Sa'id bin Jubair
His body is muscular, perfect body shape, agile movements, intelligent brain, witty genius, enthusiastic about virtue, and stay away from sin. Although black in color, curly hair, and originally from Habsyi, but not falling self-confidence to be a special human, especially when he was young.
The young man who came from the native habitat and became an Arab citizen was well aware that science is a way that can deliver to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. And piety is the way that leads him to heaven. Therefore, he made tawa on his right side and knowledge on his left side. Both are combined with tight bonds.
With these two things he navigated the oceans of life without resting and sitting idly by. Since he was young, people have known him as a young man who is familiar with the books he reads. Or if they don't get it while reading a book, then he is in his mihrab for worship. That is he man of choice in his day, Sa'id bin Jubair radhiyallahu ‘anhu.
Pemuda Sa'id studied with many senior friends, such as Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, Adi bin Hatim ath-Thayy, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, Abu Hurairah ad-Dausi, Abdullah bin Umar and Ummul Mu'minin Aisha. But the main teacher is Abdullah bin Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhu, professor of Muslims and a vast sea of knowledge.
With each Sa'id bin Jubair following Abdullah bin Abbas like a shadow that always follows his people. From this friend he explored the interpretation of the Koran, the traditions, and the details. From him he also studied the issues of religion and his interpretation. Also learn the language to be proficient with it. And in turn, there is no one on earth except for their knowledge.
Furthermore, he wandered around in Muslim countries to seek knowledge according to God's will. After feeling enough, he decided that Kufah was his place of residence. And later he became a teacher and priest in that city.
He became the imam of prayer for the Muslims in the month of Ramadan, sometimes reading the Koran with qira'ah Abdullah bin Masud radhiyallahu hu anhu, sometimes with qira'ah Zaid bin Tsabit radhiyallahu ‘anhu and sometimes with qira'ah besides.
If he prayed alone, sometimes he recited the Qur'an in one prayer. And it has become his habit when reading the verses of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"(That is) those who belie the Book (the Qur'an) and the revelations brought by Our messengers whom We have sent. Later they will find out, when chains and chains are placed on their necks, as they are dragged, into very hot water, then they are burned in fire. "(QS. Al-Mukmin: 70-72)
Or when reading similar verses that contain threats, then his body trembles, his heart trembles, and tears drip. Then repeat the verse until sometimes it almost faints.
He traveled to Baitullah al-Haram twice every year. The first is in the month of Rajab to perform Umrah, then in the month of Dzulqa'ah until after the Hajj.
People who long for knowledge and kindness come to Kufa to breathe clear sources of knowledge from Sa'id bin Jubair. He was asked, "What is the khasyyah (fear)?" He replied, "Khasyyah is that you must fear Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, so that your fear hinders you from immoral acts."
When asked about dzikir, he said, "Dhikr is obedient to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Whoever responds to the call of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and obeys Him, means that he dhikr to Him. As for those who turn away and do not want to obey, then he is not an expert on dhikr, even though he exalts and reads the Qur'an all night long. "
The city of Kufah was his choice to settle when it was under the leadership of governor Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi. Hajjaj's power encompassed Iraq and all of Syria and the country opposite, he held his position and power with pride. He had killed Abdullah bin Zubair, crushed his movement, subjugated Iraq under the rule of the Umayyads and quelled rebellions here and there. Wielding his sword in the back of a man and spreading fear throughout his country of power. Until the residents were horrified and afraid of their cruelty.
Sa'id bin Jubair Against the Cruelty of Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi
One time Allah's destiny wanted a dispute between Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi and one of his companions named Abdurrahman bin Asy'ats. The war of arguments finally developed into a great slander which claimed many victims, leaving deep scars and sadness for the Muslims.
Some say that the slander occurred when Hajjaj sent Ibn Ash'ats with his army to conquer the city of Ratbil in Turkey, behind an area called Sajistan.
