The First Believer, Shafiyah bint Huyai

The First Believers Shafiyah bint Huyai had a noble lineage. He is a nobleman Bani Nadhir, the descendant of Prophet Harun aih alaihissalam. This means that if the nasab line is drawn, Moses ‘alaihissalam counted as his uncle. The virtue is more complete because the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was her husband.


He is Shafiyah bint Huyai bin Akhtab bin Shu'ah bin Ubaid bin Ka'ab bin al-Khazraj bin Abi Hubaib ibn Nadhir bin an-Niham bin Tahum of the Children of Israel who included the grandson of the Prophet Harun bin Imran ‘alaihissalam. His mother is Barrah binti Samau-al.

Ummah Mu'minin Shafiyah was born in 9 years before hijrah and died 50 H. The year of birth and death coincided with 613 AD and 670 AD

Before marrying the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam, Shafiyah's mother was married to Sallam bin Misykam. He is a poet. Then Sallam divorced him. Next he married Kinanah bin Abu Huqaiq who was also a poet. In those days, poets held a noble position. They are counted as clever scholars. And his last husband was killed in the Khaibar War (Ibn Abdil Bar: al-Isti'ab, 4/1871 and Tabari's Muhibbuddin: as-Simthu ats-Tsamin Hal: 201).

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Ummah of the Faithful Shafiyah radhiallahu ha anha was a nobleman Bani Quraizhah and Bani an-Nadhir. His father, Huyai bin Akhtab, was both a Jewish figure and their cleric. The father knew that Muhammad bin Abdullah was an end-time prophet. He knew exactly since the first time the feet of the noble Prophet had landed on the land of Yathrib (the name of Medina in the past). But he is arrogant and rejects the truth. Because of what? Because the prophet came from Arabia not from children descended from Israel (Prophet Ya'qub).

The situation of Ummul Mukmini Shafiyah's father, he immediately told himself. He said, "There is not one of my father's and uncle's children who both love me more than me. None of the children both made them happy, except he involved me with him. When the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam arrived at Quba -perkampungan Banu Amr bin Auf-, my father and uncle, Abu Yasir bin Akhtab, came to see him in the early morning. For God's sake, they just came home to meet us when the sun disappeared. Both of them came with a withered, weak expression, and the road was strangled sluggishly. I tried to make them happy as I usually do. For God's sake, neither of them cared even if they just turned to me. I heard my uncle, Abu Yasir, spoke to my father, "Is he really the prophet? "Yes, for God's sake," answered father. "You recognize him from the characteristics and signs?" Asked uncle again. "Yes, for God's sake," my father gave the same answer. "Then how are you going to be with him?" Asked uncle. Father replied, "For God's sake, hostility while I'm still alive."

Moses bin Uqbah az-Zuhri told that when the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam in Medina, Abu Yasir bin Akhtab came to see him. He heard his words. After that, he returned to his people and said, "Obey me. Surely God has brought you someone you have been waiting for. Follow him! Don't you sideline it. "

Then Huyai bin Akhtab, who was the leader of the Jews, immediately moved to meet the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. He sat down and heard the Prophet's words. After that go home to his people. Huyai is an adherent. He said, "I have come to meet the man. For God's sake, I will always be hostile to him forever. "

Abu Yasir said, "Hi, my uncle's son, come with me on this matter. Besides this matter, please not with me as you please. You will not perish. "

Huyai replied, "No! For the sake of Allah! I will not obey you. "He was ruled by Satan. And his people followed his views (Ibn Hisham: as-Sirah an-Nabawiyah 1 / 519-520 and Ibn Kathir: as-Sirah an-Nabawiyah 2/298).

Most beautiful wedding

Since the Prophet arrived in Medina, the Khaibar Jews have unanimously rejected the peaceful invitation. The impasse cannot be broken except by war. The war broke out between the two groups which were finally won by Muslims.

