Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth, A Hadith Researcher and Expert
Recently, the Islamic world has grieved, losing one of its best sons in this age, Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth. He is a productive hadith researcher. At least, there are 240 books that he has known (review and examine his history). On the 26th of Muharam 1438 H to coincide with October 27, 2016, the scholars of this hadith expert died. Rahimahullah rahmatan wasi'atan. Rasulullah ﷺ said:
إن الله لا يقبض العلم انتزاعا ينتزعه من العباد, ولكن يقبض العلم بقبض العلماء حتى إذا لم يبق عالما اتخذ الناس رءوسا جهالا فسئلوا, فأفتوا بغير علم فضلوا وأضلوا.
"Surely Allah does not uproot the knowledge at once from the servants, but Allah revokes the knowledge by referring to the scholars. When there is no more knowledgeable person, people will make people not knowledgeable as leaders. Then they were asked, they would give fatwas without knowledge. They are astray again misleading others. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Get to know Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth
His name is Syu'aib bin Muharram al-Arnauth. Al-Arnauth is a term for one of the tribes in Albania. His family migrated from Albani to Damascus in 1926. Since then, they have lived in the Syam region. They chose the land of Sham, because his father knew the primacy of Sham and its inhabitants. Sheikh Syu'aib's father was a person who loved scholars. He was also very happy to be friends with scientists.
Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth was born in Damascus in 1928. He grew up under the guidance of his father. His father taught him Islamic foundations. And guide him memorize a number of juz of the Koran. His familiarity with the Qur'an from childhood made him excited to understand the meanings of the Koran in depth. His curiosity was the main reason that motivated him to learn Arabic at a young age. He busied himself in the mosque. Look for Arabic language assemblies and scientific branches. Such as: Sharf, literature, Balaghah, etc.
Some scholars, such as Imam Malik, ash-Syafi'i, etc. their mothers had so much influence in the growth of their keshalehan and science. There are also those who are recorded in their biographies as influential people in their knowledge.
Learning from the Ulama
Young Syaikh al-Arnauth began to seriously pursue Arabic. He visited Muslim clerics and scholars in the city of Damascus. Among them: Shaykh Shaleh al-Farfur, Syaikh Arif ad-Duwaiji - who is a student of Shaykh Badruddin al-Husna-, etc. Together with his teachers, Syaikh al-Arnauth studied the main reference books of Arabic and balaghah. Such as: Syarah Ibn Aqil, Kifayah by Ibn Hajib, al-Mufashshal by Zamakhsyary, Syudzur adz-Dzahab by Ibn Hisham, Asrar al-Balaghah, and Dala-il al-I’jaz by Jurnany.
The other teachers were Syaikh Sulaiman al-Ghawaji al-Albani, a scholar who gave al-amilAwamil the work of al-Baruky, al-Izh-har by al-Athahly, etc.
After equipping themselves with capable skills in Arabic, Syu'aib al-Arnauth began to study the science of Jurisprudence, especially the fiqh study of the Hanafi School of Religion. In this fan, he also has many teachers who teach him many books. The books of the Hanafi Madhab he studied were Muraqi al-Falah by Ash-Syarnabilaly, al-Ikhtiyar by al-Maushuly, al-Kitab by al-Qadury, and the Hasyid of Ibn Abidin.
For 7 years, he immersed himself in fiqh studies. Then he studied the Uthul Fiqh, the Interpretation of the Qur'an, Musthalah al-Hadith, and moral books. At that time he was more than 30 years old.
Become a Researcher of Hadith (Muhaqqiq)
When studying fiqh, Syaikh al-Arnauth rahimahullah came into contact with the status of a hadith, saheeh or not. This motivated him to research fiqh books whose material content was hadith. He focused on the research. Until finally, he became a specialist in this study. The scientific branch that he has just cultivated is not a minor problem. It takes extensive time and extraordinary focus. Therefore, since 1955, he left the study of Arabic. He began to spend his time researching the Islamic heritage.
