Privileges of the Prophets That Ordinary Man Does Not Have

The prophets and apostles are the best human choices of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to carry out his message. They choose Allah as a connector between God and His servants on this earth. These prophets and apostles also have certain features and among them are not owned by ordinary humans.

What we need to remember is, every God glorifies the prophets and apostles, meaning the burden of their Shari'a is more or greater than ordinary humans. Thus it is, when the glory increases, the burden of the Shari'a increases. For example, a man of the type is more important than a woman, so the burden of Shari'a for men is greater than that of women. Allah says,

"Men are leaders for women, because Allah has exaggerated a portion of them (men) over others (women), and because they (men) have spent part of their wealth." (QS An Nisa: 34)

In this verse men have the burden of Shari'a in the form of the obligation to provide for their wives, while women are not charged as such. Men are also required to pray 5 times in congregation in the mosque, while women do not, jihad, etc.

Likewise the prophets and apostles, the apostle is more noble than the prophet, and among the apostles there is ulul azmi that is more noble than other apostles, the more noble, the more the burden of the Shari'a increases.

Among the features of the prophets and apostles are:

Prophets and apostles are better physically than ordinary people. Like the powerful Prophet Moses, the Prophet Joseph had half his good looks, and in general there were no disabled prophets and apostles.
Allah gives them noble character. Prophets and apostles awake from low morals, so that people do not reproach them when they preach and call for good when ordered to preach.
Have a good lineage or lineage from the family children who are seen in the community.
Prophets and apostles are intelligent people. As the story of Prophet Ibrahim who dialogue with his father in a polite manner, dialogue with his people and King Namrud with an indisputable argument. Likewise the other prophets and apostles.
Their patience is unmatched. Noah preached for 950 years with only a handful of followers, no more than 10 people.
Prophets receive revelation.
Awake from sin, let alone do shirk. Therefore, it is not what the philosophers said that Prophet Ibrahim had experienced the phase of God's search.
When sleeping, their hearts stay awake. Unlike us ordinary people like us, when we sleep, our hearts fall asleep; not remembrance and remember Allah or other heart activities.
When their lives are to be revoked, God gives a choice; to stay eternal in the world or meet God. As the Prophet Muhammad chose "ila rofiqul a'la".
The bodies of the Prophets were not destroyed in their graves.
When they die, their assets are not inherited but become alms. Therefore Abu Bakr did not grant Fatimah radhiallahu ‘anha about the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad. This is often used by Shiites to denounce Abu Bakr.
Buried where they died. As the Prophet Muhammad who died in the room of the ummah of the believers Ayesha radhiallahu ‘anha, he was buried in the room of his beloved wife.
Special prophets and apostles from among men, not from women.
The prophets and apostles were free people, none of whom were slaves.
The prophets were prayed for, therefore often accompanied by the names of the Prophet with sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam or aih alaihissalam because prayer is among the specificities of the prophets.
Prayers of the prophets, supreme prayer.
Prophets and apostles will have a lake in the hereafter for their people. Although the hadith about this was disputed by the scholars, whether besides the Prophet Muhammad also had a lake. As for the lake of the Prophet Muhammad the scholars agreed on his keshahihan.
Prophets and apostles are people who live in urban areas, not from bedouin or village circles.
Prophets do not experience "wet" dreams, because such dreams are dreams originating from Satan.
The dreams of the prophets and apostles are something that will come true. When prophets and apostles see something in their dreams, then it will happen. As the Prophet Yusuf's dream in his childhood, saw the sun, moon, and stars prostrate to him.





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