The story of the Prophet Moses and Harun aih Alaihimasssalam Part 2
The Return of Moses to Egypt and He Appointed as a Prophet
So Moses departed for Egypt with his family, so that when they felt the darkness, they sat down to rest in order to continue their journey. At that time, the weather was very cold, so Moses was looking for something to warm his body, he saw a fire from afar, then asked his family to wait there so he could take something to warm the body. So Moses went to the fire with his staff.
More than an exegete from both the Salaf and the Khalaf said, "Prophet Moses went to the fire he saw and after arriving there, he found the fire burning in a green tree, namely the Ausaj tree (thorny tree species), the fire was increasingly lit, the tree's greenness also increased, so Moses stood in a state of amazement and at that time the tree was at the foot of the mountain to the west and at the right hand of the Prophet Moses as the word Allah Ta'ala, "And not you (Muhammad) are on the side the West when We deliver the command to Moses, nor do you include those who witness. "(QS. Al Qashshash: 44)
At that time Moses was in a valley called Thuwa, while facing the Qibla, while the tree was on his right in the West, then his Lord called him,
"O Moses. - indeed I am your Lord, then release your two sandals; indeed you are in a holy valley; Thuwa. - And I have chosen you, then listen to what will be revealed (to you). - Indeed I am Allah, there is no God (who has the right to be worshiped) besides Me, then worship Me and establish prayer to remember Me. the doomsday will come, I keep (the time) secret so that every self will be rewarded with what he strives for. - So do not turn away from him who does not believe in him and by those who follow his desires, which cause you to perish. "(QS. Thaahaa: 11-16)
Then Allah 'Azza wa Jalla asked him about the stick he was holding - and He knew better, Moses answered, "This is my stick, I lean on him, and I hit (leaf) with him for my kambingku, and for me there is another need for him. "(QS. Thaahaa: 18)
So God told him to throw his staff. Moses threw it, then the stick turned into a large serpent and moved quickly, then Moses turned away because he was afraid, then God told him to come back and not be afraid, because the snake would return to the stick as before, then Moses extended his hand to the snake took it, it turned out that the snake immediately turned into a stick.
Prophet Musa had brown skin, then Allah ordered him to put his hand in his clothes then took it out, Moses did it, then there was a clear white color. Both of them made Allah a miracle for Prophet Musa aih peace be upon him as well as other miracles to strengthen his apostleship when dealing with Pharaoh and his princes.
Da'wah of the Prophet Musa Alaihissalam to Pharaoh
Furthermore, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala ordered the Prophet Moses to go to Pharaoh to preach it, then the Prophet Moses wanted to fulfill it, but before he departed, he prayed to his Lord asking Taufiq and asked Him for help, Moses said, "My Lord , expose me to my chest - And make it easy for me for my business, - And let go of the stiffness of my tongue, - If they understand my words, - And make me a servant from my family, - (ie) Aaron, my brother, - Strengthen him with my strength. in my affairs, - we bless thee a lot, - and remember you a lot. - Verily Thou art seeing us. "(QS. Thaahaa: 25-35)
So God granted his request, then Moses remembered that he had killed an Egyptian, he was afraid that if they killed him, then God calmed him, that they would not be able to hurt him so that Moses was calm (see Al-Qasas: 35).
Moses continued his journey to Egypt and told Harun what had happened between himself and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala so that Aaron would take part in delivering the message to Pharaoh and his people and help him to expel the Children of Israel from Egypt, so Aaron was pleased with the news. he also preached with Moses.
Pharaoh was a cruel man who acted wrongfully against the Children of Israel, so Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron prayed to Allah to save both of them from acts of persecution from Pharaoh, then Allah Ta'ala said affirming both of their hearts, verily I am with you both, I hear and see. ”- Then came both of you to him (Pharaoh) and Say," Verily we are both messengers of your Lord, then deliver the Children of Israel with us and do not torture them. Indeed, we have come to you with proof (of our apostleship) from your Lord. And that salvation is bestowed upon those who follow the instructions. Indeed, it has been revealed to us that the punishment (is afflicted) upon those who deny and turn away. "(QS. Thaahaa: 46-48)
So when Moses and the departed, they began to invite them to Allah and tried to bring the Children of Israel from the oppression of Pharaoh, but Pharaoh mocked both and made fun of what they both brought and reminded Moses, that he was taking care of Moses in his palace and continued to raise it up until when Moses killed the Egyptians and went away. Then the Prophet Moses' Peace be upon him said, "I have done it, while I was at that time including those who made mistakes. - Then I ran away from you when I was afraid of you, then my Lord gave me knowledge and He made me one of the apostles —The good Budi that you bestowed on me is (caused) you have enslaved the Children of Israel. "(See Ash Shu'araa: 20-22)
Pharaoh also asked, "Who is the Lord of the universe?"