Then the powerful commander fought with his large army and succeeded in controlling most of the country. Including seizing several strong fortresses and ghanimahs from cities and villages. Then the commander sent an envoy to face Hajjaj to deliver good news and at the same time send one fifth and ghanimah to baitul maal belonging to the Muslims. In addition he also wrote a letter, asking permission to temporarily stop the war. So that he could learn the ins and outs of the terrain as well as the circumstances and habits of the inhabitants of the country, before deciding to invade the inland areas which were not known by the troops who had succeeded in gaining victory.
But Hajjaj was furious with the establishment of the commander. He wrote a reply letter containing severe criticism and accused Abdurrahman of being a coward and threatened to fire him. Once the letter from the governor comes. Abdurrahman bin Asy'ats immediately gathered his commanders and officers. He read the letter and then discussed what attitude they should take.
It turned out that the commanders suggested opposing Hajjaj's order. So Abdurrahman said, "Are you willing to pledge allegiance to jihad to him until Allah cleanses the earth of Iraq from its tyranny?" Finally they made allegiance to the commander.
Abdurrahman bin Asy'ats's army moved to attack Hajjaj's troops with a burning hatred in his chest. There was a tremendous battle between them and Ibn Yusuf's forces, and Abdurrahman's forces won him to be able to master Sajistan and most of the Persian region. Furthermore Abdurrahman desires to take Kufa and Basrah from the power of Hajjaj bin Yusuf.
The war is still raging between the two camps. Ibn Ash'ats continued to control the city after city. That made Hajjaj's anger rise to the crown. At the same time, guardians in various regions have written letters to Hajjaj who reported on the number of experts in the dhimma who embraced Islam to escape the obligation to pay jizyah. They had left the countryside to go to the cities. This means the depletion of state income. Then Hajjaj wrote a letter to his guardian in Basrah and other cities to gather the dhimma experts who had moved and returned everything to their respective places of origin. Also not spared for those who have long lived in the city. The Hajjaj order was immediately carried out. A large number of dhimma experts were collected and kept away from their livelihoods. On the outskirts of the city, they were gathered with their wives and forced to return to the villages they had left for a long time.
Women, children and old people cry in tears. They asked for help while exclaiming, "O people of Muhammad ... O people of Muhammad." They were confused about what to do, not knowing where to go. Then, came the scholars and Jurisprudence experts to help and try to get the order canceled. But the results were nil, so they also cried because of their crying and then prayed that God would remove them from the calamity.
The disappointment of the scholars was used by Abdurrahman. He approached the scholars to support his cause. Then some figures from Tabi'in and Islamic leaders intervened, including including Sa'id bin Jubair, Abdurrahman bin Laila, Imam Asy-Sya'bi, Abul Bukhtari and others.
A big war between the two sides erupted. At first the victory took sides in the forces of Ibn Ash-ats, but then little by little the balance shifted. Hajjaj's army was on the wind, until finally the power of Ibn Ash'ats could be destroyed. Ibn Ash'at fled and his troops surrendered to Hajjaj.
After that, Hajjaj ordered his employees to call on the rebels to renew their allegiance. Some of them obeyed and a few disappeared, including Sa'id bin Jubair.
The surrendering people came to pledge allegiance, but they were shocked by what they did not expect. Hajjaj said to one of them, "Do you claim to be an infidel because you canceled your allegiance to your emir? If he answers, "Yes" then his new allegiance is received and then released. But if you answer, "No" then killed.
Some of those who are weak, submissive and forced to confess infidelity for their safety. While some others remained firm and did not leave the order, they had to pay with their necks.
According to scattered news, the slaughter had consumed thousands of people, while thousands of others survived after claiming to be infidels.
In another incident, there were parents from the Khat'am tribe. When there were riots and chaos between the two camps, he did not side with anyone and lived somewhere far behind the Euphrates river. Then he was led to Hajjaj, then asked about him.
Old Man: "Since the battle erupted, I exiled myself to a distant place while waiting for the war to end. After you win and the war is over, then I come here to do Bai'at. "
Hajjaj: "Woe to you! You stay silent as a spectator and don't help your leader, now do you claim that you have been an infidel? "
Parents: "Cursed me if for 80 years served God, then claimed to be an infidel."
Hajjaj: "If so I will kill you."
