War of Jamal, How is the Chronology of the War

War of Jamal, How is the Chronology of the War, Who is the Mastermind of the Battle? It turns out that the Shia Founder is Behind all this


a. Background to the Jamal War

After Ali bin Abu Talib dibai'at, Thalhah and Azzubeir asked permission for him to go to Mecca. Ali gave them permission. They then met with the Believers' Aisha there. At that time Ayesha had heard that Uthman had been killed. So they all gathered in Mecca, seeking revenge for the murder of Uthman.

Shortly thereafter, Ya'la bin Munyah from Basrah and Abdullah bin Amir from Kuffah came to Mecca. They all gathered in Mecca also to avenge the murder of Uthman. They then came out of Makkah followed by the people behind them, going to Basrah to try the murderer of Uthman. All of that they did because they saw that they were negligent in looking after Uthman. At that time, Ali was in Medina, while Uthman ibn Hunaif was the governor of Basharah which was endowed by Ali bin Abu Talib.

When they arrived at Basrah, Ali ordered Uthman bin Hunaif to ask their purpose for coming to Basrah. They replied: "We want the murderer of Uthman." Uthman bin Hunaif said: "Wait until Ali comes. He forbade him to enter Basrah.

At that time, Jabalah came out to meet them. Jabalah was one of the people involved in Uthman's murder. He attacked them with a total of 700 personnel. But they can defeat him and kill the personnel with him. While there were also many residents of Basrah who joined the forces of Talhah, Azzubair, and Aisha.

Ali then left Medina, moving towards Kufa. This happened after he heard the news that there had been a war between Uthman bin Hunaif, the governor showing Ali to Basrah, with Thalhah, Azzubeir, and Ayesha, as well as those who were with them. Ali left after preparing 10,000 troops to attack Talha and Azzubeir.

Here we see clearly that Ali bin Abu Taliblah came out to them (Thalhah, Azzubeir, and Ayesha), not those who went out to Ali. They also did not intend to fight Ali as claimed by some groups and people affected by figments related to this war. If they want to rebel against Ali, surely they will go straight to Medina, not to Basrah.

Thus, it is clear that Talha, Azzubeir, and Ayesha, as well as those who joined them never canceled and rejected Ali's omission. They also did not criticize, did not mention ugliness, did not pay anyone other than Ali, and did not go to Basra to attack Ali. Because, at that time Ali was indeed not in Basrah.

Therefore, Al-Ahnaf bin Qais said: "I met Thalah and Azzubeir after the siege of Uthman, then asked:" What did you two command me? Because, I saw Uthman was killed. '

They both answered:: Follow Ali. ’I then met Aisha in Mecca after the assassination of Uthman, then asked:" What are you ordered? "

He replied: ‘Follow Ali.” 1

b. Negotiations ahead of the outbreak of war

Ali sent Almiqdad bin Alaswad and Alqa'qa bin Amr to negotiate with Thalhah and Azzubeir. Almiqdad and Alqa'qa parties agreed with Thalhah and Azzubeir to not fight. Each party explains their point of view.

Thalhah and Azzubeir argued that it was not permissible to let Uthman's killers just like that, while Ali argued that investigating who killed Uthman for now is not the most urgent matter. However, this can be delayed until the situation stabilizes. So, they agreed to mengishishash the assassins of Uthman. As for what they are disputing, is the time to realize this.

After the agreement, the two troops were able to sleep peacefully, while the followers of Abdullah bin Saba - they were the murderers of Uthman - were awake and had a bad night, because finally the Muslims agreed not to fight each other. Such is the situation mentioned by the historians who recorded this war, such as Athabari, 2 Ibn Kathir, 3 Ibn Atsir, 4 Ibn Hazm, 5 and others

At that time the followers of Abdullah bin Saba agreed to do anything so that the agreement was canceled. By dawn, when people were asleep, a group of them attacked the Talha and Azzubeir forces, then killed several of their troops. After that, they fled.

Thalhah's troops thought that Ali's forces had betrayed them. In the morning, they attacked Ali's forces. Seeing this, Ali's troops thought that the army of Thalhah and Azzubeir had betrayed him. Attack-attack between the two forces lasted until noon. Furthermore, the war raged with his friends.

c. Efforts to Stop Warfare

The authorities of the two sides had tried to stop the war, but they were unsuccessful. At that time Talha said: "O people, do you hear!" But they did not listen to his call. Then, he said: "Bad! Hell's bad licks! Very greedy! "6

Ali also tried to break them up, but they ignored him. Ayesha then sent Ka'ab bin Sur with a manuscript to stop the war, but the followers of Abdullah bin Saba aimed at him with arrows until he killed him.

