Imam An-Nasai A student who is patient and a trustworthy expert on hadith
There is a unique story about Imam an-Nasai with his teacher Haris bin Miskin rahimahumallah. Haris ibn Miskin was an expert on Egyptian hadith and qadhi there at that time. Usually the hadith expert when narrating from his teacher uses lafadz akhbarona (أخبرنا: he preaches to us) or haddatsana (حدثنا: he tells us), but an-Nasai's history of Haris bin Miskin in his book Sunan as-Sughra has different lafadz. An-Nasai uses lafadz:
أخبرنا الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Harith bin Miskin told us a text that was read to him and at that time I heard."
Or with lafadz:
قال الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Harith bin Miskin said about a text that was read to him and I heard it."
Why isn't An-Nasai enough to say "He delivered the hadith to us"? But he included "Harith bin Poor said, I heard his words"?
Hadith Expert Language Style
Hadith scholars have a distinctive expression when delivering the hadiths they recite. That depends on the transformation method they are taking. There are eight methods adopted by scholars of hadith in narrating hadith. Two of them are:
First: the as-Sima Method. That is, a hadith expert presents the hadith from memorization or from his notes. His students heard directly from him. With this method, the students will present the hadith with lafadz:
سمعت أو أخبرنا أو حدثنا
"I heard, or he said to me, or he told me."
This method is a legitimate and justified method. Postulated with the actions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam in delivering the hadith. Then listened to by friends.
SECOND: Method of al-rdArdh. That is, a student reads the hadith to his teacher. Sang heard what was said. When students recite the hadith after getting it with a method like this, they will say,
أخبرنا أو أنبأنا أنبأنا أو قال قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"He told me to say, or he delivered to me, or he said with the reading that was read to him and I heard it."
This is based on a long hadith, dialogue between the Prophet and Dhammam bin Ts'alabah. Among the contents of the dialog are:
, قال: فأنشدك الله إلهك, وإله من كان قبلك, وإله من هو كائن بعدك, آلله أمرك أن تأمرنا أن نعبده وحده, لا نشرك به شيئا, وأن نخلع هذه الأنداد التي كانت آباؤنا يعبدون معه? قال: "اللهم نعم", قال: فأنشدك الله إلهك, وإله من كان قبلك, وإله من هو كائن بعدك, آلله أمرك أن نصلي هذه الصلوات الخمس? قَالَ: "اللَّهُمَّ نَعَمْ"
Dhammam asked the Prophet, "By Allah, who is your worship, worship the person before you, and worship anyone who comes after you, does Allah command you to tell us to worship Him alone, there is nothing for Him? And rule that we depart from the contenders that our ancestors worshiped at the same time as worshiping God? The Prophet answered, "By Allah, yes." Dhammam asked again, "By Allah, who is your worship, worship the person before you, and worship anyone who comes after you, does Allah command you to pray five times?" The Prophet replied, By Allah, yes . "(Musnad Imam Ahmad 2289).
In this hadith, a friend whose name was Dhammam bin Tsa'labah when he had not embraced Islam, he mentioned the truth he already knew. While the Prophet said it.
This method is taken by Imam an-Nasai rahimahullah when narrating the hadith from his teacher, al-Harith bin Miskin, rahimahullah. So when he delivered the hadith that he obtained from al-Harith bin Miskin he conveyed with the expression:
أخبرنا الحارث ابن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith bin Miskin told us a history that was read to him, at that time I heard it."
حدثنا الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith bin Miskin spoke to us about the history he had read, at that time I heard it."
أنبأنا الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith, the son of Miskin, told us about the history that was read to him, at that time I heard it."
قال الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith bin Miskin said about the history that was read to him, and I heard it."
الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith, the son of Poor, heard the story that was told to him and I heard it."
قرئ على الحارث بن مسكين وأنا أسمع
"Read to al-Harith bin Miskin and I heard it."