Parents: "If you kill me ... for the sake of Allah, all that remains of my age is only like the time of patience of a thirsty donkey. In the morning he drinks and the afternoon dies. I did look forward to the death day and night. Therefore, do everything you want.
Finally the old man was beheaded. None of the followers or enemies of Hajjaj present there who did not praise and feel compassion for the old shaykh and asked for mercy for him.
Then it was Hajjaj's turn to call Kamil bin Ziyad an-Nukhai confronted from being asked:
Hajjaj: "Do you admit that you have been an infidel?"
Kamil: "No. For God's sake I will not admit it. "
Hajjaj: "If so, I will kill you."
Kamil: "Please, if you want to do it. Will meet next to God and every murder counts. "
Hajjaj: "At that time, the mistake was on your side."
Kamil: "true, if you are the judge on that Day of Judgment."
Hajjaj: "Kill him!"
Then he was killed ...
Furthermore, it was also confronted by someone who had long been a burnt Hajjaj because he was considered insulting. Hajjaj said, "I don't think the person in front of me is unlikely to admit he is an infidel." But the person replied, "Don't let me corner me first and not lie about me too. Indeed, I am the most infidel person on this earth, more infidels than the arbitrary Pharaoh. "Hajjaj was forced to release him, even though he had already itched to kill him.
It is said that the massacre had claimed thousands of victims from believers who were firm in their stance. And thousands of other survivors were forced to confess to being infidels. Sa'id bin Jubair was convinced that if he was caught, he would face two choices like the others too, namely beheaded or admit he was infidel. Two choices, the sweetest of the two is so bitter. Therefore, he chose to leave Iraq, hiding himself from society. So he traveled around the earth on Allah clandestinely so as not to be known by Hajjaj and his accomplices, until finally living in a village near Mecca.
For ten years he stayed there, a long enough time to get rid of Hajjaj's revenge and malice.
However, it turns out there are developments in unexpected situations. A new emir was brought to Mecca, namely Khalid bin Abdullah al-Qasri who also came from the Umayyads. Sa'id bin Jubair's friends became anxious and worried because they knew about the new guardian's atrocities. They suspect that the new guardian will surely arrest Sa'id bin Jubair.
Among them immediately met Sa'id bin Jubair then said, "That person has come to Mecca. For God's sake, we are worried about you, so you should just come out from here. "But he replied," By Allah, I have been hiding for a long time until I feel ashamed of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. I have decided to stay here, surrender to God's will. "
Allegations of people about Khalid's atrocities turned out to not be missed. As soon as he heard and learned about the hiding place of Sa'id bin Jubair, he immediately sent his troops to arrest Sa'id, binding him and sending it to Hajjaj in the town of Wasit later.
Khalid's army surrounded the shaykh's house and captured and tied him in front of his students and friends. After that they got ready to take him to Hajjaj. Sa'id faced all that calmly. He turned to his friends and said,
"I feel I will be killed in the hands of the tyrannical ruler. Indeed, one night I had worshiped with two friends. We felt the sweetness of worship and prayer to God, then the three of us begged for forgiveness (martyrdom). The two friends have got it, only I am still waiting. "
Not to mention he finished talking, a little girl appeared and for the sake of seeing him tied and dragged by the soldiers, he immediately embraced Sa'id while crying. Sa'id comforted him gently and said, "Tell your mother my daughter, we will meet later in heaven, God willing." The boy left.
A messenger arrived who brought Said a priest who was zahid, id abid, and worshiped in the city of Referee. Sa'id was confronted by Hajjaj bin Yusuf.
After Said was in the presence of Hajjaj, with a hateful look Hajjaj asked:
Hajjaj: "What's your name?"
Sorry: "Sa'id (happy) bin Jubair (mighty)."
Hajjaj: "The truth is you are Shaykh (wretched) bin Kasir (paralyzed)."
Said: "My mother knows my name better than you."
Hajjaj: "What do you think about Muhammad?"
Sa'id: "What do you mean by Muhammad bin Abdullah sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam?"
Hajjaj: "Right."