So it happened, if the war had raged then no one could stop it. May Allah protect us from such slander. Imam Albukhari mentions several poetic verses of Imru-ul Qais:

War first seemed like a handsome girl

walk decorated ‘to attract every fool

until if it has been lit and what has flared up

the girl became an old woman who was helpless

her hair is gray, her face is strange and aging

with an unpleasant smell that is inhaled when kissed7

Syaikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "If slander has happened, smart people will not be able to dissolve fools. This is the case with the great friends. They cannot extinguish the defamation of war and prevent the perpetrators. It is indeed like this slander, as God said:

وَاتَّقُوا فِتْنَةً لَا تُصِيبَنَّ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْكُمْ خَاصَّةً ۖ وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ﴿٢٥﴾

And protect yourself from torment that will not only befall the wrongdoers among you. Know that God is very hard in His torment. (Surah Alanfaal: 25) 8

Jamal war occurred in 36 h or at the beginning of Ali's Caliphate. This war began after the zhuhur and ended before sundown that day.

In this war, Ali was accompanied by 10,000 troops, while the Jamal (berunta) troops numbered 5,000 - 6,000. Ali's flag was held by Muhammad bin bin Ali bin Abu Talib, while the Pasal Jamal flag was held by Abdullah bin Azzubeir.

In this war many Muslims were killed. This is the slander that we hope for Allah, saving our swords from him. We ask Allah to meridhai and give forgiveness to them (true Muslims in this war).

d. The murder of Thalhah and Azzubeir

Thalhah, Azzubeir, and Muhammad bin Thalhah were killed. Regarding Azzubeir, he actually did not participate in this war. Likewise with Thalhah. Because there is a narration that when Azzubeir came to this war, he met Ali bin Abu Talib, then Ali said to him: "Do you remember that the Prophet once said: 'You will fight Ali while you are in the position of zoning him.'" that day Azzubeir returned and did not take part in the war9

So the truth is that Azzubeir did not join the war. But did the dialogue mentioned in the narrative take place between him and Ali? Wallahu A'lam. Because, this history does not have a strong sanad. However, that is what is famous in history books. There is another history that is more famous, namely Azzubeir did not participate in this war, but he was secretly killed by a man named Ibn Jurmuz.

Meanwhile, Thalhah was killed by a stray arrow. However, famous, the person who aimed at him was Marwan bin Alhakam. Marwan's shot hit his leg, right on his old scar. At that time he was trying to break the warring soldiers.

After the war, many soldiers were killed. In particular, those who guard camels were driven by Ayesha, because Ayesha was a symbol for them, even they were desperate to protect her. Therefore, with the fall of Ayesha's camels, the war stopped and finished. Victory was on the side of Ali bin Abu Talib, even though there was no party to win. Instead, Islam and Muslims suffered losses in this war.

e. After the Battle

After the War of Jamal, Ali walked among the dead, then found the body of Thalhah ibn Ubaidillah. After seizing it and wiping the dust off his face, Ali said: "O Abu Muhammad, how hard this feeling is to see you die lying on the ground under the stars of the sky." He then cried as he said: "Oh my, if I die twenty years ago before this event

After that, Ali saw the body of Muhammad bin Thalah (ie the son of Thalhah), then he cried again. Muhammad bin Thalah was a person who was nicknamed Assajjad (a person who had many prostrations) because he worshiped a lot.

All friends who take part in this war, without exception, regret what has happened.

Ibn Jurmuz met Ali while carrying Azzubeir's sword, then said: "I have killed Azzubeir, I have killed Azzubeir." Hearing this, Ali said: "This sword has long since removed the sorrow and distress of the Prophet. Give good news to the person who killed Ibn Shafiyyah (ie Azzubeir) that he will enter Hell. "After that Ali did not allow Ibn Jurmuz to meet him. 11

After the War of Jamal, Ali met the Believer of the Faithful Mother Ayesha, then drove her back to Medina full of glory and honor. Because, the Prophet once ordered Ali to glorify and honor Ayesha.

Narrated from Ali; he said that the Prophet said to him: "There will be a problem between you and Ayesha." Ali said: "O Messenger of Allah, then, of course I will be the most wretched person." The Prophet said: "Not so, but if that happens , then return him (Aisha) to his safe place. "12 Then Ali also carried out what the Prophet had told him.

f. Why did Ali delay qishash for the murderer of Uthman?