In 1982, Syaikh al-Arnauth moved to Omman. In this new place, he collaborated with the printing of Muassasah ar-Risalah. In this printing press, his expertise is increasingly honed. He issued the best effort to devote to Islam and the Muslims by examining the legacy of Islamic civilization.
Refer to the Aqeedah Salaf
In a recording, Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth relates a little phase to his religious life. Shaykh was asked, "O Shaykh, all praise be to Allah - you have the salaf faith." "God willing," replied Shaykh Syu'aib. The questioner continued, "But, at our place there are Ash'ariyah Madrasas who say you are an Ash'ari. And hadith experts from Asyari circles. We want to hear directly from you. "
Shaykh Syu'aib replied, "No, for the sake of Allah. At the beginning of my journey of life, my teachers came from Maturidiyah. However, when I started writing, I found a book called Aqawil ats-Tsiqat fi Itsbati al-Asma wa ash-Shifat by Mar'i bin Yusuf al-Karmi. In the book there is a defense against Madzha as-Salaf, and this is what I believe now. As-Salaf School of Madhhab is safer and more knowledgeable. In the matter of the nature of God, we must determine what God has set for Himself. Without tasybih (likeness) and also ta’thil (deny). We must not equate God (with something) and deny His character. And I believe that the attributes of God cannot be reached by reason. Every night, Allah Rabbul amin alamin descends to the sky of the world. This is found in the hadith of al-Bukhari's history in the Saheeh. We must believe that God descends, but we do not know how His ordinances come down. "
His students
Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth has many students. Among them: Muhammad Na'im al-rArqasusi, Ibrahim az-Zaibeq, Adil Mursyid, Umar Hasan al-Qayyam, Abdul Lathif Hirazullah, Ahmad Barhum, Ridwan al-rArqasusi, and Kamil Qurah Bilali.
Syaikh al-Arnauth has great attention to the scientific abilities of his students. He immediately gave the burden of research to those whom he had recognized his credibility. The Tahqiq method and style of hadith performed by the students of Syaikh al-Arnauth is very similar to that of his teacher. Thus indeed, one's scientific tradition will be maintained by the many students. Like the four schools of thought, it is maintained until now because the four priests' students recorded, recorded and preached the methodology of their fiqh study. While the other Jurisprudence schools are missing, because there is no inheritance.
Syaikh Na'im al-rArqasusi said in the introduction to tahqiq the book of Taudhih al-Musytabah by Ibn Nashiruddin, "I say a big thank you especially to him, which is not because of his attention and guidance, I am not able to examine Islamic heritage. To him who deserves respect. A noble, honorable teacher, Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth hafizhahullah. "
Syaikh Ibrahim az-Zaibeq also expressed his gratitude to the teacher who was so influential in his knowledge. He thanked him in the introduction to tahqiq of Ibn Abdul Hadi's Thabaqat Ulama al-Hadith, "Furthermore ... is it enough that my sentence of gratitude is given to my teacher, my shaykh, Syu'aib al-Arnauth? Is it enough of a compliment from me that I wrote for him with sincere love? Indeed, his services to me are broader than gratitude and more noble than praise. In fact, he opened my eyes to the nature of life. I experienced my journey with a bowed mind and a low heart, he made my days a meaningful and valuable year. Then he took my hand into the world of tahqiq ... ... for you, O my teacher, a broader thank you from the gratitude itself, greater praise from the praise itself. And Allah who is my helper avenges you with the best reply. "
How wonderful is the student's respect for this teacher.
Shaykh Umar Hasan al-Qayyam said in his introduction to the tahqiq to the Treatise of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, "He motivated me to take this path, guruku al-muhaddits al-'alamah Syu'aib al-Arnauth, one of the scholars of hadith in the present this."
Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth's relationship with his students is like a friendship. He is close to his students. Have great enthusiasm so that his students get good. He did not force his opinion on his students. He is happy if his students have independent knowledge. Not infrequently he invites his students to discuss and exchange ideas. This is what has a tremendous influence in the development of the scholarship of his students.
His Research Works
The books examined by Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth were no less than 240 titles. Consists of hadith books, fiqh, interpretation of the Koran, tarajim, akidah, mushthalah al-hadith, adab, etc.