Said: "The main man among the descendants of Adam and the chosen prophet. The best among the living and the noblest of the dead. He has carried out the minutes and delivered the message, he has fulfilled advice for Allah, His book, for all Muslims in general and specifically. "
Hajjaj: "What do you think about Abu Bakr?"
Sa'id: "Ash-Siddiq, caliph of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam. He died commendable and lived happily. He took the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam, without changing or replacing the slightest bit from him. "
Hajjaj: "What do you think about Umar?"
Sa'Id: "He is al-Faruq, with Allah distinguishing between the haq and the vanity. He was the chosen man of God and His apostle, he carried out and followed in the footsteps of his two predecessors, so he lived a commendable life and died as a martyr. "
Hajjaj: "What about Uthman?"
Sa'id: "He provided the Usrah army and lightened the burden of the Muslims by buying" Ruumah "wells and buying houses for themselves in Heaven. He was the son-in-law of the Prophet of two of his daughters and was married because of revelations from heaven. Then get killed in the hands of wrongdoers. "
Hajjaj: "What about Ali?"
Sa'id: "He is the son of the uncle of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and the first young man to embrace Islam. He is the husband of Fatima Radhiallahu ha anha the daughter of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, father of Hasan and Hussein who are two leaders of the young experts of Heaven."
Hajjaj: "Which Caliph of the Umayyads do you like the most?"
Sa'id: "The most dear to their Creator."
Hajjaj: "Which one is the most dear to the Lord?"
Sa'id: "Knowledge about that is only known by the Knower of the Zahir and the hidden."
Hajjaj: "What do you think about me?"
Said: "You know more about yourself."
Hajjaj: "I want to hear your opinion."
Said: "It will hurt and irritate you."
Hajjaj: "I have to know and hear from you."
Sa'id: "What I know, you have violated the Book of Allah, you put priority on things that look great when it actually takes you to destruction and puts you in hell."
Hajjaj: "Then, for God's sake I will kill you."
Said: "If so, then you damage my world and I destroy your hereafter."
Hajjaj: "Choose for yourself the ways of death that you like."
Said: "Choose yourself O Hajjaj. For God's sake, for every way you do, God will reward you in a way that is worth it in the hereafter. "
Hajjaj: "Don't you want my forgiveness?"
Sa'id: "Forgiveness is only from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, while you have no forgiveness and reason before Him."
The height of anger Hajjaj. To the executioner ordered: "Prepare the sword and the base!"
Said smiled at him, so asked Hajjaj,
Hajjaj: "Why are you smiling?"
Sa'id: "I am amazed at your pride in God and the spaciousness of God towards you."
Hajjaj: "Kill him now!"
Sa'id: (Facing the Qibla while reading the word of Allah Ta'ala):
"Indeed I confront myself with Rabb who created the heavens and the earth by tending to the true religion, and I am not among those who associate partners with Allah." (QS. Al-An'am: 79)
Hajjaj: "Keep it from the Qiblah!"
Sa'id: (Reading the word of Allah Ta'ala)
"And belongs to Allah, east and west, wherever you face there is the face of God." (Surat al-Baqarah: 115)
Hajjaj: "Put him on the ground!"
Sa'id: (Reading the word of Allah Ta'ala)
"From that earth (the land) We made you and to him We will return you and from it We will release you at other times." (QS. Thaha: 55)
Hajjaj: "Slay this enemy of Allah! I have never met anyone who likes to excuse with the verses of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala like him. "
Said: (Lifting both hands while praying), "Allah, no more. You give the blessing, he does it to others after me."
No more than fifteen days after the death of Sa'id bin Jubair, Hajjaj bin Yusuf suddenly developed a fever. As the days went on his body temperature increased and his pain worsened until his condition alternated between fainting and regaining consciousness. His sleep was no longer sound, intermittently woke up in fear and delirious: "This is Sa'id bin Jubair about to pounce on me! This, Sa'id bin Jubair said: "Why did you kill me?" He wept bitterly and regretted himself: "What have I done with Sa'id bin Jubair? Return Sa'id bin Jubair to me! "
The condition continued until he died. After the death of Hajjaj, a friend of his had dreamed of him. In his dream he asked Hajjaj: "What did Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala do to you after killing those people, O Hajjaj?"