Ali reviewed this problem in terms of maslahat and mafsadat, and he saw that the problem was delaying qishash, but not abandoning it altogether. This is the reason for the delay in qishash. This is as the Prophet did on the ifki incident, ie when some people gossiped that Aisha had cheated on her.

Among those who were famous for gossiping about Ayesha at that time were: Hassan bin Tsabbit, Hammah bint Jahsy, and Misthah bin Utsatsah. While the one who became the igniter was Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul. At that time, the Prophet ascended to the pulpit, then said: "Who defends me against someone who hurts me by hurting my family?" What he meant by that person was Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul. So, Sa'ad bin Mu'adz stood up and said: "I will defend you, O Messenger of Allah! If that person comes from us, Aus people, then we will kill him. If that person is from our brother, the Khazraj people, then order us to kill him.

Sa'ad bin Ubadah then stood up and denied the words of Sa'ad bin Mu'adz. After that, Usaid bin Hudhair stood up and denied the words of Sa'ad bin Ubadah. The Prophet calmed them.13

The Prophet knew very well that this was a big problem. Before the arrival of the prophet to Medina, the tribe of Aus and Khazraj agreed to make Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul their leader. Therefore, this person has a high position in their view. He was the one who returned with a third of the troops during the Battle of Uhud. In this case, the Prophet did not punish Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul. Why is that? Because, hell. In his view, punishing Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul when it will cause greater damage than if he let it.

Likewise with Ali. He believes that delaying qishash will cause less damage than speeding it up. In addition, during those times, Ali was indeed unable to mengishish the Uthman killers, because his people were not yet known, even though there was indeed the brain of this slander and they had the tribes who would defend them. Whereas security has not yet recovered, and slander is still happening Who would guarantee that they would not kill Ali? In fact, if Ali made a statement at that time, it was certain that they would kill him after that.

Therefore, when the Caliphate was held by Mu'awiyah, he did not kill the murderers of Uthman, why? Because, in the end they concluded the same as Ali. At that time Ali saw reality. While Mu'awiyah concludes based on his analysis. But after holding leadership, Mu'awiyah saw conditions in real terms (in the field). True, Mu'awiyah had sent people to exterminate some of Uthman's killers, but some of them were still alive until the time of Alhajjaj. It was only at the time of the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan that they were all condemned.

In essence, Ali could not kill them not because he was weak, but because he was worried about the condition of the people at that time.

It was quoted from a translation book entitled "this is the fact" Straightening the history of Islam since the death of the prophet until the killing of Hussein

foot note:

Fathul baari (XIII / 38). Ibnu Hajar, the author, said: "Ath thabari narrated this story with a saheeh sanad."

Taariikh Aththabari (III / 517).

Albidaayah wan Nihaayah (VII / 509)

Alkaamil fit Taariikh (III / 120).

Alfishal fil Milal wal Ahwaa wan Nihal (IV / 293).

Taariikh Caliph ibn Khayyath (p. 182)

Shahiihul Bukhari, Kitab "Alfitnah", Chapter "Al Fitnatul Latii Tamuuju Kamaujil Bahr", before the hadith number 7096.

Mukhtashar Minhaajis Sunnah (p. 281)

Almushannaf by Ibn Abi Syaibah (XV / 283, no. 19674). In this history there is a narrator who is majhul (unknown identity). This history is also mentioned by al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar in al-Mathaalibul ‘Aliyah (no. 4412)

Mukhtashar Taariikh Dimasyq by Ibnu ‘Asakir (XI / 207) and Usdul Ghaabah (III / 88). AlBushriri said: "The narrators are tsiqah", and he quoted it from Ibn Hajar in alMathaalibul ‘Aaliyah (IV / 302) with a slight difference in editorial.

Ath-Thabaqaatul Kubraa by Ibnu Sa'ad (III / 105) with sanad hasan.

HR. Ahmad in his meeting (VI / 393). Alhafidz Ibn Hajar said in Fathul Baari (XIII / 60): "This Sanad hadith hasan."

Muttafaq Alaih: Shahihul Bukhari, Kitab "Al Maghaazi", Chapter "Hadithul Ifki" (no. 414); and Shahiih Muslim, Kitab "Attaubah", Chapter "Hadithul Ifki wa Qabuul Taubatil Qaadzif" (no. 2770).





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