Expelled by the teacher
An-Nasai's language style with the phrase "I heard it" shows something happened between him and his teacher, al-Harith bin Miskin. He was indeed present in the assembly of hadith al-Harith and narrated the hadith from him. But he hid because he was expelled by al-Harith bin Miskin. He hid in an invisible place and still heard the hadith from him. In at-Taqyid li Ma'rifati Ruwwati as-Sunan wa al-Masanid, Ibn Nuqthah said, "I quoted Abdurrahim bin Muhammad ibn al-Muhtar an-Nahwandi, he said, 'I saw ad-Dauni's writing, he said, 'I was asked about an-Nasai's history from al-Harith bin Miskin, diaman an-Nasai said,' al-Harith bin Miskin said about the history that was read to him and I heard it. Why does he not say akhbarona (أخبرنا: he preaches to us) or haddatsana (حدثنا: he tells us)? 'I answered, mendengar I heard that al-Harith bin Miskin had served as qadhi (judge) in Egypt. And between al-Harits and an-Nasai there was a problem that did not allow An-Nasai to attend his assembly. An-Nasai sat in a place that could still hear the sound but was not visible. That is why he narrates with expressions like that '.' (At-Taqyid li Ma'rifati Ruwwati as-Sunan wa al-Masanid, p. 143).
Ibn Athir stated, "Between al-Harith bin Miskin and Abu Abdurrahman (Imam an-Nasai) there was a problem that made it impossible for An-Nasai to be present in his assembly. So he hid. Hear in an invisible place. That is why he is being cautious. And don't say, haddatsana (حدثنا: he told us) or akhbarona (أخبرنا: he told us). "
That is, because al-Harits bin Miskin did not intentionally convey the hadith to An-Nasai and an-Nasai realized that the history was not read to him. He just hitched to hear. So as a form of scientific mandate, he also conveyed "al-Harith bin Miskin said about the history that was read to him, and I heard it."
Subhanallah ... This is the greatness of the science of hadith in Islam. A science that is not owned by people other than Islam. How scientific is the study. How tight the selection is. And how honest the narrator is trusted. An-Nasai did not dare to say akhbarona (أخبرنا: he preached to us) or haddatsana (حدثنا: he told us). Because the reality is the teacher does not want to preach and convey to him.
So that it is natural in the Muqoddimah Jami 'al-Ushul, Ibnul Athir praised this Syafi'i scholar as a caution.
First: How extraordinary is the science of hadith. News selection and the mandate of the report will not be found in any other science.
Second: Be patient with the teacher. If only Imam an-Nasai was discouraged and brought feelings (baperan), of course a lot of history is missing from the book of hadith. Reducing the virtues he can get.
Third: If the teacher is required to be patient with the student's attitude, then the student should be more worthy to be patient with the attitude of the teacher. Because it is the one who needs it. Students are likened to being in the asking position, while the teacher gives.
أخبرنا الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Harith bin Miskin told us a text that was read to him and at that time I heard."
Or with lafadz:
قال الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Harith bin Miskin said about a text that was read to him and I heard it."
Why isn't An-Nasai enough to say "He delivered the hadith to us"? But he included "Harith bin Poor said, I heard his words"?
Hadith Expert Language Style
Hadith scholars have a distinctive expression when delivering the hadiths they recite. That depends on the transformation method they are taking. There are eight methods adopted by scholars of hadith in narrating hadith. Two of them are:
First: the as-Sima Method. That is, a hadith expert presents the hadith from memorization or from his notes. His students heard directly from him. With this method, the students will present the hadith with lafadz:
سمعت أو أخبرنا أو حدثنا
"I heard, or he said to me, or he told me."
This method is a legitimate and justified method. Postulated with the actions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam in delivering the hadith. Then listened to by friends.
SECOND: Method of al-rdArdh. That is, a student reads the hadith to his teacher. Sang heard what was said. When students recite the hadith after getting it with a method like this, they will say,
أخبرنا أو أنبأنا أنبأنا أو قال قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"He told me to say, or he delivered to me, or he said with the reading that was read to him and I heard it."
This is based on a long hadith, dialogue between the Prophet and Dhammam bin Ts'alabah. Among the contents of the dialog are:
, قال: فأنشدك الله إلهك, وإله من كان قبلك, وإله من هو كائن بعدك, آلله أمرك أن تأمرنا أن نعبده وحده, لا نشرك به شيئا, وأن نخلع هذه الأنداد التي كانت آباؤنا يعبدون معه? قال: "اللهم نعم", قال: فأنشدك الله إلهك, وإله من كان قبلك, وإله من هو كائن بعدك, آلله أمرك أن نصلي هذه الصلوات الخمس? قَالَ: "اللَّهُمَّ نَعَمْ"
Dhammam asked the Prophet, "By Allah, who is your worship, worship the person before you, and worship anyone who comes after you, does Allah command you to tell us to worship Him alone, there is nothing for Him? And rule that we depart from the contenders that our ancestors worshiped at the same time as worshiping God? The Prophet answered, "By Allah, yes." Dhammam asked again, "By Allah, who is your worship, worship the person before you, and worship anyone who comes after you, does Allah command you to pray five times?" The Prophet replied, By Allah, yes . "(Musnad Imam Ahmad 2289).