Among the books he examined were:
Published by Maktab al-Islami:
Syarhu as-Sunnah by al-Baghawi totaling 16 volumes,
Raudhatu ath-Thalibin by an-Nawawi. Research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. The book consists of 12 volumes.
Muhadzdzab al-Aghani by Ibnu Manzhur numbered 12 volumes.
Al-Mubdi 'fi Syarhi al-Muqni' by 10 Ibn Muflih al-Hanbali.
Zad al-Masir fi Ilmi at-Tafsir by Ibn al-Jauzi. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. The book consists of 6 volumes.
Mathalib Ulin Nuha fi Syarhi Ghayatu al-Muntaha by ar-Ruhaibani. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. Consists of 6 volumes.
Al-Kafi fi Fiqhi al-Imam al-Mubajjal Ahmad bin Hanbal by Ibn Qudamah. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. Consists of 3 volumes.
Manaru as-Sabil fi Syarhi ad-Dalil by Ibnu Dhuyan. Teridir of 2 volumes.
Al-Manazil wa ad-Diyar by Usamah bin Munqidz. Consists of two volumes.
Musnad Abu Bakar by al-Marwazi. Consists of two volumes.
Published by Muassasah ar-Risalah:
Siyar A'lam an-Nubala by adz-Dhahabi. Consists of 20 volumes.
Al-Ihsan fi Tarqrib Saheeh Ibn Hibban compiled by al-Amir Alaunddin al-Farisi. Consisting of 18 volumes.
Sunan an-Nasai al-Kubra. This research collaborated with Hasan Syalbi. From 12 volumes.
Al-wAwashim wa al-Qawashim fi adz-Dzabbi ‘an Sunnati Abi al-Qasim by Ibn al-Wazir.
Sunan at-Turmudzi. Consists of 6 volumes.
Sunan ad-Daruquthni. This research collaborated with Hasan Syalbi. Consists of 5 volumes.
Zaad al-Ma'ad fi Hadyi Khoiri al-badIbad by Ibnul Qayyim. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. Consists of 5 volumes.
Date of al-Islam by adz-Dhahabi. This research collaborated with Dr. Bechar ‘Iwadh Maufuf. Syaikh al-Arnauth examined 4 volumes.
At-Ta'liq al-Mumajjad Syarh Muwaththa Muhammad by Abu al-Hasanat al-Lakuni. Consists of 4 volumes.
Musnad al-Imam Ahmad consists of 5 volumes.
Al-Adab ash-Syar'iyah wa al-Minah al-Mar'iyah by Ibn Muflih al-Hanbali. This research collaborated with Umar Hasan al-Qayyam. Consists of 4 volumes.
Thabaqat al-Qurra '. This research collaborated with Dr. Basyar Maufuf. Consists of 2 volumes.
Mawarid azh-Zham-an bi Zawa-id Shahih Ibn Hibban by al-Hasyimi. This research collaborated with Ridhwan al-rArqasusi. Consists of 2 volumes.
Syarh al-Aqidah ath-Thahawiyah by Ibn Abi al-Iz. This research collaborated with Dr. Abdullah at-Turki. Consists of 2 volumes.
Riyadhush Shalihin works by an-Nawawi. Teridir of 2 volumes.
Al-Marasil by Abu Dawud. Consists of 2 volumes.
Two Ulama al-Aranauth
In addition to Shaykh Shu'aib, there is another ulaqob al-Arnauth, namely Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. But both of them are not siblings. Both have similarities in terms of sides:
First: have laqob al-Arnauth. Al-Arnauth himself was laqob given to the Balkans who came from al-Albani. Syaikh Abdul Qadir was born in the Kosovo region, while Syaikh Su'aib came from Albania.
Second: both are scholars of tahqiq experts who work together with al-Maktab al-Islami. There are books that they research together.
The portion of da'wah Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth was greater in lectures and teaching. Whereas Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth focuses more on researching Islamic heritage.
