Umar bin Abdul Aziz Amazing Events in His Life

The living sheet of the Caliph who is an expert in worship, zuhud, and the fifth rashidin caliph is more fragrant than the aroma of misk and more beautiful than a beautiful flower garden. An amazing life story like a fragrant garden, wherever you stop in it is just a cool atmosphere in the heart, beautiful flowers are seen by the eyes and delicious fruits taste.

Even though we were unable to explain the entire journey of his life recorded in history, it did not prevent us from picking a flower in his garden, or taking some of the light as a lantern. Because "ma laa yudraku kullahu laa yutraku ba’dhuhu", what cannot be taken in full must not be left partially that can be taken.

The first impressive story is narrated by Salamah bin Dinar, an alim in Medina, qadhi, and a resident shaykh of Medina. He told his story:

"One time, I met the Muslim caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz when he was in Khunashirah, where milk was milked. I haven't seen him for a long time. I got him at the door. The first time I looked, I did not recognize him anymore because of the many physical changes in him compared to when he met me in Medina. The time when he became governor there. He welcomed me and said:

Umar: "Come near me O Abu Hazim!"

Me: (I also approach), Aren't you the emir of the believer Umar bin Abdul Aziz? "

Umar: "Right!"

Me: "What caused you to change ?! Isn't your face used to be handsome? Is your skin smooth? Life is sufficient? "

Umar: "So, I have indeed changed."

I: "So what caused you to change, even though you have mastered gold and silver and you have been appointed as the emir of believers?"

Umar: "What changed for me, Abu Hazim?"

I: "The body is so thin and dry, your skin has become rough and your face has turned pale, your eyes are already dimmed ..."

Suddenly he cried and said,

Umar: "What if you see me after three days in the grave, maybe my eyes have slipped on my cheek ... my stomach has been spilled in its contents ... the caterpillars gnawed through my whole body voraciously. Indeed, if you see me then O Abu Hazim, surely you will not recognize me more than today. Do you remember a hadith that you read to me while in Medina, O Abu Hazim? "

I: "I have delivered many traditions of the believers, then which of the traditions do you mean?"

Umar: "That is the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah."

Me: "Right, I still remember the Believer of the Believer."

Umar: "Repeat the hadith for me, because I want to hear it from you!"

I: "I have heard Abu Hurairah say," I heard the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, ungguhnya Truly before you lies a steep obstacle, very dangerous, no one can pass it safely but a strong person."

Then crying Umar with heartwarming tears, I was worried that the crying would break his heart. Then he tears and turns to me and says, "Do you want to admonish me, Abu Hazim, if I relax in climbing the steep obstacle so that I can reach it? Because I'm worried if I don't succeed.

The second story in Umar's life, Tabari has told us from Thufail bin Mirdaas, he told me:

"When the emir of the believers Umar bin Abdul Aziz was appointed as caliph he wrote a letter to Sulaiman bin Abi as-Sari, his governor in Shugdi which contained,‘ Make huts in your country to entertain the Muslims. If one of them passes by, then watch him for a day and a night, improve the situation and take care of the vehicle. If he complains of trouble, then order your employee to take it for two days and help him get out of his trouble. If he gets lost on the road, there is no sign for him and there is no vehicle that he can support, so give him something he needs so he can go home. "

Governor Sulaiman immediately carried out the decree of the believers. He built huts as ordered by the believers' amirul to be provided for the Muslims. Then the news spread in all directions. People from the hemisphere of Islam in the West and in the East are busy talking about it and mentioning the justice and piety of the Caliph.

Until the news arrived at the residents of Samarkand. They did not waste the opportunity. They went to Governor Sulayman bin As-Sari and said, "Indeed, your predecessor named Qutaibah bin Muslim al-Bahili has usurped our country without preaching to us first. He is not as you do - the Muslims - that is to offer choices before fighting. What we know is that you call on enemies to want to convert to Islam first. If they refuse, you tell them to pay jizyah, if they reject it then you give a war ultimatum.