He replied, "I was tortured with torture worthy of each person, but for the death of Sa'id bin Jubair I was tortured 70 times."
The young man who came from the native habitat and became an Arab citizen was well aware that science is a way that can deliver to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. And piety is the way that leads him to heaven. Therefore, he made tawa on his right side and knowledge on his left side. Both are combined with tight bonds.
With these two things he navigated the oceans of life without resting and sitting idly by. Since he was young, people have known him as a young man who is familiar with the books he reads. Or if they don't get it while reading a book, then he is in his mihrab for worship. That is he man of choice in his day, Sa'id bin Jubair radhiyallahu ‘anhu.
Pemuda Sa'id studied with many senior friends, such as Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, Adi bin Hatim ath-Thayy, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, Abu Hurairah ad-Dausi, Abdullah bin Umar and Ummul Mu'minin Aisha. But the main teacher is Abdullah bin Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhu, professor of Muslims and a vast sea of knowledge.
With each Sa'id bin Jubair following Abdullah bin Abbas like a shadow that always follows his people. From this friend he explored the interpretation of the Koran, the traditions, and the details. From him he also studied the issues of religion and his interpretation. Also learn the language to be proficient with it. And in turn, there is no one on earth except for their knowledge.
Furthermore, he wandered around in Muslim countries to seek knowledge according to God's will. After feeling enough, he decided that Kufah was his place of residence. And later he became a teacher and priest in that city.
He became the imam of prayer for the Muslims in the month of Ramadan, sometimes reading the Koran with qira'ah Abdullah bin Masud radhiyallahu hu anhu, sometimes with qira'ah Zaid bin Tsabit radhiyallahu ‘anhu and sometimes with qira'ah besides.
If he prayed alone, sometimes he recited the Qur'an in one prayer. And it has become his habit when reading the verses of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"(That is) those who belie the Book (the Qur'an) and the revelations brought by Our messengers whom We have sent. Later they will find out, when chains and chains are placed on their necks, as they are dragged, into very hot water, then they are burned in fire. "(QS. Al-Mukmin: 70-72)
Or when reading similar verses that contain threats, then his body trembles, his heart trembles, and tears drip. Then repeat the verse until sometimes it almost faints.
He traveled to Baitullah al-Haram twice every year. The first is in the month of Rajab to perform Umrah, then in the month of Dzulqa'ah until after the Hajj.
People who long for knowledge and kindness come to Kufa to breathe clear sources of knowledge from Sa'id bin Jubair. He was asked, "What is the khasyyah (fear)?" He replied, "Khasyyah is that you must fear Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, so that your fear hinders you from immoral acts."
When asked about dzikir, he said, "Dhikr is obedient to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Whoever responds to the call of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and obeys Him, means that he dhikr to Him. As for those who turn away and do not want to obey, then he is not an expert on dhikr, even though he exalts and reads the Qur'an all night long. "
The city of Kufah was his choice to settle when it was under the leadership of governor Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi. Hajjaj's power encompassed Iraq and all of Syria and the country opposite, he held his position and power with pride. He had killed Abdullah bin Zubair, crushed his movement, subjugated Iraq under the rule of the Umayyads and quelled rebellions here and there. Wielding his sword in the back of a man and spreading fear throughout his country of power. Until the residents were horrified and afraid of their cruelty.
Sa'id bin Jubair Against the Cruelty of Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi
One time Allah's destiny wanted a dispute between Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi and one of his companions named Abdurrahman bin Asy'ats. The war of arguments finally developed into a great slander which claimed many victims, leaving deep scars and sadness for the Muslims.
Some say that the slander occurred when Hajjaj sent Ibn Ash'ats with his army to conquer the city of Ratbil in Turkey, behind an area called Sajistan.
Then the powerful commander fought with his large army and succeeded in controlling most of the country. Including seizing several strong fortresses and ghanimahs from cities and villages. Then the commander sent an envoy to face Hajjaj to deliver good news and at the same time send one fifth and ghanimah to baitul maal belonging to the Muslims. In addition he also wrote a letter, asking permission to temporarily stop the war. So that he could learn the ins and outs of the terrain as well as the circumstances and habits of the inhabitants of the country, before deciding to invade the inland areas which were not known by the troops who had succeeded in gaining victory.