When the prisoners were gathered, Dihyah bin Khalifah al-Kalbi met the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. He said, "O Messenger of Allah, give me a slave girl from this prisoner." The Prophet responded, "Please. Take a slave girl. "In the midst of the Angel Gabriel likes to like him, choose Shafiyah bint Huyai.

Then someone came to see the Prophet. He said, "O Prophet of Allah, you have given Dihyah a Shafiyah bint Huyai. A figure of Banu Quraizah and Banu Nadhir. Women who are not worthy of anyone but you. Then the Prophet said, "Call Dihyah together with Shafiyah." He also came carrying Shafiyah. When the Prophet saw Shafiyah, he said to Dihyah, "Choose a female prisoner other than herself."

On another occasion, the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam ordered Bilal to bring Shafiyah. When they were about to meet the Prophet, Bilal brought Shafiyah through the road which had many victims of war. The Prophet did not like what Bilal did. He said, "Have you lost your love for yourself, Bilal?"

The Prophet offered Shafiyah to embrace Islam. He also chose Islam. Then the Prophet married her (after the prayer period was over). His release as a prisoner is his marriage dowry. When looking at him, the Prophet saw a bruise on Shafiyah's face. He asked, "What is this?" Shafiyah replied, "Before your arrival, I dreamed as if the moon had disappeared from its place and entered my house. For God's sake, at that time I didn't mention you at all. Then I told the husband my dream. He also slapped me. "He said," You expect the ruler of Medina! "(Ibnul Qayyim: Zadul Ma'ad, 3/291)

One of the lessons from the multiplication of the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam is social factors. That is helping and maintaining the feelings of people who are married. Islam maintains one's position. With Islam their position does not fall, even more noble. Who is noble before embracing Islam, the more noble his position with Islam. Likewise the state of the Believers Shafiyah bint Huyai radhiallahu ‘anha. He is a noble woman before embracing Islam. A leader of his people. Daughter of the head of the tribe. And the wife of a noble too. After he embraced Islam, this noble religion still maintained his position. Maintain his feelings. Allah married him to the most noble man in the midst of the Muslims, the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

The Prophet glorified Shafiyah

The Messenger of Allah was a gentle and loving person to his wives, including to the Ummah of the Believers Shafiyah radhiallahu ‘anha. One day, it arrived at Shafiyah's ears that the Prophet's wife, Hafah binti Umar, called it a daughter of a Jew. Shafiyah cried. At the same time the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam came to see him and saw him crying. He asked, "What makes you cry?" He replied, "Hafah binti Umar told me that I was the daughter of a Jew." The Prophet said to him, "Surely you are the daughter of a prophet. Your uncle is a prophet. And you are in the shade of a prophet. How are you not proud of that? "Then he said to Hafsha," O Hafshah, fear Allah. "(Tabari Muhibbuddin: as-Shimthu ats-Tsamin p. 207).

Shafiyah the daughter of a prophet was the one who arrived at Prophet Aaron. So that Prophet Aaron counted as his father. And Prophet Aaron is the brother of Prophet Moses. So he has a prophet uncle too. About under the auspices of the prophet. That means your husband who shelves you is a prophet.

One day the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam beri’tikaf at the mosque. Prophet with his wives. When they left, the Prophet said to Shafiyah bint Huyay, "Don't hurry home. I'll take you. "Shafiyah's house is in the place of Usamah. The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam came out with Shafiyah. On the road, the Prophet met two Ansar men. Both looked at the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alaihi wasallam for a moment then continued to walk. He sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam said to both, "Come here, this is Shafiyah bint Huyay". So both said, "Exalted be Allah, O Messenger of Allah". Then he sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam said, "Surely the shetan runs on mankind through the bloodstream and I am worried that a feeling has arisen in both of you." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari No. 1897 Kitab I’tikaf)


Ummah Believers Shafiyah bint Huyai radhiallahu ha anha died in 50 H / 670 AD in the reign of Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan radhiallahu ‘anhu. And he was buried in Baqi Cemetery '(Ibn Hajar: Tadzhib at-Tadzhib, 12/380).





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