The Death of the Expert Tahqiq
Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth died on Thursday 26 Muharram 1438 H to coincide with October 27, 2016. He died in the Jordanian region at the age of 88. Rahimahullah rahmatan wasi'atan.
إن الله لا يقبض العلم انتزاعا ينتزعه من العباد, ولكن يقبض العلم بقبض العلماء حتى إذا لم يبق عالما اتخذ الناس رءوسا جهالا فسئلوا, فأفتوا بغير علم فضلوا وأضلوا.
"Surely Allah does not uproot the knowledge at once from the servants, but Allah revokes the knowledge by referring to the scholars. When there is no more knowledgeable person, people will make people not knowledgeable as leaders. Then they were asked, they would give fatwas without knowledge. They are astray again misleading others. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Get to know Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth
His name is Syu'aib bin Muharram al-Arnauth. Al-Arnauth is a term for one of the tribes in Albania. His family migrated from Albani to Damascus in 1926. Since then, they have lived in the Syam region. They chose the land of Sham, because his father knew the primacy of Sham and its inhabitants. Sheikh Syu'aib's father was a person who loved scholars. He was also very happy to be friends with scientists.
Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth was born in Damascus in 1928. He grew up under the guidance of his father. His father taught him Islamic foundations. And guide him memorize a number of juz of the Koran. His familiarity with the Qur'an from childhood made him excited to understand the meanings of the Koran in depth. His curiosity was the main reason that motivated him to learn Arabic at a young age. He busied himself in the mosque. Look for Arabic language assemblies and scientific branches. Such as: Sharf, literature, Balaghah, etc.
Some scholars, such as Imam Malik, ash-Syafi'i, etc. their mothers had so much influence in the growth of their keshalehan and science. There are also those who are recorded in their biographies as influential people in their knowledge.
Learning from the Ulama
Young Syaikh al-Arnauth began to seriously pursue Arabic. He visited Muslim clerics and scholars in the city of Damascus. Among them: Shaykh Shaleh al-Farfur, Syaikh Arif ad-Duwaiji - who is a student of Shaykh Badruddin al-Husna-, etc. Together with his teachers, Syaikh al-Arnauth studied the main reference books of Arabic and balaghah. Such as: Syarah Ibn Aqil, Kifayah by Ibn Hajib, al-Mufashshal by Zamakhsyary, Syudzur adz-Dzahab by Ibn Hisham, Asrar al-Balaghah, and Dala-il al-I’jaz by Jurnany.
The other teachers were Syaikh Sulaiman al-Ghawaji al-Albani, a scholar who gave al-amilAwamil the work of al-Baruky, al-Izh-har by al-Athahly, etc.
After equipping themselves with capable skills in Arabic, Syu'aib al-Arnauth began to study the science of Jurisprudence, especially the fiqh study of the Hanafi School of Religion. In this fan, he also has many teachers who teach him many books. The books of the Hanafi Madhab he studied were Muraqi al-Falah by Ash-Syarnabilaly, al-Ikhtiyar by al-Maushuly, al-Kitab by al-Qadury, and the Hasyid of Ibn Abidin.
For 7 years, he immersed himself in fiqh studies. Then he studied the Uthul Fiqh, the Interpretation of the Qur'an, Musthalah al-Hadith, and moral books. At that time he was more than 30 years old.
Become a Researcher of Hadith (Muhaqqiq)
When studying fiqh, Syaikh al-Arnauth rahimahullah came into contact with the status of a hadith, saheeh or not. This motivated him to research fiqh books whose material content was hadith. He focused on the research. Until finally, he became a specialist in this study. The scientific branch that he has just cultivated is not a minor problem. It takes extensive time and extraordinary focus. Therefore, since 1955, he left the study of Arabic. He began to spend his time researching the Islamic heritage.
In 1982, Syaikh al-Arnauth moved to Omman. In this new place, he collaborated with the printing of Muassasah ar-Risalah. In this printing press, his expertise is increasingly honed. He issued the best effort to devote to Islam and the Muslims by examining the legacy of Islamic civilization.