But Hajjaj was furious with the establishment of the commander. He wrote a reply letter containing severe criticism and accused Abdurrahman of being a coward and threatened to fire him. Once the letter from the governor comes. Abdurrahman bin Asy'ats immediately gathered his commanders and officers. He read the letter and then discussed what attitude they should take.
It turned out that the commanders suggested opposing Hajjaj's order. So Abdurrahman said, "Are you willing to pledge allegiance to jihad to him until Allah cleanses the earth of Iraq from its tyranny?" Finally they made allegiance to the commander.
Abdurrahman bin Asy'ats's army moved to attack Hajjaj's troops with a burning hatred in his chest. There was a tremendous battle between them and Ibn Yusuf's forces, and Abdurrahman's forces won him to be able to master Sajistan and most of the Persian region. Furthermore Abdurrahman desires to take Kufa and Basrah from the power of Hajjaj bin Yusuf.
The war is still raging between the two camps. Ibn Ash'ats continued to control the city after city. That made Hajjaj's anger rise to the crown. At the same time, guardians in various regions have written letters to Hajjaj who reported on the number of experts in the dhimma who embraced Islam to escape the obligation to pay jizyah. They had left the countryside to go to the cities. This means the depletion of state income. Then Hajjaj wrote a letter to his guardian in Basrah and other cities to gather the dhimma experts who had moved and returned everything to their respective places of origin. Also not spared for those who have long lived in the city. The Hajjaj order was immediately carried out. A large number of dhimma experts were collected and kept away from their livelihoods. On the outskirts of the city, they were gathered with their wives and forced to return to the villages they had left for a long time.
Women, children and old people cry in tears. They asked for help while exclaiming, "O people of Muhammad ... O people of Muhammad." They were confused about what to do, not knowing where to go. Then, came the scholars and Jurisprudence experts to help and try to get the order canceled. But the results were nil, so they also cried because of their crying and then prayed that God would remove them from the calamity.
The disappointment of the scholars was used by Abdurrahman. He approached the scholars to support his cause. Then some figures from Tabi'in and Islamic leaders intervened, including including Sa'id bin Jubair, Abdurrahman bin Laila, Imam Asy-Sya'bi, Abul Bukhtari and others.
A big war between the two sides erupted. At first the victory took sides in the forces of Ibn Ash-ats, but then little by little the balance shifted. Hajjaj's army was on the wind, until finally the power of Ibn Ash'ats could be destroyed. Ibn Ash'at fled and his troops surrendered to Hajjaj.
After that, Hajjaj ordered his employees to call on the rebels to renew their allegiance. Some of them obeyed and a few disappeared, including Sa'id bin Jubair.
The surrendering people came to pledge allegiance, but they were shocked by what they did not expect. Hajjaj said to one of them, "Do you claim to be an infidel because you canceled your allegiance to your emir? If he answers, "Yes" then his new allegiance is received and then released. But if you answer, "No" then killed.
Some of those who are weak, submissive and forced to confess infidelity for their safety. While some others remained firm and did not leave the order, they had to pay with their necks.
According to scattered news, the slaughter had consumed thousands of people, while thousands of others survived after claiming to be infidels.
In another incident, there were parents from the Khat'am tribe. When there were riots and chaos between the two camps, he did not side with anyone and lived somewhere far behind the Euphrates river. Then he was led to Hajjaj, then asked about him.
Old Man: "Since the battle erupted, I exiled myself to a distant place while waiting for the war to end. After you win and the war is over, then I come here to do Bai'at. "
Hajjaj: "Woe to you! You stay silent as a spectator and don't help your leader, now do you claim that you have been an infidel? "
Parents: "Cursed me if for 80 years served God, then claimed to be an infidel."
Hajjaj: "If so I will kill you."
Parents: "If you kill me ... for the sake of Allah, all that remains of my age is only like the time of patience of a thirsty donkey. In the morning he drinks and the afternoon dies. I did look forward to the death day and night. Therefore, do everything you want.
