet Solomon aih alaihissalam, then put on his lap. For the sake of the Essence that controls my soul, if Prophet Sulayman aih alaihissalam said ‘Insya Allah’, surely they would all fight in the way of Allah as cavalry. "This is as the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And truly, We have tested Solomon." (QS. Shad: 34)
The prophets and apostles who are trustees of Allah are still taught civilized to Allah to say God willing when aspiring to something, let alone we who are ordinary human beings.
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