Refer to the Aqeedah Salaf
In a recording, Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth relates a little phase to his religious life. Shaykh was asked, "O Shaykh, all praise be to Allah - you have the salaf faith." "God willing," replied Shaykh Syu'aib. The questioner continued, "But, at our place there are Ash'ariyah Madrasas who say you are an Ash'ari. And hadith experts from Asyari circles. We want to hear directly from you. "
Shaykh Syu'aib replied, "No, for the sake of Allah. At the beginning of my journey of life, my teachers came from Maturidiyah. However, when I started writing, I found a book called Aqawil ats-Tsiqat fi Itsbati al-Asma wa ash-Shifat by Mar'i bin Yusuf al-Karmi. In the book there is a defense against Madzha as-Salaf, and this is what I believe now. As-Salaf School of Madhhab is safer and more knowledgeable. In the matter of the nature of God, we must determine what God has set for Himself. Without tasybih (likeness) and also ta’thil (deny). We must not equate God (with something) and deny His character. And I believe that the attributes of God cannot be reached by reason. Every night, Allah Rabbul amin alamin descends to the sky of the world. This is found in the hadith of al-Bukhari's history in the Saheeh. We must believe that God descends, but we do not know how His ordinances come down. "
His students
Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth has many students. Among them: Muhammad Na'im al-rArqasusi, Ibrahim az-Zaibeq, Adil Mursyid, Umar Hasan al-Qayyam, Abdul Lathif Hirazullah, Ahmad Barhum, Ridwan al-rArqasusi, and Kamil Qurah Bilali.
Syaikh al-Arnauth has great attention to the scientific abilities of his students. He immediately gave the burden of research to those whom he had recognized his credibility. The Tahqiq method and style of hadith performed by the students of Syaikh al-Arnauth is very similar to that of his teacher. Thus indeed, one's scientific tradition will be maintained by the many students. Like the four schools of thought, it is maintained until now because the four priests' students recorded, recorded and preached the methodology of their fiqh study. While the other Jurisprudence schools are missing, because there is no inheritance.
Syaikh Na'im al-rArqasusi said in the introduction to tahqiq the book of Taudhih al-Musytabah by Ibn Nashiruddin, "I say a big thank you especially to him, which is not because of his attention and guidance, I am not able to examine Islamic heritage. To him who deserves respect. A noble, honorable teacher, Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth hafizhahullah. "
Syaikh Ibrahim az-Zaibeq also expressed his gratitude to the teacher who was so influential in his knowledge. He thanked him in the introduction to tahqiq of Ibn Abdul Hadi's Thabaqat Ulama al-Hadith, "Furthermore ... is it enough that my sentence of gratitude is given to my teacher, my shaykh, Syu'aib al-Arnauth? Is it enough of a compliment from me that I wrote for him with sincere love? Indeed, his services to me are broader than gratitude and more noble than praise. In fact, he opened my eyes to the nature of life. I experienced my journey with a bowed mind and a low heart, he made my days a meaningful and valuable year. Then he took my hand into the world of tahqiq ... ... for you, O my teacher, a broader thank you from the gratitude itself, greater praise from the praise itself. And Allah who is my helper avenges you with the best reply. "
How wonderful is the student's respect for this teacher.
Shaykh Umar Hasan al-Qayyam said in his introduction to the tahqiq to the Treatise of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, "He motivated me to take this path, guruku al-muhaddits al-'alamah Syu'aib al-Arnauth, one of the scholars of hadith in the present this."
Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth's relationship with his students is like a friendship. He is close to his students. Have great enthusiasm so that his students get good. He did not force his opinion on his students. He is happy if his students have independent knowledge. Not infrequently he invites his students to discuss and exchange ideas. This is what has a tremendous influence in the development of the scholarship of his students.
His Research Works
The books examined by Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth were no less than 240 titles. Consists of hadith books, fiqh, interpretation of the Koran, tarajim, akidah, mushthalah al-hadith, adab, etc.
Among the books he examined were:
Published by Maktab al-Islami:
Syarhu as-Sunnah by al-Baghawi totaling 16 volumes,
Raudhatu ath-Thalibin by an-Nawawi. Research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. The book consists of 12 volumes.