Finally the old man was beheaded. None of the followers or enemies of Hajjaj present there who did not praise and feel compassion for the old shaykh and asked for mercy for him.
Then it was Hajjaj's turn to call Kamil bin Ziyad an-Nukhai confronted from being asked:
Hajjaj: "Do you admit that you have been an infidel?"
Kamil: "No. For God's sake I will not admit it. "
Hajjaj: "If so, I will kill you."
Kamil: "Please, if you want to do it. Will meet next to God and every murder counts. "
Hajjaj: "At that time, the mistake was on your side."
Kamil: "true, if you are the judge on that Day of Judgment."
Hajjaj: "Kill him!"
Then he was killed ...
Furthermore, it was also confronted by someone who had long been a burnt Hajjaj because he was considered insulting. Hajjaj said, "I don't think the person in front of me is unlikely to admit he is an infidel." But the person replied, "Don't let me corner me first and not lie about me too. Indeed, I am the most infidel person on this earth, more infidels than the arbitrary Pharaoh. "Hajjaj was forced to release him, even though he had already itched to kill him.
It is said that the massacre had claimed thousands of victims from believers who were firm in their stance. And thousands of other survivors were forced to confess to being infidels. Sa'id bin Jubair was convinced that if he was caught, he would face two choices like the others too, namely beheaded or admit he was infidel. Two choices, the sweetest of the two is so bitter. Therefore, he chose to leave Iraq, hiding himself from society. So he traveled around the earth on Allah clandestinely so as not to be known by Hajjaj and his accomplices, until finally living in a village near Mecca.
For ten years he stayed there, a long enough time to get rid of Hajjaj's revenge and malice.
However, it turns out there are developments in unexpected situations. A new emir was brought to Mecca, namely Khalid bin Abdullah al-Qasri who also came from the Umayyads. Sa'id bin Jubair's friends became anxious and worried because they knew about the new guardian's atrocities. They suspect that the new guardian will surely arrest Sa'id bin Jubair.
Among them immediately met Sa'id bin Jubair then said, "That person has come to Mecca. For God's sake, we are worried about you, so you should just come out from here. "But he replied," By Allah, I have been hiding for a long time until I feel ashamed of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. I have decided to stay here, surrender to God's will. "
Allegations of people about Khalid's atrocities turned out to not be missed. As soon as he heard and learned about the hiding place of Sa'id bin Jubair, he immediately sent his troops to arrest Sa'id, binding him and sending it to Hajjaj in the town of Wasit later.
Khalid's army surrounded the shaykh's house and captured and tied him in front of his students and friends. After that they got ready to take him to Hajjaj. Sa'id faced all that calmly. He turned to his friends and said,
"I feel I will be killed in the hands of the tyrannical ruler. Indeed, one night I had worshiped with two friends. We felt the sweetness of worship and prayer to God, then the three of us begged for forgiveness (martyrdom). The two friends have got it, only I am still waiting. "
Not to mention he finished talking, a little girl appeared and for the sake of seeing him tied and dragged by the soldiers, he immediately embraced Sa'id while crying. Sa'id comforted him gently and said, "Tell your mother my daughter, we will meet later in heaven, God willing." The boy left.
A messenger arrived who brought Said a priest who was zahid, id abid, and worshiped in the city of Referee. Sa'id was confronted by Hajjaj bin Yusuf.
After Said was in the presence of Hajjaj, with a hateful look Hajjaj asked:
Hajjaj: "What's your name?"
Sorry: "Sa'id (happy) bin Jubair (mighty)."
Hajjaj: "The truth is you are Shaykh (wretched) bin Kasir (paralyzed)."
Said: "My mother knows my name better than you."
Hajjaj: "What do you think about Muhammad?"
Sa'id: "What do you mean by Muhammad bin Abdullah sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam?"
Hajjaj: "Right."
Said: "The main man among the descendants of Adam and the chosen prophet. The best among the living and the noblest of the dead. He has carried out the minutes and delivered the message, he has fulfilled advice for Allah, His book, for all Muslims in general and specifically. "
Hajjaj: "What do you think about Abu Bakr?"