Moses answered, "The Lord of the Creator of heaven and earth and what is between them (That is your Lord), if you all (people) trust Him".
Pharaoh said to the people around him, "Are you not listening?"
Moses said (also), "Your Lord and the Lord of your ancient ancestors".
Pharaoh said, "Indeed, your Messenger who was sent to you is truly a madman."
Moses said, "God controls East and West and what is between them; (That is your Lord) if you use reason. "
Pharaoh said: "Indeed, if you worship God besides me, I will make you one of those imprisoned." (See Asy Syu'araa: 23-29)
Then the Prophet Moses offered him evidence that justified his apostleship. So Pharaoh asks for proof if Moses is right. Moses also threw his staff and changed the stick into a large snake so that people were surprised and afraid of the snake. Then Moses reached out to the snake, then the snake returned as usual into a stick. Then Moses put his hand on the neck of his shirt, then he took it out, suddenly it looked shiny white.
Resistance of the Prophet Moses ‘Alaihissalam with the Witches and Entering Islam The Witches
When the evidence was shown, Pharaoh accused him of being a witch, then he asked his wizards to gather from all places to fight Moses. So the feast day was set as the day of the show which began at the time of Dhuha in a spacious place in front of Pharaoh. Pharaoh also announced the meeting to his people so that all of them were present to witness.
The day of the performance arrived in a state of crowded with many humans, they wanted to see whether Moses won or witches?
Before Pharaoh came out to Moses, he gathered first with the magicians and gave encouragement to them, where if they won, he would give various pleasures in the form of wealth and position.
A moment later, Pharaoh came out to the match, while behind him were witches, then he sat in a special place for him accompanied by his servants, then the witches stood before the Prophet Moses and Aaron.
Furthermore, Pharaoh raised his hand to inform him that the match was ready to begin, then the witches offered two things to Moses, namely whether Moses who first threw his stick or was the first forehead? So the Prophet Moses let them first start.
The witches threw ropes and sticks, while bewitching the human eye so that in the human view that the sticks and ropes turned into snakes that were agile and moved before them, so that people were afraid of them, even the Prophet Moses and Aaron were afraid of him, then Allah gave a revelation to Moses so that he would not be afraid and throw his staff, so the Prophet Moses and his brother (Prophet Aaron) were calm because of Allah's command.
The Prophet Moses threw his staff, then the stick turned into a large snake that swallowed the rope of the witches and their wands. When the witches saw what the Prophet Musa aih peace be upon him said, they admitted that it was a miracle from God and not magic. Then Allah enlarged their hearts to believe in Allah and justified what was brought by the Prophet Musa aih alaihissalam, they finally finally only prostrated to Allah while expressing their faith in the Lord Moses and Aaron.
When that Pharaoh grew furious and began to threaten the witches, he said to them, "Have you believed in him (Moses) before I gave permission to you all. Indeed, he is your leader who teaches magic to you all. "Then I will cut off your hands and feet with a cross in a reciprocal manner, and verily I will crucify you at the base of the date palm, and you will know who among us is more painful and more eternal torment." (QS. Thaahaa: 71)
Even so, the witches were not afraid of the threat after God gave them faith, they said, "We will not give you priority over the evidences that have come to us and from God who created us ; then decide what you want to decide. Surely you will only be able to decide on life in this world alone. - Indeed we have believed in our Lord, so that He forgives our mistakes and the magic you have forced upon us to do it. And Allah is better (His reward) and more eternal (His punishment). Indeed, whoever comes to his Lord in a sinful state, surely for him is Hell. He does not die in it and does not (also) live. –And whosoever comes unto his Lord in a state of faith, again truly works righteous deeds, then they are those who obtain high (noble) places - that is, heaven, where rivers flow beneath them, they will abide therein. And that is a reward for a clean person (from disbelief and disobedience). "(QS. Thaahaa: 72-76)
So Moses departed for Egypt with his family, so that when they felt the darkness, they sat down to rest in order to continue their journey. At that time, the weather was very cold, so Moses was looking for something to warm his body, he saw a fire from afar, then asked his family to wait there so he could take something to warm the body. So Moses went to the fire with his staff.
