The story of the Prophet Moses and Harun aih Alaihimasssalam Part 4
Prophet Moses aih Alaihissalam Receiving the Torah
The Children of Israel live in security and peace, and they need a law that they can use as a rule of life and the Shari'a that governs them, so Allah revealed to Moses to go out to a certain place to accept the Shari'a which Bani would later refer to. Israel, he appointed Aaron as his successor; advised him and reminded him of God and warned him not to be people who tried to do damage on earth.
He went to the mountain which he had received revelation the first time when he returned from Madyan to Egypt and typed it was revealed to him the book of the Torah. And when Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) witnessed that Allah had glorified him and given advantages, he asked Allah to be given the opportunity to see Him because he thought that Allah could be seen in the world, so Allah refused the request and explained that He would not be able to see God 'Grace. Mentioned this incident in the letter Al A'raaf: 143, Allah Ta'ala said,
"And when Moses came to (munajat with us) at the time that We had determined and God had said (directly) to him, Moses said," O my Lord, show (yourself) to me so that I can see You. "Allah said," You cannot see Me, but look at the hill, so if he stays in his place (as before) you can see Me. "When his Lord appeared to the mountain, he made the mountain broken and Moses also knocked out. then after Moses regained consciousness, he said, "Glory to You, I repent to You and I am the first to believe."
Then the Prophet Musa aih alaihissalam took lauh-lauh which contained the Torah, in the book there were advice and laws to govern the life of the Children of Israel.
The Children of Israel Worship the Calf Statue
After the death of Moses, it turned out that the Children of Israel were distorted by a man named Samiri, he collected their jewelry and gold and made a hollow statue in the form of a calf, where if the wind enters from one hole and exits the other hole, it will come out the sound that resembled the sound of a calf, then Samiri told them, that it was their god and god Moses, finally the Children of Israel believed and worshiped the statue leaving worshiping Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. So the Prophet Aaron advised and reminded them, but they remained above that ignorance, unconscious and not paying attention to Aaron's advice, they even denied him and almost killed him. They also told them that they would not leave worship to the statue until Moses returned.
When Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) returned, he found his people in such circumstances, he was angry with great anger in disappointment mixed with sadness, so he threw lauh-lauh (sheet) containing the Torah from his hand, then he went to Prophet Aaron, holding his head and beard while pulling and said, "O Harun! What hinders you when you see them gone astray - (so) you do not follow me? Then have you (intentionally) disobeyed my command? "(QS. Thaahaa: 92-93)
Aaron said, "O my mother's son! Do not hold my beard and do not (nor) my head, "I am afraid that you will say (to me)," You have divided between the Children of Israel and you have not kept my message. "
He also told the Prophet Moses that his people almost killed him, so Moses left him and went to Samiri; the person who made the statue and asked about the reason, then Samiri told him the reason, then Moses burned the statue to the ground and dumped the pulp into the sea.
Then the Prophet Moses said to his people, "O my people! Surely you have persecuted yourself because you have made a calf (your worship), then repent to the Lord who made you and kill yourself. It is better for you in the sight of the Lord who made you; then Allah will accept your repentance. Verily He is the One Who Receives repentance, the Most Merciful. "(See Al Baqarah: 54)
Then Allah 'Azza waalla informed Moses, that Aaron had departed from them and he had tried hard to keep them from worshiping a calf statue, then the heart of the Prophet Moses was calm because it turned out that his brother did not participate in the sinful act, the Prophet Musa 'alaihissalam confronted himself with Allah' Azza wa Jalla asked forgiveness for himself and his brother, He said, "O my Lord, forgive me and my brother and enter us into Your mercy, and Thou art the Most Merciful among the merciful." (See Al A'raaf: 151)
Then the Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) chose seventy of the best people from among them to go with him to a place determined by Allah za Almighty Allah. When they arrived at the place, they even asked to see God in a real way, so the Prophet Moses was angry with them violently, and Allah sent down lightning which destroyed them until their souls floated. Then Prophet Musa Musa Peace be upon him praying to Allah and humbling himself to Him asking that He give them mercy. So Allah granted the request of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and He brought to life those who died because they were struck by lightning so that they thanked Allah za Azza wa Jalla for bringing them to life after their death (see Al Baqarah: 55-56).