Muhadzdzab al-Aghani by Ibnu Manzhur numbered 12 volumes.
Al-Mubdi 'fi Syarhi al-Muqni' by 10 Ibn Muflih al-Hanbali.
Zad al-Masir fi Ilmi at-Tafsir by Ibn al-Jauzi. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. The book consists of 6 volumes.
Mathalib Ulin Nuha fi Syarhi Ghayatu al-Muntaha by ar-Ruhaibani. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. Consists of 6 volumes.
Al-Kafi fi Fiqhi al-Imam al-Mubajjal Ahmad bin Hanbal by Ibn Qudamah. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. Consists of 3 volumes.
Manaru as-Sabil fi Syarhi ad-Dalil by Ibnu Dhuyan. Teridir of 2 volumes.
Al-Manazil wa ad-Diyar by Usamah bin Munqidz. Consists of two volumes.
Musnad Abu Bakar by al-Marwazi. Consists of two volumes.
Published by Muassasah ar-Risalah:
Siyar A'lam an-Nubala by adz-Dhahabi. Consists of 20 volumes.
Al-Ihsan fi Tarqrib Saheeh Ibn Hibban compiled by al-Amir Alaunddin al-Farisi. Consisting of 18 volumes.
Sunan an-Nasai al-Kubra. This research collaborated with Hasan Syalbi. From 12 volumes.
Al-wAwashim wa al-Qawashim fi adz-Dzabbi ‘an Sunnati Abi al-Qasim by Ibn al-Wazir.
Sunan at-Turmudzi. Consists of 6 volumes.
Sunan ad-Daruquthni. This research collaborated with Hasan Syalbi. Consists of 5 volumes.
Zaad al-Ma'ad fi Hadyi Khoiri al-badIbad by Ibnul Qayyim. This research collaborated with Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. Consists of 5 volumes.
Date of al-Islam by adz-Dhahabi. This research collaborated with Dr. Bechar ‘Iwadh Maufuf. Syaikh al-Arnauth examined 4 volumes.
At-Ta'liq al-Mumajjad Syarh Muwaththa Muhammad by Abu al-Hasanat al-Lakuni. Consists of 4 volumes.
Musnad al-Imam Ahmad consists of 5 volumes.
Al-Adab ash-Syar'iyah wa al-Minah al-Mar'iyah by Ibn Muflih al-Hanbali. This research collaborated with Umar Hasan al-Qayyam. Consists of 4 volumes.
Thabaqat al-Qurra '. This research collaborated with Dr. Basyar Maufuf. Consists of 2 volumes.
Mawarid azh-Zham-an bi Zawa-id Shahih Ibn Hibban by al-Hasyimi. This research collaborated with Ridhwan al-rArqasusi. Consists of 2 volumes.
Syarh al-Aqidah ath-Thahawiyah by Ibn Abi al-Iz. This research collaborated with Dr. Abdullah at-Turki. Consists of 2 volumes.
Riyadhush Shalihin works by an-Nawawi. Teridir of 2 volumes.
Al-Marasil by Abu Dawud. Consists of 2 volumes.
Two Ulama al-Aranauth
In addition to Shaykh Shu'aib, there is another ulaqob al-Arnauth, namely Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth. But both of them are not siblings. Both have similarities in terms of sides:
First: have laqob al-Arnauth. Al-Arnauth himself was laqob given to the Balkans who came from al-Albani. Syaikh Abdul Qadir was born in the Kosovo region, while Syaikh Su'aib came from Albania.
Second: both are scholars of tahqiq experts who work together with al-Maktab al-Islami. There are books that they research together.
The portion of da'wah Abdul Qadir al-Arnauth was greater in lectures and teaching. Whereas Shaykh Syu'aib al-Arnauth focuses more on researching Islamic heritage.
The Death of the Expert Tahqiq
Syaikh Syu'aib al-Arnauth died on Thursday 26 Muharram 1438 H to coincide with October 27, 2016. He died in the Jordanian region at the age of 88. Rahimahullah rahmatan wasi'atan.
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