In this hadith, a friend whose name was Dhammam bin Tsa'labah when he had not embraced Islam, he mentioned the truth he already knew. While the Prophet said it.
This method is taken by Imam an-Nasai rahimahullah when narrating the hadith from his teacher, al-Harith bin Miskin, rahimahullah. So when he delivered the hadith that he obtained from al-Harith bin Miskin he conveyed with the expression:
أخبرنا الحارث ابن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith bin Miskin told us a history that was read to him, at that time I heard it."
حدثنا الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith bin Miskin spoke to us about the history he had read, at that time I heard it."
أنبأنا الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith, the son of Miskin, told us about the history that was read to him, at that time I heard it."
قال الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith bin Miskin said about the history that was read to him, and I heard it."
الحارث بن مسكين قراءة عليه وأنا أسمع
"Al-Harith, the son of Poor, heard the story that was told to him and I heard it."
قرئ على الحارث بن مسكين وأنا أسمع
"Read to al-Harith bin Miskin and I heard it."
Expelled by the teacher
An-Nasai's language style with the phrase "I heard it" shows something happened between him and his teacher, al-Harith bin Miskin. He was indeed present in the assembly of hadith al-Harith and narrated the hadith from him. But he hid because he was expelled by al-Harith bin Miskin. He hid in an invisible place and still heard the hadith from him. In at-Taqyid li Ma'rifati Ruwwati as-Sunan wa al-Masanid, Ibn Nuqthah said, "I quoted Abdurrahim bin Muhammad ibn al-Muhtar an-Nahwandi, he said, 'I saw ad-Dauni's writing, he said, 'I was asked about an-Nasai's history from al-Harith bin Miskin, diaman an-Nasai said,' al-Harith bin Miskin said about the history that was read to him and I heard it. Why does he not say akhbarona (أخبرنا: he preaches to us) or haddatsana (حدثنا: he tells us)? 'I answered, mendengar I heard that al-Harith bin Miskin had served as qadhi (judge) in Egypt. And between al-Harits and an-Nasai there was a problem that did not allow An-Nasai to attend his assembly. An-Nasai sat in a place that could still hear the sound but was not visible. That is why he narrates with expressions like that '.' (At-Taqyid li Ma'rifati Ruwwati as-Sunan wa al-Masanid, p. 143).
Ibn Athir stated, "Between al-Harith bin Miskin and Abu Abdurrahman (Imam an-Nasai) there was a problem that made it impossible for An-Nasai to be present in his assembly. So he hid. Hear in an invisible place. That is why he is being cautious. And don't say, haddatsana (حدثنا: he told us) or akhbarona (أخبرنا: he told us). "
That is, because al-Harits bin Miskin did not intentionally convey the hadith to An-Nasai and an-Nasai realized that the history was not read to him. He just hitched to hear. So as a form of scientific mandate, he also conveyed "al-Harith bin Miskin said about the history that was read to him, and I heard it."
Subhanallah ... This is the greatness of the science of hadith in Islam. A science that is not owned by people other than Islam. How scientific is the study. How tight the selection is. And how honest the narrator is trusted. An-Nasai did not dare to say akhbarona (أخبرنا: he preached to us) or haddatsana (حدثنا: he told us). Because the reality is the teacher does not want to preach and convey to him.
So that it is natural in the Muqoddimah Jami 'al-Ushul, Ibnul Athir praised this Syafi'i scholar as a caution.
First: How extraordinary is the science of hadith. News selection and the mandate of the report will not be found in any other science.
Second: Be patient with the teacher. If only Imam an-Nasai was discouraged and brought feelings (baperan), of course a lot of history is missing from the book of hadith. Reducing the virtues he can get.
Third: If the teacher is required to be patient with the student's attitude, then the student should be more worthy to be patient with the attitude of the teacher. Because it is the one who needs it. Students are likened to being in the asking position, while the teacher gives.
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