When Uwais Al-Qarni aja Accidentally Slumbered

Rabbi 'bin Khutsaim said, "I went to the place of Uwais Al-Qarni. I found him sitting after finishing the morning prayer. "

I said (to myself, pent), "I will not disturb him from glorification. After entering the Zuhr time, he performed the Zuhr prayer, and as soon as he entered Ashar time, he prayed asr. After completing the Asr prayer, he sat down while reciting the prayer until the time of Maghrib arrived. After the Maghrib prayer, he waits for the time of the evening, then the evening prayer. After the evening prayer, he prayed until dawn. After the morning prayer, he sat down and accidentally fell asleep. Suddenly he woke up. At that moment I heard him say, ‘O God, I take refuge in You from sleeping eyes, and a stomach that does not feel full. '" (Az-Zuhdul Awa'il, Mustafa Hilmi, 84)




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