China Never Gives Life Rights to Uyghur Muslims

The communist regime in China has never given basic rights to Uyghur Muslims. The Chinese communist regime takes preventive measures against any efforts made by Uyghur Muslims who want to uphold their religion.

Islam as a threat to the communist doctrine of athies. Therefore, the Chinese government has never given the right to life for Islam in the country. Especially related to their religious beliefs, Islam.

So, the actions of the Chinese government always act repressively, as recently the Chinese government imprisoned 20 Uyghur Muslims who fought for religious freedom.

Chinese courts have accused 20 Uyghur Muslims of mobilizing separatist movements and spreading propaganda. On the other hand, a spokesman for the exiled World Uighur Muslim Congress said the Chinese government's actions, as a very inhumane measure, curb minority basic rights on Wednesday.
According to government news sites in East Turkestan in western China, courts in Kashgar and Bayingol have accused 20 Uyghur Muslims of being "religious extremism" and spreading propaganda.

Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the World Uighur Muslim Congress in exile, said 20 Uyghur Muslims only listened to Radio Asia and used the internet to discuss the importance of religious and cultural freedom.

"Giving severe punishment to Uighur Muslims for reasons of terrorism is a special way for China to carry out oppression," he said in an e-mail statement, stating that "The aim is to terrorize Uighur Muslims in trying to renounce their rights."

Regarding the death sentence of 3 Uyghur Muslims and 1 Uyghur Muslim with a life sentence, Raxit said four people had been turned down by their choice of lawyer.

Many Mulsim Uighur, who speak Turkish, are native to East Turkestan, who are now under the control of the Chinese government, the language of their religion and culture of Islam, and they have carried out Islamic teachings, such as fasting during Ramadan, and the Chinese government has banned them from fasting.

Chinese police closed Quran schools in June last year, and a recent decision banned young people under 18, women and members of the Communist Party and civil servants from going to the mosque.

China has arrested and intimidated hundreds of Mulsim Uyghur who spoke about human rights abuses following riots in the regional capital in 2009, according to Amnesty International.

Meanwhile, Chinese immigrants living in Muslim countries enjoy freedom, and they can carry out their beliefs, and even they control economic assets, and enslave the nation in which they live.





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