More than an exegete from both the Salaf and the Khalaf said, "Prophet Moses went to the fire he saw and after arriving there, he found the fire burning in a green tree, namely the Ausaj tree (thorny tree species), the fire was increasingly lit, the tree's greenness also increased, so Moses stood in a state of amazement and at that time the tree was at the foot of the mountain to the west and at the right hand of the Prophet Moses as the word Allah Ta'ala, "And not you (Muhammad) are on the side the West when We deliver the command to Moses, nor do you include those who witness. "(QS. Al Qashshash: 44)
At that time Moses was in a valley called Thuwa, while facing the Qibla, while the tree was on his right in the West, then his Lord called him,
"O Moses. - indeed I am your Lord, then release your two sandals; indeed you are in a holy valley; Thuwa. - And I have chosen you, then listen to what will be revealed (to you). - Indeed I am Allah, there is no God (who has the right to be worshiped) besides Me, then worship Me and establish prayer to remember Me. the doomsday will come, I keep (the time) secret so that every self will be rewarded with what he strives for. - So do not turn away from him who does not believe in him and by those who follow his desires, which cause you to perish. "(QS. Thaahaa: 11-16)
Then Allah 'Azza wa Jalla asked him about the stick he was holding - and He knew better, Moses answered, "This is my stick, I lean on him, and I hit (leaf) with him for my kambingku, and for me there is another need for him. "(QS. Thaahaa: 18)
So God told him to throw his staff. Moses threw it, then the stick turned into a large serpent and moved quickly, then Moses turned away because he was afraid, then God told him to come back and not be afraid, because the snake would return to the stick as before, then Moses extended his hand to the snake took it, it turned out that the snake immediately turned into a stick.
Prophet Musa had brown skin, then Allah ordered him to put his hand in his clothes then took it out, Moses did it, then there was a clear white color. Both of them made Allah a miracle for Prophet Musa aih peace be upon him as well as other miracles to strengthen his apostleship when dealing with Pharaoh and his princes.
Da'wah of the Prophet Musa Alaihissalam to Pharaoh
Furthermore, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala ordered the Prophet Moses to go to Pharaoh to preach it, then the Prophet Moses wanted to fulfill it, but before he departed, he prayed to his Lord asking Taufiq and asked Him for help, Moses said, "My Lord , expose me to my chest - And make it easy for me for my business, - And let go of the stiffness of my tongue, - If they understand my words, - And make me a servant from my family, - (ie) Aaron, my brother, - Strengthen him with my strength. in my affairs, - we bless thee a lot, - and remember you a lot. - Verily Thou art seeing us. "(QS. Thaahaa: 25-35)
So God granted his request, then Moses remembered that he had killed an Egyptian, he was afraid that if they killed him, then God calmed him, that they would not be able to hurt him so that Moses was calm (see Al-Qasas: 35).
Moses continued his journey to Egypt and told Harun what had happened between himself and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala so that Aaron would take part in delivering the message to Pharaoh and his people and help him to expel the Children of Israel from Egypt, so Aaron was pleased with the news. he also preached with Moses.
Pharaoh was a cruel man who acted wrongfully against the Children of Israel, so Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron prayed to Allah to save both of them from acts of persecution from Pharaoh, then Allah Ta'ala said affirming both of their hearts, verily I am with you both, I hear and see. ”- Then came both of you to him (Pharaoh) and Say," Verily we are both messengers of your Lord, then deliver the Children of Israel with us and do not torture them. Indeed, we have come to you with proof (of our apostleship) from your Lord. And that salvation is bestowed upon those who follow the instructions. Indeed, it has been revealed to us that the punishment (is afflicted) upon those who deny and turn away. "(QS. Thaahaa: 46-48)
So when Moses and the departed, they began to invite them to Allah and tried to bring the Children of Israel from the oppression of Pharaoh, but Pharaoh mocked both and made fun of what they both brought and reminded Moses, that he was taking care of Moses in his palace and continued to raise it up until when Moses killed the Egyptians and went away. Then the Prophet Moses' Peace be upon him said, "I have done it, while I was at that time including those who made mistakes. - Then I ran away from you when I was afraid of you, then my Lord gave me knowledge and He made me one of the apostles —The good Budi that you bestowed on me is (caused) you have enslaved the Children of Israel. "(See Ash Shu'araa: 20-22)
Pharaoh also asked, "Who is the Lord of the universe?"
