4 The Wisdom of Faith in the End of Days in Everyday Life

For every believer, the final day is a belief that cannot be contested. This is included in the pillars of faith, as Muslims must also believe and practice the pillars of Islam. The last day is information given by Allah SWT to humanity, without information when it will be time. Every believer will believe in coming while those who do not have faith in Allah will reject it and consider it illogical. Of course, for Muslims who believe in the last day also need to know the complete information about the end of the day in the Koran.

In addition to the need to know the meaning and meaning of the end of the Qur'an, Muslims also need to know the wisdom about the end of the day. This is so that this information can become a daily appreciation of Muslims. Every thing that God commands to be believed certainly has benefits. Like the benefits of worship in the following matters,

Benefits of Takbir
Benefits of Tarawih Prayer
Benefits of Reading the Qur'an Every Day
Benefits of Judgment
Benefits of Tahajjud
Benefits of Asmaul Husna
Benefits of Greetings
Benefits of Interfaith Tolerance
Of course, even with the wisdom of the final day, there will be benefits that will be received by Muslims who practice it. The following is an explanation of the end day and the wisdom behind it.

Understanding the End Times
"They ask you about the Resurrection:" When will it happen? "Say:" Verily the knowledge of the end is on the side of my Lord; no one can explain the time of his arrival besides Him. Doomsday is very heavy (huru haranya for creatures) who in the sky and on earth. Doomsday will not come to you but suddenly. "They ask you as if you really know it. Say: "Verily the knowledge of the doomsday is with Allah, but most people do not know." (QS Al A'raf: 187)

In his verse, it is explained that the definition of the end of the day is a day where life in the entire universe ends, whereas when everything is destroyed, only Allah remains eternal and everything he wants. The final day is not only just the destruction of the universe, but there are stages of the next final day. Where all humans who have died and destroyed will be resurrected by being held accountable for all their deeds when in the world.

Regarding when the end of the day, of course, every human being will not be able to know it because everything is God's secret. This is to test humans as far as they can do worship and practice as well. Humans can only predict from the natural signs that exist but certainly when they occur there will never be anyone who knows accurately and surely.

Wisdom from the Faith in the End Times
Faith in the end is certainly not only believing but also can be applied in practice as a form of belief in it. It is not in vain of course those who believe in the last day. There will be wisdom for those who believe and try to take their meaning to be lived and become enlightened lives on every day. The following is the wisdom of faith in the last day.

Increasingly Faithful and Faithful to Allah
The person who believes in the last day, then he will be more faithful and devoted to Allah. Belief in God will surely have an impact on the conviction of the end of the day and vice versa. Allah is the one who creates and determines the end of the day, so it is only to Allah that we ask for protection when the end of the day occurs so that we can be saved towards happiness hereafter.

"Say:" It is Allah who brings you to life and turns you off, after that you gather you on the Day of Resurrection which has no doubt on him; but most people do not know. "(QS Al Jatsiyah 26)

Fear Appears Not Being Able to Account
"(Ie) those who fear the punishment of their Lord, while they do not see Him, and they fear (the coming of) the Day of Judgment". (QS Al Anbiya: 49)

People who believe in the final day will appear fear when doing something without having a right and rational basis. This is because when we face God directly when we have to take responsibility, it certainly cannot be done if since the world has never prepared it properly and our basic behavior is just careless. For this reason, faithful organizations on the last day will always do something with full accountability.

Steer clear of disobedience and bad deeds
"Say to My servants who have believed:" Let them establish prayer, spend a portion of the sustenance that we give to them secretly or openly before the day (doomsday) which in there is no buying and selling and friendship "( QS Ibrahim: 31)

Stealing away from immorality is a lesson that will be gained by those who believe in the last day. He will stay away from disobedience because he is afraid of the end and very heavy accountability later. For that, in doing it he will be careful and full of ripe calculations. Even he will not love the world too much, because what is in the world is essentially a test and a deposit that will be held accountable by God in the future.

Prepare Yourself with Professionals
"So they are not waiting for them but the Day of Judgment (ie) their sudden arrival, because the signs have come. So is it useful for them that their awareness is when the Doomsday has come? "(Surah Muhammad: 18)

The end of the day is sudden and unexpected, so a Muslim who has faith in the last day will truly be professionally prepared to face it. Professionally means seriously, there is an evaluation, always improving itself and also making continuous improvements to the life and worship that it lives. This is like an employee who works for his boss.

The Purpose of Human Creation, the Process of Human Creation, the Nature of Human Creation, the Concept of Humans in Islam, and the Nature of Humans According to Islam is the duty of humans to do it to Allah. For this reason, faith in the end of the day will make human beings best motivated to carry out their life missions according to the above matters by understanding the various Wisdom of Faith in the End Times.

In order to remain faithful to the Last Day
In order to have faith in the last day, a Muslim must always learn and understand this information in the Koran. People who do not believe at the end of the day, usually are those who have never experienced natural phenomena and what is conveyed in the Koran. Indeed, if they truly live it will truly be faithful and afraid of the last day. As in the following verse.

"Those who do not believe in the Day of Resurrection ask that the day be brought soon and those who believe feel afraid of them and they believe that the end is true (will happen). Know that those who argue about the end of the world are truly in distant error. "QS Ash-Shura: 18)

In order to remain faithful at the end of the day, the only way is to always dig up information about the end of various approaches. Information from the Koran, Science, Hadith, and other applied sciences will show that the final day will truly occur and can not be denied even though humans run to any planet.

"Those who reject their meeting with God have lost their lives. so that when the end of the world comes to them suddenly, they say: "How great is our remorse, for our negligence concerning the end of the world!", while they carry sins on their backs. Remember, it is very bad what they carry. " (QS Al An'Am: 31)





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