Sa'id: "Ash-Siddiq, caliph of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam. He died commendable and lived happily. He took the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam, without changing or replacing the slightest bit from him. "
Hajjaj: "What do you think about Umar?"
Sa'Id: "He is al-Faruq, with Allah distinguishing between the haq and the vanity. He was the chosen man of God and His apostle, he carried out and followed in the footsteps of his two predecessors, so he lived a commendable life and died as a martyr. "
Hajjaj: "What about Uthman?"
Sa'id: "He provided the Usrah army and lightened the burden of the Muslims by buying" Ruumah "wells and buying houses for themselves in Heaven. He was the son-in-law of the Prophet of two of his daughters and was married because of revelations from heaven. Then get killed in the hands of wrongdoers. "
Hajjaj: "What about Ali?"
Sa'id: "He is the son of the uncle of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and the first young man to embrace Islam. He is the husband of Fatima Radhiallahu ha anha the daughter of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, father of Hasan and Hussein who are two leaders of the young experts of Heaven."
Hajjaj: "Which Caliph of the Umayyads do you like the most?"
Sa'id: "The most dear to their Creator."
Hajjaj: "Which one is the most dear to the Lord?"
Sa'id: "Knowledge about that is only known by the Knower of the Zahir and the hidden."
Hajjaj: "What do you think about me?"
Said: "You know more about yourself."
Hajjaj: "I want to hear your opinion."
Said: "It will hurt and irritate you."
Hajjaj: "I have to know and hear from you."
Sa'id: "What I know, you have violated the Book of Allah, you put priority on things that look great when it actually takes you to destruction and puts you in hell."
Hajjaj: "Then, for God's sake I will kill you."
Said: "If so, then you damage my world and I destroy your hereafter."
Hajjaj: "Choose for yourself the ways of death that you like."
Said: "Choose yourself O Hajjaj. For God's sake, for every way you do, God will reward you in a way that is worth it in the hereafter. "
Hajjaj: "Don't you want my forgiveness?"
Sa'id: "Forgiveness is only from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, while you have no forgiveness and reason before Him."
The height of anger Hajjaj. To the executioner ordered: "Prepare the sword and the base!"
Said smiled at him, so asked Hajjaj,
Hajjaj: "Why are you smiling?"
Sa'id: "I am amazed at your pride in God and the spaciousness of God towards you."
Hajjaj: "Kill him now!"
Sa'id: (Facing the Qibla while reading the word of Allah Ta'ala):
"Indeed I confront myself with Rabb who created the heavens and the earth by tending to the true religion, and I am not among those who associate partners with Allah." (QS. Al-An'am: 79)
Hajjaj: "Keep it from the Qiblah!"
Sa'id: (Reading the word of Allah Ta'ala)
"And belongs to Allah, east and west, wherever you face there is the face of God." (Surat al-Baqarah: 115)
Hajjaj: "Put him on the ground!"
Sa'id: (Reading the word of Allah Ta'ala)
"From that earth (the land) We made you and to him We will return you and from it We will release you at other times." (QS. Thaha: 55)
Hajjaj: "Slay this enemy of Allah! I have never met anyone who likes to excuse with the verses of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala like him. "
Said: (Lifting both hands while praying), "Allah, no more. You give the blessing, he does it to others after me."
No more than fifteen days after the death of Sa'id bin Jubair, Hajjaj bin Yusuf suddenly developed a fever. As the days went on his body temperature increased and his pain worsened until his condition alternated between fainting and regaining consciousness. His sleep was no longer sound, intermittently woke up in fear and delirious: "This is Sa'id bin Jubair about to pounce on me! This, Sa'id bin Jubair said: "Why did you kill me?" He wept bitterly and regretted himself: "What have I done with Sa'id bin Jubair? Return Sa'id bin Jubair to me! "
The condition continued until he died. After the death of Hajjaj, a friend of his had dreamed of him. In his dream he asked Hajjaj: "What did Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala do to you after killing those people, O Hajjaj?"
He replied, "I was tortured with torture worthy of each person, but for the death of Sa'id bin Jubair I was tortured 70 times."
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