Moses answered, "The Lord of the Creator of heaven and earth and what is between them (That is your Lord), if you all (people) trust Him".
Pharaoh said to the people around him, "Are you not listening?"
Moses said (also), "Your Lord and the Lord of your ancient ancestors".
Pharaoh said, "Indeed, your Messenger who was sent to you is truly a madman."
Moses said, "God controls East and West and what is between them; (That is your Lord) if you use reason. "
Pharaoh said: "Indeed, if you worship God besides me, I will make you one of those imprisoned." (See Asy Syu'araa: 23-29)
Then the Prophet Moses offered him evidence that justified his apostleship. So Pharaoh asks for proof if Moses is right. Moses also threw his staff and changed the stick into a large snake so that people were surprised and afraid of the snake. Then Moses reached out to the snake, then the snake returned as usual into a stick. Then Moses put his hand on the neck of his shirt, then he took it out, suddenly it looked shiny white.
Resistance of the Prophet Moses ‘Alaihissalam with the Witches and Entering Islam The Witches
When the evidence was shown, Pharaoh accused him of being a witch, then he asked his wizards to gather from all places to fight Moses. So the feast day was set as the day of the show which began at the time of Dhuha in a spacious place in front of Pharaoh. Pharaoh also announced the meeting to his people so that all of them were present to witness.
The day of the performance arrived in a state of crowded with many humans, they wanted to see whether Moses won or witches?
Before Pharaoh came out to Moses, he gathered first with the magicians and gave encouragement to them, where if they won, he would give various pleasures in the form of wealth and position.
A moment later, Pharaoh came out to the match, while behind him were witches, then he sat in a special place for him accompanied by his servants, then the witches stood before the Prophet Moses and Aaron.
Furthermore, Pharaoh raised his hand to inform him that the match was ready to begin, then the witches offered two things to Moses, namely whether Moses who first threw his stick or was the first forehead? So the Prophet Moses let them first start.
The witches threw ropes and sticks, while bewitching the human eye so that in the human view that the sticks and ropes turned into snakes that were agile and moved before them, so that people were afraid of them, even the Prophet Moses and Aaron were afraid of him, then Allah gave a revelation to Moses so that he would not be afraid and throw his staff, so the Prophet Moses and his brother (Prophet Aaron) were calm because of Allah's command.
The Prophet Moses threw his staff, then the stick turned into a large snake that swallowed the rope of the witches and their wands. When the witches saw what the Prophet Musa aih peace be upon him said, they admitted that it was a miracle from God and not magic. Then Allah enlarged their hearts to believe in Allah and justified what was brought by the Prophet Musa aih alaihissalam, they finally finally only prostrated to Allah while expressing their faith in the Lord Moses and Aaron.
When that Pharaoh grew furious and began to threaten the witches, he said to them, "Have you believed in him (Moses) before I gave permission to you all. Indeed, he is your leader who teaches magic to you all. "Then I will cut off your hands and feet with a cross in a reciprocal manner, and verily I will crucify you at the base of the date palm, and you will know who among us is more painful and more eternal torment." (QS. Thaahaa: 71)
Even so, the witches were not afraid of the threat after God gave them faith, they said, "We will not give you priority over the evidences that have come to us and from God who created us ; then decide what you want to decide. Surely you will only be able to decide on life in this world alone. - Indeed we have believed in our Lord, so that He forgives our mistakes and the magic you have forced upon us to do it. And Allah is better (His reward) and more eternal (His punishment). Indeed, whoever comes to his Lord in a sinful state, surely for him is Hell. He does not die in it and does not (also) live. –And whosoever comes unto his Lord in a state of faith, again truly works righteous deeds, then they are those who obtain high (noble) places - that is, heaven, where rivers flow beneath them, they will abide therein. And that is a reward for a clean person (from disbelief and disobedience). "(QS. Thaahaa: 72-76)
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