Now, we see your caliph's justice and his piety. So we desire to complain about the treatment of your troops to us. And we ask for your help for what one of your warlords has done to us. Then allow the emir to let one of us report this to your caliph and to complain about the tyranny that we have felt. If we do have the right, then give it to us, but if not, we will go back to where we came from. "

Governor Sulaiman allowed one of them to be an ambassador to meet the caliph in the land of Damascus. When the envoy arrived at the caliph's house and complained about their problems to the Muslim caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the caliph wrote a letter to his governor Sulaiman bin as-Sari which included:

"Amma ba'du ... if my letter has arrived at you, then appoint a qadhi (judge) to the residents of Samarkand who will study their complaint. If the qadhi decides that the truth is on their side, then instruct the entire Muslim army to leave their city. Invite the Muslims who have lived with them to immediately return to their country. Then recover the situation as before when we haven't entered it. Namely before Qutaibah bin Muslim al-Bahili was still in their country. "

Then the messenger arrived at Solomon and he handed him a letter from the emir of the believers. The governor immediately appointed a prominent qadhi named "Jumai 'bin Hadhir An-Naaji." He immediately studied their complaints, he asked them to tell them about them. Also hearing testimony from witnesses from Muslim forces and leaders of the Samarkand population, the qadhi confirmed the allegations of the residents of Samarkand and the court to win their side.

A moment later, the governor ordered the entire Muslim army to leave the city of Samarkand and return to their bases. However, they are still prepared to go on jihad on other occasions. Maybe they will re-enter their country peacefully, or they will defeat them with war, or it might be their destiny to conquer them.

When the leaders of Samarkand heard the decision of the qadhi who won their affairs, each of them whispered to each other: "Damn, you have lived side by side with the Muslims and stayed with them as you see them, asking that they stay with us, mate to them well, and happily you stay with them ... "

The third event was left by Umar bin Abdul Aziz. This story is told by Ibn Abdil Hakam to us in his precious book "Siirah Umar bin Abdul Aziz" (the journey of life of Umar bin Abdul Aziz). He said:

"Towards the death of Umar, Maslamah bin Abdul Malik entered and said," O true believers you forbid your children to get this property. So it would be nice if you left me or someone you trust among your family for your children. "When he had finished speaking, Umar said," Please sit me down! "So they seated him, then he said:" Really I heard what you said, Maslamah, as for your saying that I prevented children from getting a share of the property, so in fact for the sake of Allah I did not prevent something that was their right. But I do not dare to give property that is not their right. As for what you say, "It would be nice if you left me or someone you trust among your family to (bear) your children," then in fact my will for my children is only Allah who sent Al-Kitab correctly, He it's the one who protects righteous people. Know O Maslamah! That my children are only one of two possibilities, whether he is a righteous and pious person so that Allah will provide them with His gift and He makes a way out for their difficulties. Or is he an ungodly child who wallows with immorality, while sometimes I do not want to be someone who helps them with assets to mock to God. "After that he said," Call my children here! "

So the children of the believers, numbering dozens of children, were called upon. As soon as they saw them, he shed tears and said, "I left them in poor condition without anything." He cried silently then turned to them and said, "O my children, I have left to you the kindness many. Indeed when you pass by a Muslim or dhimma expert they see that you have rights over them. O my children, actually in front of you there are two choices. Do you live well but your father goes to hell, or are you in a state of indigence, but your father goes to heaven. I believe that you prefer if your father survives hell rather than you live rich lives. "

He watched them with a compassionate look while saying, "Stand up for you, may Allah guard you, stand up for you, may Allah bestow luck on you ..." then Maslamah turned to him and said,

Maslamah: "I have something better than that O believers!"

Umar: "Is that O Maslamah?"

Maslamah: "I have 300,000 dinars ... I want to reward you and share them, or give up if you want."

Umar: "Do you want something better than your proposal, O Maslamah?"

Maslamah: "Is that O Amir al-mu'minin?"

Umar: "You returned from whom the item was taken, because you did not have the right to the item."

Then Maslamah's tears dripped and said,

Maslamah: "May Allah bless you O Amir al-mu'minin when life or after death ... really you soften the hard heart between us, remind you who forgets between us, you will always be a warning to us."

Since that incident, people followed the news about Umar's children after his death. So they saw that none of them lived poor and begged. Really the word of Allah Ta'ala:

"And God fear those who leave behind them weak children, whom they fear for. Therefore let them fear God and let them say the right words. "(Surat an-Nisaa: 9)





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