Then the Prophet Moses brought them back to his people and read the Torah to them and explained the advice and laws contained therein. He also took an agreement from them to want to practice the contents, they also wanted to promise with a forced after God lifted the mountain above them. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:
"And (remember), when We took a promise from you and We lifted the hill (Mount of Sinai) above you (as We said)," Hold fast what We give to you and listen! "They replied," We hear but do not obey "And they were absorbed into their hearts (love of worshiping) calves because of their disbelief. Say, "It is very evil that you have commanded your faith in you if you truly believe (in the Torah)." (Surat al-Baqarah: 93)
Allah's order to the Children of Israel to Enter the Palestinian State
Furthermore, Allah gave revelations to the Prophet Musa peace be upon him, that the time had come for the Children of Israel to enter and occupy a blessed country, namely Palestine, so the Prophet Musa alaihissalam was very happy, but the Children of Israel turned out to be cowards and cowards, they said to the Prophet Moses' peace be upon him, "O Moses! Surely in those countries there are men who are mighty, surely we will not enter it before they come out of it. If they come out of it, surely we will enter it. "(See Al Maa'idah: 22)
At that time there were two believers among them who said, "Destroy them by going through the gate (city), then if you enter it, you will win. And only to God should you put your trust, if you are truly a believer. "
But the Children of Israel still refused and said in very bad words, "O Moses! We will never enter it once and for all, while they are in it, therefore go with your Lord, and fight both of you, in fact we are just sitting here waiting. "(Surah Al Maa'idah: 23-24)
So the anger of the Prophet Moses to his people who forgot the favor of Allah. It was then that the Prophet Moses prayed to God to distance himself from his wicked people, he said, "My Lord, I do not master except myself and my brother. Therefore separate us from those who are wicked. "(Ex. QS. Al Maa'idah: 25)
Punishment of the Children of Israel for Refusing God's Orders Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
Then came the answer from Allah "the Almighty which contained," (If so), then in fact the land was forbidden for them for forty years, (during that time) they would spin around in confusion on the earth (the sahara desert). So do not grieve (think of the fate) of those who are wicked. "(Surah Al Maa'idah: 26).
Thus God's punishment to the Children of Israel, they continued to go astray for forty years in the Sahara, until this timid generation died and was replaced by a brave generation who then wanted to fight under the leadership of Prophet Yusya 'bin Nun after Prophet Moses died.
The Children of Israel live in security and peace, and they need a law that they can use as a rule of life and the Shari'a that governs them, so Allah revealed to Moses to go out to a certain place to accept the Shari'a which Bani would later refer to. Israel, he appointed Aaron as his successor; advised him and reminded him of God and warned him not to be people who tried to do damage on earth.
He went to the mountain which he had received revelation the first time when he returned from Madyan to Egypt and typed it was revealed to him the book of the Torah. And when Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) witnessed that Allah had glorified him and given advantages, he asked Allah to be given the opportunity to see Him because he thought that Allah could be seen in the world, so Allah refused the request and explained that He would not be able to see God 'Grace. Mentioned this incident in the letter Al A'raaf: 143, Allah Ta'ala said,
"And when Moses came to (munajat with us) at the time that We had determined and God had said (directly) to him, Moses said," O my Lord, show (yourself) to me so that I can see You. "Allah said," You cannot see Me, but look at the hill, so if he stays in his place (as before) you can see Me. "When his Lord appeared to the mountain, he made the mountain broken and Moses also knocked out. then after Moses regained consciousness, he said, "Glory to You, I repent to You and I am the first to believe."
Then the Prophet Musa aih alaihissalam took lauh-lauh which contained the Torah, in the book there were advice and laws to govern the life of the Children of Israel.
The Children of Israel Worship the Calf Statue
After the death of Moses, it turned out that the Children of Israel were distorted by a man named Samiri, he collected their jewelry and gold and made a hollow statue in the form of a calf, where if the wind enters from one hole and exits the other hole, it will come out the sound that resembled the sound of a calf, then Samiri told them, that it was their god and god Moses, finally the Children of Israel believed and worshiped the statue leaving worshiping Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. So the Prophet Aaron advised and reminded them, but they remained above that ignorance, unconscious and not paying attention to Aaron's advice, they even denied him and almost killed him. They also told them that they would not leave worship to the statue until Moses returned.
When Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) returned, he found his people in such circumstances, he was angry with great anger in disappointment mixed with sadness, so he threw lauh-lauh (sheet) containing the Torah from his hand, then he went to Prophet Aaron, holding his head and beard while pulling and said, "O Harun! What hinders you when you see them gone astray - (so) you do not follow me? Then have you (intentionally) disobeyed my command? "(QS. Thaahaa: 92-93)
Aaron said, "O my mother's son! Do not hold my beard and do not (nor) my head, "I am afraid that you will say (to me)," You have divided between the Children of Israel and you have not kept my message. "
He also told the Prophet Moses that his people almost killed him, so Moses left him and went to Samiri; the person who made the statue and asked about the reason, then Samiri told him the reason, then Moses burned the statue to the ground and dumped the pulp into the sea.
Then the Prophet Moses said to his people, "O my people! Surely you have persecuted yourself because you have made a calf (your worship), then repent to the Lord who made you and kill yourself. It is better for you in the sight of the Lord who made you; then Allah will accept your repentance. Verily He is the One Who Receives repentance, the Most Merciful. "(See Al Baqarah: 54)
Then Allah 'Azza waalla informed Moses, that Aaron had departed from them and he had tried hard to keep them from worshiping a calf statue, then the heart of the Prophet Moses was calm because it turned out that his brother did not participate in the sinful act, the Prophet Musa 'alaihissalam confronted himself with Allah' Azza wa Jalla asked forgiveness for himself and his brother, He said, "O my Lord, forgive me and my brother and enter us into Your mercy, and Thou art the Most Merciful among the merciful." (See Al A'raaf: 151)
Then the Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) chose seventy of the best people from among them to go with him to a place determined by Allah za Almighty Allah. When they arrived at the place, they even asked to see God in a real way, so the Prophet Moses was angry with them violently, and Allah sent down lightning which destroyed them until their souls floated. Then Prophet Musa Musa Peace be upon him praying to Allah and humbling himself to Him asking that He give them mercy. So Allah granted the request of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and He brought to life those who died because they were struck by lightning so that they thanked Allah za Azza wa Jalla for bringing them to life after their death (see Al Baqarah: 55-56).
Then the Prophet Moses brought them back to his people and read the Torah to them and explained the advice and laws contained therein. He also took an agreement from them to want to practice the contents, they also wanted to promise with a forced after God lifted the mountain above them. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:
"And (remember), when We took a promise from you and We lifted the hill (Mount of Sinai) above you (as We said)," Hold fast what We give to you and listen! "They replied," We hear but do not obey "And they were absorbed into their hearts (love of worshiping) calves because of their disbelief. Say, "It is very evil that you have commanded your faith in you if you truly believe (in the Torah)." (Surat al-Baqarah: 93)
Allah's order to the Children of Israel to Enter the Palestinian State
Furthermore, Allah gave revelations to the Prophet Musa peace be upon him, that the time had come for the Children of Israel to enter and occupy a blessed country, namely Palestine, so the Prophet Musa alaihissalam was very happy, but the Children of Israel turned out to be cowards and cowards, they said to the Prophet Moses' peace be upon him, "O Moses! Surely in those countries there are men who are mighty, surely we will not enter it before they come out of it. If they come out of it, surely we will enter it. "(See Al Maa'idah: 22)
At that time there were two believers among them who said, "Destroy them by going through the gate (city), then if you enter it, you will win. And only to God should you put your trust, if you are truly a believer. "
But the Children of Israel still refused and said in very bad words, "O Moses! We will never enter it once and for all, while they are in it, therefore go with your Lord, and fight both of you, in fact we are just sitting here waiting. "(Surah Al Maa'idah: 23-24)
So the anger of the Prophet Moses to his people who forgot the favor of Allah. It was then that the Prophet Moses prayed to God to distance himself from his wicked people, he said, "My Lord, I do not master except myself and my brother. Therefore separate us from those who are wicked. "(Ex. QS. Al Maa'idah: 25)
Punishment of the Children of Israel for Refusing God's Orders Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
Then came the answer from Allah "the Almighty which contained," (If so), then in fact the land was forbidden for them for forty years, (during that time) they would spin around in confusion on the earth (the sahara desert). So do not grieve (think of the fate) of those who are wicked. "(Surah Al Maa'idah: 26).
Thus God's punishment to the Children of Israel, they continued to go astray for forty years in the Sahara, until this timid generation died and was replaced by a brave generation who then wanted to fight under the leadership of Prophet Yusya 'bin Nun after Prophet Moses died.
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